And can I ask that you both Chill!
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Sticks and Stones, Namers and Flamers
Originally posted by Omnistar
Foul play is not the reason we are strong, it is something much much more existential.
If you open your forum up and it reads like Beckett's Waiting for Godot, that would be something. Perhaps it would play out like Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz & Gildenstern Are Dead, too. Now, that's existentialism.
They're the absurdist doctrine, satirizing our desperate need to communicate to one another, to understand and explain our existence, and our absolute inability to do so. They expound on the illusion of progress and purpose in an indifferent if not hostile universe that is but a sea of turmoil governed by, poeticly, nothing more than chance and fortune. And so on and so forth...
Given all that, your forums might be a great read. Something akin to gibberish or mental masturbation, but a great read nonetheless.
For the purposes of defining and actuating a winning strategy, I can't see how that philosophy would be a framework for accomplishing anything. It is, at times, far too bleak to be the impetus for even as much as getting out of bed in the morning, much less formulating long-term goals.
Putting a spy in another team's forum seems much more practical in the meantime.
Ironically, however, if you meant "existential" as it is otherly defined (i.e. to be based on experience or empirical data), I misunderstood you. Under those circumstances, you should probably just chalk this whole post up to life imitating art. It's existentialism in action!
If you hadn't typed this one in, I might have asked you to open your mouth a little wider when you speak. It's great for annunciating and thereby avoiding that ubiquitous existential confusion or for putting your foot in, as the case may be.
I hope, for the love of God, that I'm not being clear on this."The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country." -- Abraham Lincoln
"Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever, in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth." -- Albert Einstein, in regards to Mohandis Gandhi
With existential, I meant that we had a solid organization handling the analysis of in-game data with sophisticiation, and that every decision, again in-game, was done by the use of in-game analysis of practical situations.
I also admit we had internal polls, that decided on key issues, and these polls did not have any contraband information to support them, but pure in-game background.
I am certain that Babylon's case, which is sad for the double log-in, did not have any influence on my personal experience of the game. Babylon had the dubious privilege of having absymal statistics on conducting battles, which would have turned out that way, with/ or without double logins.
Then again, please read up on the forum when it opens, I think that opening all forums would be the right thing to do. I can stand for everything I wrote and did, and hopefully others will too.
For the planet-case and the James the Scot case, I mostly abandoned the game a bit in advance, due to my work.
Finally, I hope to see less flames, and more anticipation of what REALLY is in our threads, and I stand by my point, the Horde had an excellent organization and analysis of the game situation, without any contraband information.
With existential, I mean as in existence, not in the philosophical tradition, but in the darwinist tradition. Darwisnism may be hard for some Christian Americans to accept, but hopefully they understand it means "Survival of the Fittest" in a business context.
I have respect for the people that played out the game, and I have lost respect for those INDIVIDUALS that has broken any rule, on the BHO team included. I am also aware that there has been other moles from other teams, there has been game reloads and other wrongdoings conducted by INDIVIDUALS on other teams.
But men of Babylon, please also consider the battle statistics in all this.
Originally posted by Omnistar
I am also aware that there has been other moles from other teams, there has been game reloads and other wrongdoings conducted by INDIVIDUALS on other teams.
To the best of my knowledge, only one team so far has been caught with a DL. While nobody will ever truly know what influence that had on the game, the facts are simple... A DL was CAUGHT.
I hope you aren't really trying to minimixe the facts by trying to drag others in the mud without proof!Keep on Civin'
RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O
Originally posted by Omnistar
But men of Babylon, please also consider the battle statistics in all this.
The second was the umpteenth battle of iron hills, where we made a tactically unsound decision, and allowed AM's MI to take our city and a number of units.
But battle statistics are one thing; diplomacy and alliances are another. I don't know if you are using the term "battle statistics" to generically apply to predicting the odds of all things in the game - including diplomacy. For that is where, in my mind, there was the greatest potential for outside information to influence, and it may be subtle, and it may not be obvious to those unaware of its existence.Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.