We now have enough teams to start this game and seem to have enough interest to get this second PTWDG off the ground. 
However, as more people become interested or more ideas spring up, we could have well more than the 8 team maximum. I propose the following rule to help us determine which teams are "in" and which teams are "out." If you agree with this rule, please vote for it. If not, please vote against and propose a better version of this rule.
Team Admission Rule:
Any team that has 10 or more declared members is automatically in. If 8 teams aquire 10 or more members then no new teams will be admitted.
Any team that has 5 or more declared members is ELIGIBLE for inclusion in the game.
May 16th will be the cut-off date. On that date no new teams can be added and we will count all of the elgible teams and how many spaces are available. If there are enough spaces for them all (after the automatic teams are in) then all of the eligible teams are in.
If there are not enough spaces, we will hold a poll for ALL eligible teams, and the most popular team concepts will be admitted into the game.
Do you agree with this rule?

However, as more people become interested or more ideas spring up, we could have well more than the 8 team maximum. I propose the following rule to help us determine which teams are "in" and which teams are "out." If you agree with this rule, please vote for it. If not, please vote against and propose a better version of this rule.
Team Admission Rule:
Any team that has 10 or more declared members is automatically in. If 8 teams aquire 10 or more members then no new teams will be admitted.
Any team that has 5 or more declared members is ELIGIBLE for inclusion in the game.
May 16th will be the cut-off date. On that date no new teams can be added and we will count all of the elgible teams and how many spaces are available. If there are enough spaces for them all (after the automatic teams are in) then all of the eligible teams are in.
If there are not enough spaces, we will hold a poll for ALL eligible teams, and the most popular team concepts will be admitted into the game.
Do you agree with this rule?