Tabemono has attacked us. without a previous declaration of war, they have open a breach through our coast like a horrible torrent of vomit. This is a call to all free nations of our world to support us against those foul pizza carriers on their horses. We will pursue them till the greasy end!
No announcement yet.
LL under attack!
LL under attack!
Campeón 2006 Progressive Games
civ4 mods: SCSCollateral GrayAgainstBlue ProperCrossings
civ3 terrain: Irrigations Roads Railroads Borders Multimine Sengoku NapoleonicTags: None
Campeón 2006 Progressive Games
civ4 mods: SCSCollateral GrayAgainstBlue ProperCrossings
civ3 terrain: Irrigations Roads Railroads Borders Multimine Sengoku Napoleonic
Originally posted by Cort Haus
Public question for LL:
Did you you gift Invention and Gunpowder to the Monkeys? Feel free to discuss the question in any way that appeals to you
If so, then maybe they can send you a force to assist you in reply.Campeón 2006 Progressive Games
civ4 mods: SCSCollateral GrayAgainstBlue ProperCrossings
civ3 terrain: Irrigations Roads Railroads Borders Multimine Sengoku Napoleonic
they have open a breach through our coast like a horrible torrent of vomit
Yes, we gave it for free, no problem about that. By doing that we transform an unfair and dishonourable war into something you can be proud to tell it to your ladies and sons. You should be grateful :P
Tell you what. If we buy all of your techs on the Theology Corridor, We'll gift them for free to the strongest team in the game. we'll even send them gold to help support that massive army of theirs...
In other words: Buh Bye, LL...You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.
Right, that seems fair to meCampeón 2006 Progressive Games
civ4 mods: SCSCollateral GrayAgainstBlue ProperCrossings
civ3 terrain: Irrigations Roads Railroads Borders Multimine Sengoku Napoleonic
Originally posted by Cort Haus
Public question for LL:
Did you you gift Invention and Gunpowder to the Monkeys? Feel free to discuss the question in any way that appeals to you
If so, then maybe they can send you a force to assist you in reply.
Besides, the co-aggressor in our continental war - a war where the two strongest civs gained up on the weaker third for a patch of marginal land (and incidentally - have taken ages to bring the war to conclusion.), hardly has a leg to stand on when trying to rationalize world affairs.
I can imagine what the puppet nation Python will have to say about this......Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.
Latin Lover Releases Statement
(harsh language unsuitable for the office or sensitive folks. You've been warned)
One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
You're wierd. - Krill
An UnOrthOdOx Hobby
Originally posted by Modo44
And a huge welcome to the LL paranoia following the attack with which Monty had absolutely nothing to do. You guys make life worth living.
(Thanks for the War Happiness, I mean.)
Campeón 2006 Progressive Games
civ4 mods: SCSCollateral GrayAgainstBlue ProperCrossings
civ3 terrain: Irrigations Roads Railroads Borders Multimine Sengoku Napoleonic