snoopy369 ta yahoo tod com
verweg ta hotmail tod com
rhothaerill ta comcast net
prext2000 ta yahoo tod com
euphoricaeod ta gmail tod com
paddythescot ta vtown tod com tod au
chrisbennett8 ta aol tod com
tomruned broadpark tod no
tom-rune tod dolva ta ffi no
warrenlynch ta gmx tod de
ljcvetko ta eunet tod yu
rcoutme ta gmail tod com
earthworm ta gmail tod com
bcronkite ta ec tod rr tod com
plato_civ ta bellsouth tod net
Team Babylon:
brucehynes57 ta rogers tod com
ben surveypoint com
michaeldnelson T A msn T O D com
Desolation Row:
akwalung71 ta yahoo tod com
james ta mcquiggan tod demon tod co dot uk
Lost Boys:
klemnrussell ta cableone tod net
whitefox_32 ta hotmail tod com
tom_ogas & yahoo * com
marcin777 ta hotmail tod com
conqueror ta mbnet tod fi
chris ta jackos tod f2s tod com
nebucadnez2ar at yahoo com
jshelruss ta yahoo tod com
Please post if you're not on this list ... I know some of the lists but not others.
All turn-players should send the save to all emails on this list plus to the following addy:
eoddemogame ta gmail tod com
Also, please use a standard save naming protocol, that includes the year of the turn, and does not change in format from year to year.
I suggest:, 3500 BC.sav
or: C3CDG,, 3500 BC.sav
snoopy369 ta yahoo tod com
verweg ta hotmail tod com
rhothaerill ta comcast net
prext2000 ta yahoo tod com
euphoricaeod ta gmail tod com
paddythescot ta vtown tod com tod au
chrisbennett8 ta aol tod com
tomruned broadpark tod no
tom-rune tod dolva ta ffi no
warrenlynch ta gmx tod de
ljcvetko ta eunet tod yu
rcoutme ta gmail tod com
earthworm ta gmail tod com
bcronkite ta ec tod rr tod com
plato_civ ta bellsouth tod net
Team Babylon:
brucehynes57 ta rogers tod com
ben surveypoint com
michaeldnelson T A msn T O D com
Desolation Row:
akwalung71 ta yahoo tod com
james ta mcquiggan tod demon tod co dot uk
Lost Boys:
klemnrussell ta cableone tod net
whitefox_32 ta hotmail tod com
tom_ogas & yahoo * com
marcin777 ta hotmail tod com
conqueror ta mbnet tod fi
chris ta jackos tod f2s tod com
nebucadnez2ar at yahoo com
jshelruss ta yahoo tod com
Please post if you're not on this list ... I know some of the lists but not others.

All turn-players should send the save to all emails on this list plus to the following addy:
eoddemogame ta gmail tod com
Also, please use a standard save naming protocol, that includes the year of the turn, and does not change in format from year to year.
I suggest:
or: C3CDG,