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Tile Auction or Oi LORDS! Get in here now to claim your Estates!

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  • #76
    Updated and BUMPED others for Uber's post.

    This has been up for four days, and con has aknowedged, set a time for posting his choice, and then missed it.

    I don't won't to be unfair but seeing as all members get to choose an unclaimed tile for free for their first tile can we call this thing closed on the priority choices and let further members choose an unclaimed tile as their tile from here on out?

    My concern is that some of these members aren't going to choose a tile right away. And those that are active are having to wait and we're putting the entire game on hold for a few people.


    • #77
      Lets not close the Priority Choices just yet, but instead, we could just move on down to next on the list in an orderly fashion...

      I personally am waiting to see which tiles get grabbed up before going to the hassle of making a list. I'm #16 and thus that should be ok, but I don't want to get skipped over because y'all decided to close priority ranking.... how about if anyone doesn't submit their choices in an orderly fashion, like #2, and they get skipped, after their turn has passed they can submit at any time..... how does that sound???


      • #78
        Most of the tiles left are pretty bad.


        • #79
          ... well I am # 17 and it says unorthodox may wait till last, and others might get skipped.... so I could go higher than 16 and there are 18 tiles blacked out, so I should be able to get one of those

          I still think we should keep the Priority Choices open.... just not for those who have stalled on there turn


          • #80
            This thread was started 30-06-2004 00:16. How about we make it and even 5 days or 120 hours. That gives them today to post their list of choices and after that they get to choose from what's left. We have about 11 people who have posted tile preferences and I'm pretty sure three of them have no plan on choosing a tile. Several people expressed the plan on watching how it works before choosing a tile. I've emailed a few people who I have emails for and we still have to organize Town Elders to get the game moving again. Thrumble, mrmitchell, and jagjef are the LAST three on the list and they've posted their tile preferences.

            Hey, if they don't like the tiles left they can wait until more open up and take one of those later for their choice.

            Anyway, if you HAVEN'T made your choice and you are still alive, PLEASE post your choices today cuz I'm making a final map with the Players names on it tonight.

            Red 18, red 16, and red 8 are all good tiles. In the $MiniGame UnO started with a Jungle tile. A JUNGLE TILE mind you, and became one of the wealthiest players in the game. Being Active is far more important for success than your tiles. Heck, I started out with a Mountain tile (1 shield per turn) and was the wealthiest player at the end.
            Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; July 4, 2004, 14:50.


            • #81
              For the new page:

              YE OFFICIAL (by declaration of minor minion, GhengisFarb so no telling what other minons might consider official)

              The Terrible Ten
              (Those who haven't chosen their tile)

              1) GhengisFarb - Red 17
              2) conmcb25
              3) Uber KruX
              (Red 3 >R7)
              4) Octavian X
              (Blue 4>G1>G4>R17>R16)
              5) Esoteric
              (R3>Blue 5>B7>R10>R13)
              6) ZargonX
              (Blue 10>R4>G4>R17>B7>R12)
              7) Aidun
              (B10>Blue 7>G1>B6>B3>B4>B5)
              8) UnOrthOdOx
              maybe waiting until last to pick tile.
              9) Zone

              10) TORARADICAL
              (Green 4>B10>G1>R2>R4>R14>B7>B5>R17>R7>R5>B4>B3>R16>R6>R8>R3>B6>G6>G7>G5>
              11) GDatyaro
              12) Tarquinius
              (B10>G4>Red 7>R5>R4>R2>G1>B3>B5>B7)
              13) Nuclear Master
              (R3>Red 4>R12>R7)
              14) Aeson
              (Green 2)
              15) Jonny
              (Green 1>B6>G6>G4>R3>R7>R17>R5>R18>B10>R8>R6>R16>B3>B4)
              16) Shogun Gunner
              17) General Locus
              (Red 2>R14>R10>R13>B3>R16>R8>G7>G5>G12>G6>B3>R20> R11)
              18) Rasputin
              19) Spiffor
              (Blue 3>B10>B4>B6>R5>R6>R7>R8>R16>R17>R4>R2>R14 >R3>G4>G6>G7>G1)
              20) panag
              21) Gramphos

