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  • I am having a problem with loading the 1350 BC turn sent to me. When I do a Load Game the progress bar comes up and reaches 2% then I get a dialog that says:

    Scenario Invalid!

    Could not open scenario file. The file may be corrupt!


    • Did someone play it in Conquests?
      I make movies. Come check 'em out.


      • Yeah, I did. Sorry

        Will never do it again, now that I know that it doesn't work.

        Don't eat the yellow snow.


        • Originally posted by OPD
          replayed with ptw cd and resent
          Perhaps we should start confiscating MASTer's Conquests CDs.


          • It's official MaST policy to try the c3c cd every turn.
            Don't eat the yellow snow.


            • I am having a problem playing the 1325 BC turn so I posted info in our forum with instructions for someone else to play the turn if they are successful in loading the save. I have not been able to load with 1325 BC save I received from MAST. I have a couple of other saves on my laptop, such as the 1400 BC we received, and they load fine. I don't know why the 1325 BC save would be a problem. Panzer says he can load it. I am curious if anyone else on my team is successful.


              • So Togas was able to play the save. I was at my finacee's house this weekend and did the download using web mail to my laptop. When I got home I put that save file onto my desktop and it could not play it either. Then I downloaded all my mail using Outlook Express to my desktop like I normally do. When I extracted the save from OE I was able to play it on my desktop. The sizes of the OE extracted save and the Web Mail extracted save are different. I don't know why. I have played turns at my fiancee's house before.


                • I played 1150 BC this morning but forgot to send the save. My apologies. I will send it when I get home from work.


                  • H_E - 34 minutes for that last turn by Monkey. Well done fellow ape!
                    Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                    • The usual players of the LL team are going to be absent during these dates. Could the monkey team add mmc65 to their savegame list? Thank You

                      mmcanto AT teleline DOT es

                      merry christmas and enjoy with your women (while you can)
                      Campeón 2006 Progressive Games
                      civ4 mods: SCSCollateral GrayAgainstBlue ProperCrossings
                      civ3 terrain: Irrigations Roads Railroads Borders Multimine Sengoku Napoleonic


                      • Due to the Christmas holiday (and the fact that I haven't seen many other Tabemonos around today), I think that Tabemono will need additional time to complete their 1100bc turn.

                        Please waive the 24 hour inquistion rule - though we will try to get it done as soon as we can.

                        Thanks and Merry Christmas!


                        • /me wonders, if we get the save back before I forget my teams password.

                          Looks like a tight race.


                          • OPD, who's the Biggles dude with the gun-barrel sticking out of his lower lip?


                            • Looks more like a cigar to me
                              (another way of saying that I don't know he is either)

                              We're actually down to 3 digits on the year number now

                              975BC, We saw it first
                              Don't eat the yellow snow.


                              • Originally posted by Cort Haus
                                OPD, who's the Biggles dude with the gun-barrel sticking out of his lower lip?
                                I am too lazy to look it up..

                                But I am sure it's the crazy helecopter dude in Mad Max
                                An Australian actor.
                                "No Comment"

