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PtWDG II: Game & Team Information

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  • PtWDG II: Game & Team Information

    Game and Team Information for PtWDGII

    Here is everything we have so far. If your team wishes to customize your civ (Titles, etc), post the specifics here. Each team should identify a minimum of two players to submit their email addresses for passing along the save. Post them in a non-trollable format (e.g. dejon-at-rogers-com) to save yourself possible spam.

    Game Information

    AI civs in game: No *
    Preferred number of Teams: 8 *

    World Size: Standard *
    Map: Custom *

    Custom map to be created with these guidelines:
    Oceans: Random *
    Landmass: Continents *
    Climate: Normal *
    Temperature: Temperate *
    Age: 4 Billion *

    Barbarians: Restless *

    Difficulty Level: Monarchy *

    Civ-Specific Abilities (Assuming same as PtWDG)
    Preserve Random Seed
    Culture Flips

    Victory Conditions (Assuming same as PtWDG)
    Domination Victory
    Space Race Victory
    Diplomatic Victory
    Conquest Victory
    Cultural Victory

    Turn Order (Suggested by Panzer32)
    1) Sunshine
    2) Monty Python
    3) Monkey
    4) Latin Lover
    5) Cake or Death
    6) Tabemono
    7) Mohammed Al-Sahaf

    * - as decided by a poll/thread (follow link)
    Last edited by Hot Mustard; June 21, 2003, 10:14.

  • #2
    Team Information

    Civ: Greece
    Colour: Bright Yellow

    Name of Civ: Sunshinia
    Noun: Sunshine People
    Adj: Sunny
    Title: Master of Sunshine
    Name of Leader: Mr. Happy

    Traits: Commercial, Scientific
    Starting Techs: Alphabet, Bronze Working

    Team Leader: BigFree
    Members: Click here
    Forum: Click here
    PBEM Addresses:
    bigfree1 A.T attbi D.O.T com
    royparrish A.T earthlink D.O.T net
    ruby_maser A.T hotmail D.O.T com
    NeroTrip A.T comcast D.O.T net

    Monty Python
    Civ: France
    Colour: Pink

    Name of Civ: Castle of Loimbard
    Noun: Pythonian
    Adj: Python
    Title: Monsieur
    Name of Leader: Guy de Loimbard

    Traits: Commercial, Industrious
    Starting Techs: Alphabet, Masonry

    Team Leader: dejon
    Members: Click here
    Forum: Click here
    PBEM Addresses:
    dejon A.T rogers D.O.T com
    thesim10987 A.T msn D.O.T com
    sirralph A.T gmx D.O.T com
    solomwi A.T aol D.O.T com
    paddythescot A.T vtown D.O.T com D.O.T au
    ansaw A.T poczta D.O.T onet D.O.T pl
    a TOD sawicki TOD private TA wp TOD pl

    Civ: Carthage
    Colour: Brown

    Name of Civ: The Monkeys
    Noun: Monkey
    Adjective: Simian
    Title of Leader: King
    Name of Leader: Kong

    Traits: Commercial, Industrious
    Starting Techs: Alphabet, Masonry

    Team Leader: Zero
    Members: Click here
    Forum: Click here
    PBEM Addresses:
    julien_marchand A.T hotmail D.O.T com
    hot_enamel A.T optusnet D.O.T com D.O.T au
    brucehynes57 A.T rogers D.O.T com
    conmcb25 A.T bluemarble D.O.T net

    Latin Lover
    Civ: Rome
    Colour: Passion Red

    Name of Civ: Latin Lover
    Noun: Hispamamericanos
    Adjective: Hispamamericano
    Title of Leader: Gran Miembro
    Name of Leader: Don Juan Casanova

    Traits: Militaristic, Commercial
    Starting Techs: Warrior Code, Alphabet

    Team Leader: Niessuh
    Members: Click here
    Forum: Click here
    PBEM Addresses:
    civ A.T mzocentral D.O.T net
    danielopez A.T supercable D.O.T es
    mmcanto A.T teleline D.O.T es
    arinaldi A.T montevideo D.O.T com D.O.T uy

    Cake or Death
    Civ: English
    Colour: Lilac/Light purple

    Name of Civ: Cake or Death?
    Noun: Izzardia
    Adjective: Izzardian
    Title: Psychotic Bastard
    Name: Slutban Walla

    Traits: Commercial, Expansionist
    Starting Techs: Alphabet, Pottery

    Team Leader: FrustratedPoet
    Members: Click here
    Forum: Click here
    PBEM Addresses:
    stuartgoodwin A.T fastmail D.O.T fm
    mishrob A.T sbcglobal D.O.T net
    jokerworld A.T btinternet D.O.T com

    Civ: China
    Colour: English Orange

    Team Name: Team Tabemono
    Civ Name: Tabejin
    Civ Leader: Glutton
    Leader Title: Insatiable
    Civ Adj: Hungry (Hungry archers are storming your city!)