              22) Gamecube64
              (B10>R3>R2>R3>Red 14>R17>R7>R5>G1>R16>R15>B3>B4>B7>B5>R10>R13>R20>R11>R8>G4>B6)
              23) Paddy the Scot
              24) MrWhereItsAt
              (Red 6>R8>R18>G7>R12>R10)
              25) Ennet
              (R7>R3>G1>G4>B10>Red 5>B4>B3>B6>G6>B5>B7>R4>R10>R12>R6>R8>R16)
              26) Makahlua
              (B3>Green 6>R8>R13>R2>R4>R13)
              27) =OttomusCeasar=
              (B5>Blue 8>B1>B2>G8>R18>R6>R16>R8)
              28) Aqualung71
              29) jagjef
              (Red 13)
              30) mrmitchell
              (G4>Blue 6>B7>R18)
              31) Thrumble
              (R14>Red 16>R18>R8>>R10>R19>>R20>R15>>R11>R12>B1>B2>B8>B6)
              Attached Files
              Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; July 5, 2004, 14:07.


              • #82
                Okay, before its too late my choices are B5>B8>B1>B2>G8>R18>R6>R16>R8.
                Proud member of the Hawk Party.


                • #83
                  ok, I will submit my list...

                  R2 > R14 > R10 > R13 > B3 > R16> R8 > G7 > G5 > G12 > G6 > B3 > R20 > R11

                  This should be sufficient!!!!


                  • #84
                    I suggest that you wait until this evening and move on with the game until they step in. Rankings do not matter anymore then. Majority rules.

                    "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise can not see all ends." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring.
                    Term 9 and 10 Domestic Minister of the C3DG I., Term 8 Regional Governor of Old Persia in the C3DG and proud citizen of Apolyton. Royal Ambassador to Legoland in the C3 PTW DG, Foreign Affairs Minister and King of the United Kingdom in the MZO C3CDG and leader of the Monarchist Imperialist team. Moody Sir Aidun (The Impatient) of the Holy Templar Order in the C4BtSDG


                    • #85

                      Citizens of Futility
                      1) General Locus
                      2) Uber Krux
                      3) Nuclear Master
                      4) Ennet
                      5) MrWhereItsAt
                      6) Tarquinius
                      7) jagjef
                      8) Gamecube64
                      9) Thrumble
                      10) GhengisFarb

                      Citizens of the City of X
                      1) Spiffor X
                      2) Octavian X
                      3) Esoteric X
                      4) mrmitchell X
                      5) Aidun X
                      6) =OttomusCeasar= X
                      7) ZargonX
                      8) GhengisFarb X

                      Citizens of Washington DC
                      1) Jonny
                      2) Aeson
                      3) Toraradical
                      4) Makahlua
                      Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; July 5, 2004, 16:48.


                      • #86
                        Not too interested in this bit, but in the interests of keeping things moving I guess I should choose something.

                        r6 > r8 > r18 > g7 > r12 > r10

                        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                        • #87
                          I like the new look of the pic. It looks realy good. One question: What's with the city name changes?
                          Sent by Him,
                          Prince TORARADICAL of The MAELRI

                          Creator and High Administrator of Noitazilivic--Home of the first cIV DGame, the first Warlords DGame, and the first BTS DGame


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by TORARADICAL
                            I like the new look of the pic. It looks realy good.
                            Thanks, I'm using the old graphics from the old $MiniGame.

                            One question: What's with the city name changes?
                            Propoganda, it started because OctavianX and ZargonX were in the same city with SpifforX, mrmitchellX, AidunX and the whatnot..........


                            • #89
                              Propoganda, it started because OctavianX and ZargonX were in the same city with SpifforX, mrmitchellX, AidunX and the whatnot..........
                              Ya. Noticed that, though only Octavian and Zargon actually have X's on the end of their name. But whats with "City of Lepers"??
                              Sent by Him,
                              Prince TORARADICAL of The MAELRI

                              Creator and High Administrator of Noitazilivic--Home of the first cIV DGame, the first Warlords DGame, and the first BTS DGame


                              • #90
                                Its way out all by itself from the rest of our civilization.
                                Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; July 5, 2004, 16:38.

