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First turns - tentative orders

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  • First turns - tentative orders

    I have just spent FAR too many hours (seeing as I still need to sleep to get up before 6 for this turnchat!) on looking at what orders could be for the first dozen or so turns.

    Here's what I've got. This looks to be about the best, with worker actions debatable to a degree, but still pretty good unless we decide otherwise in chat.

    Let me explain this:

    The Workforce is the tile number we are working. I need to dig some threads up about the number classification, but essentially you start on the tiles next to the city from the one immediately North of the city (1) and go clockwise counting up. Then once you reach 8, you start from the tile N NE of the city and go clockwise again until you reach 20. Here all you need to worry about is the floodplains that are 4 - the floodplains along the river, and 2 - the Mountain with Gems along the river.

    Essentially what happens in this is the following. We start roading the hill the worker is currently on, whilst working the floodplains. In 3750BC the road is done, and we move the worker to a floodplain to irrigate. In 3700BC we start working the Gems instead, so we build a worker in 3600BC, the same turn as growth to pop 2. The reasons for this are so we don't waste food, we get more trade, and we don't need to worry straight away about unhappiness, which kicks in for the second pop point. Then we start building a warrior, start working the being-irrigated floodplain, and move the new worker to the floodplain being irrigated. Next turn, in 3550BC, the irrigation is finished, and we build a road there using both workers. This is done immediately. About the same time our culture radius expands and takes the hut - as we have no military units we can't get barbs.

    The workers go on to the desert next to the floodplain just irrigated, and road this instantly. Next turn once irrigates whilst the other moves somewhere else. (At this point I am unsure of the best thing to do with this worker - he could go back and mine the roaded hills, but that takes 8 turns after the 1 turn to move there, so perhaps improving around the new city site would be best. That should be discussed in chat.) The turn after moving one of the workers, we grow to 2 pop, and thus need 10% lux. We should be working the Gems with our new pop point. In 3250BC, two turns later, we build a warrior, and can either send it off to explore, or leave it as military police and drop the lux rate to zero. After this I have looked at building a settler, but we should also consider another warrior.

    This is the limit of my abilities ATM. Any help I get tomorrow or later would be GREATLY appreciated. There are as yet no Chiefs/Ministers to help me

    We should keep in mind that we can't make perfect plans and must be prepared to improvise, as on flood plains disease can strike at any time, as I saw in the sim I made for all this....

    Hope to see you all in chat, if not at the earlier time, at the later one. Although we may be playing the older (Viking) game in the later chat, we can (and should) still discuss the Feudal Game.

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!