    Traits: Militaristic, Industrious
    Starting Techs: Warrior Code, Masonry

    Team Leader: ZargonX
    Members: Click here
    Forum: Click here
    PBEM Addresses:
    jhaddock A.T comcast D.O.T net
    ben A.T surveypoint D.O.T com
    jpmiller A.T ktc D.O.T com
    rhothaerill A.T comcast D.O.T net
    sarnott A.T mountaincable D.O.T net

    Mohammed Al-Sahaf
    Civ: Aztecs
    Colour: Aztec Green

    Name of Civ: The Iraqi government
    Noun: MASTer
    Adjective: honest
    Title of Leader: Minister of Information (on leave)
    Name of Leader: Mohammed Al-Sahaf

    Traits: Religious, Militaristic
    Starting Techs: Ceremonial Burial, Warrior Code

    Team Leader: Krakan
    Members: Click here
    Forum: Click here
    PBEM Addresses:
    jimmy_h_13 A.T yahoo D.O.T com
    dwyerowen A.T hotmail D.O.T com
    Last edited by Hot Mustard; January 24, 2005, 21:09.


    • #3
      Team Latin Lover's Civ:

      Name of Civ: Latin Lover
      Noun: Hispamamericanos
      Adjective: Hispamamericano
      Title of Leader: Gran Miembro
      Name of Leader: Don Juan Casanova

      these are the emails of Master Zen and mine

      Last edited by Niessuh; June 18, 2003, 05:00.
      Campeón 2006 Progressive Games
      civ4 mods: SCSCollateral GrayAgainstBlue ProperCrossings
      civ3 terrain: Irrigations Roads Railroads Borders Multimine Sengoku Napoleonic


      • #4
        Cake or Death?

        PBEM Addresses: stuartgoodwin AT fastmail DOT fm
        (No second player yet, we'll have one soon I hope)

        Traits: Religious, Industrious
        Starting Techs: Ceremonial Burial, Masonry

        erm ... no. We're England.
        Traits: Commercial, Expansionist
        Starting Techs: Alphabet, Pottery

        Members: FrustratedPoet, Arrian, alva, Big Crunch, Theseus, Ixnay, Shiber, War of Art

        Please change War of Art to Jamski. Thanks.
        If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


        • #5
          Name of Civ: Cake or Death?
          Noun: Izzardia
          Adjective: Izzardian
          Title: Psychotic Bastard
          Name: Slutban Walla
          If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


          • #6
            Correction: Tabemono is Industrious and Militaristic (China has Militaristic, not Religious), so that means our starting techs are Masonry and Warrior Code.


            • #7
              MAST is mil/rel, so starting techs are CB and WC, which means an early archer/ jag warrior rush could be on the cards.
              Are we having fun yet?


              • #8
                Team Monkey Details

                Name of Civ: The Monkeys
                Noun: Monkey
                Adjective: Simian
                Title of Leader: King
                Name of Leader: Kong

                Konquest will be our prime player...he will post contact details soon.

                "No Comment"


                • #9
                  Thanks for the corrections everyone. It seems I was dazed when listing the Traits and Techs.

                  Thanks for the new information (customizations, emails) too. Everything up to this post has been entered.

                  Still missing:
                  Customizations: Sunshine, Monty, Tabemono, MAST
                  Emails: Sunshine, Monty, Monkey, Tabemono, MAST


                  • #10
                    Sunshine has polls up on the customizations. They will be done shortly.

                    bigfree1 at attbi dot com
                    e_t_1 at mpinet dot com


                    • #11
                      I will be the prime player for team Monkey...

                      Send the files to

                      julien (underscore) marchand (at) hotmail (dot) com.

                      We will have our backup player soon up. There is some convincing to do! :P

                      Get your science News at Konquest Online!


                      • #12
                        Name of Civ: The one true Iraqi government
                        Noun: MASTer
                        Adjective: honest
                        Title of Leader: Minister of Information (on leave)
                        Name of Leader: Mohammed Al-Sahaf

                        PBEM Addresses:
                        jimmy_h_13 at yahoo dot com
                        dwyerowen (at) hotmail


                        • #13
                          List updated.

                          Now missing:
                          Customizations: Sunshine, Monty, Tabemono
                          Emails: Tabemono


                          • #14
                            Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; June 22, 2003, 09:40.


                            • #15
                              Tabemono emails:

                              jhaddock -at- crunchable -dot- net
                              ben -at- surveypoint -dot- com
                              I make movies. Come check 'em out.

