From your Emperor, Snoopimus Optimus:
We discovered upon viewing our grand Empire upon ascension to the throne, that the state of our Science is a poor one. We are behind everyone - Egypt, Carthage, Persia, and Macedon - and there are some options for trading to alleviate this lack.
Two different trades will bring us what we need. One involves cash, the other a resource.
Wants: Iron, Republic
Will give: Education, Siege Craft, Engineering
Wants: Gold (400), Imperialism
Will give: Education, Siege Craft, Engineering
You can see that both will give us the same 3 (important) techs. Persia would give us Monotheism as well for another 500 gold, or instead of education for 700 gold instead of 400.
I am of the opinion that we can profit greatly from either of these trades. I prefer the Egyptian trade, particularly because they're willing to throw in a military alliance with the Carthaginians if we want it, and Carthage has Republic already but not Imperialism. We could always trade for Monotheism later with the Persians should we decide we want it (and they're not willing to trade for a war with Carthage without unreasonable returns).
We discovered upon viewing our grand Empire upon ascension to the throne, that the state of our Science is a poor one. We are behind everyone - Egypt, Carthage, Persia, and Macedon - and there are some options for trading to alleviate this lack.
Two different trades will bring us what we need. One involves cash, the other a resource.
Wants: Iron, Republic
Will give: Education, Siege Craft, Engineering
Wants: Gold (400), Imperialism
Will give: Education, Siege Craft, Engineering
You can see that both will give us the same 3 (important) techs. Persia would give us Monotheism as well for another 500 gold, or instead of education for 700 gold instead of 400.
I am of the opinion that we can profit greatly from either of these trades. I prefer the Egyptian trade, particularly because they're willing to throw in a military alliance with the Carthaginians if we want it, and Carthage has Republic already but not Imperialism. We could always trade for Monotheism later with the Persians should we decide we want it (and they're not willing to trade for a war with Carthage without unreasonable returns).