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Woe unto thee, oh Babylon!

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  • Woe unto thee, oh Babylon!

    From offers of peace and happiness, we hear only silence. You asked
    for explanations and we answered. We ask for explanations, we hear
    only silence.

    The silence of a cold night...the cold silence of the darkest of nights.

    We stood as brothers, shoulder to shoulder, and now the shoulder of
    our brother has grown cold and turned away from us.

    The arrogance of Babylon and her Lords! The paltry arrogance of those
    who have no muscle to back their words!

    While the Horde waits and listens, we hear the formings of new we would consider joining. But this would not suit the
    Babylonian ideal, for Babylon would be thrown from this alliance.
    Booted to the curb like yesterday's garbage. Yea, we know your toils
    to form this alliance...for the Horde has ears that hear, yet always
    silence...silence...from you to us.

    We have heard the insults. We have heard the cry of Babylon to her neighbors.

    Woe unto thee oh Babylon! You have cast your lot with the betrayer!
    Prepare thy boats! For tremble with every
    breath...The Horde is coming!

    The Grim Reaper is preparing to walk among your nation. Your doom is upon you.

    The Blood Oath Horde
    "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003

  • #2
    I'm very disappointed after reading all the crap that was posted in this thread...

    Normally, I would just delete the whole sorry thing.
    But instead, I've just deleted all the posts except the first, and will leave this warning for the future.

    If I ever see anything like this again, MANY, MANY, MANY people will face massive PCR's and LONG restrictions.

    If you aren't going to post in a civil fashion, go find some other site where that kind of crap is allowed, because we certainly don't want it here.

    Keep on Civin'
    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

