The Crowd gathers in the Grand Statue of Zeus Plaza
Drums begin to pound.... the sound picks up...
more drums join in.... the sound picks up...
then from behind you more drums join in.... the sound picks up...
this continues for a few minutes, then..
to both the left and the right of the Grand Statue of Zeus Plaza more drums join in.... the sound picks up...
soon no one can speak from the noise of the drums
their pace picks up.....
and silence.... it is almost deafening!
* Lord Soothsayer Plato of the Blood Oath Horde calls the plaza to order, after the drums, there is no talk, and all canhear him
Lords, Ladies, Honoured Guests and Visiting Dignitaries,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you all here to our city of the "Khan's Blood Hall" to celebrate the Grand Opening of this Great Wonder of the World.
Many a year of work and preperation has gone into the very wonder that stands before you.
May your hearts be lifted in the ways of the Horde.
Here be thy Khan
* Khan Paddy steps up
Welcome One and All.
You have all been very patient and understanding. For that I give you my praise and thanks.
I give you the Statue of Zeus.
It is time for a Horde Party!!!
You have all played hard, now go party hard
Blood Oath Mates
* near 350 000 people of the Horde, yes almost the entire city of "Khan's Blood Hall" and many from neighbouring cities went on to celebrate well into the week, as is only the way in the Horde...
Drums begin to pound.... the sound picks up...
more drums join in.... the sound picks up...
then from behind you more drums join in.... the sound picks up...
this continues for a few minutes, then..
to both the left and the right of the Grand Statue of Zeus Plaza more drums join in.... the sound picks up...
soon no one can speak from the noise of the drums
their pace picks up.....
and silence.... it is almost deafening!
* Lord Soothsayer Plato of the Blood Oath Horde calls the plaza to order, after the drums, there is no talk, and all canhear him
Lords, Ladies, Honoured Guests and Visiting Dignitaries,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you all here to our city of the "Khan's Blood Hall" to celebrate the Grand Opening of this Great Wonder of the World.
Many a year of work and preperation has gone into the very wonder that stands before you.
May your hearts be lifted in the ways of the Horde.
Here be thy Khan
* Khan Paddy steps up
Welcome One and All.
You have all been very patient and understanding. For that I give you my praise and thanks.
I give you the Statue of Zeus.
It is time for a Horde Party!!!
You have all played hard, now go party hard

Blood Oath Mates
* near 350 000 people of the Horde, yes almost the entire city of "Khan's Blood Hall" and many from neighbouring cities went on to celebrate well into the week, as is only the way in the Horde...
