Summary of the Session #45
(copypasted from the State of the Empire thread)
The situation is mixed. There are good news on the one hand, and bad news on the other hand.
The good news are:
- We are at peace with most of the world. This includes our three immediate neighbours, the diplomatically influent Korea, the powerful Russia, and three trade partners: England, Japan and Celts.
- We have started doing some serious research, and our ability to research isn't completely broken. The tech we are looking for (military tradition) will only take 11 turns total to be discovered. With such a fast research, we can hope to get to nationalism in 50-odd turns (didn't make the exact calcluations).
- We are building the Forbidden Palace that is only 24 turns away. It will boost our production VERY significantly, since the lower island will actually become productive, whereas most of it is currently a dead weight.
- Some countries have turned communist, including the fearsome Persians. This means their research will considerably slow down, especially if they pop-rush buildings. Maybe there is a hope the whole world's technology will come to a halt as they slaughter each other. This is a chance at coming back from our extreme technology gap.
- We have three luxuries; we are a monarchy. And if we have time to build cathedrals, most 12-size cities will be sustainable. As such, we can have a significant economy boon.
The bad news are:
- there is a Roman (enemy) transport right at our shore. We don't know yet what will disembark, whether infantries, tanks, mech infantries, or mere riflemen. However, there are most probably 8 of them. And one thing is absolutely certain: their technology is far superior to ours, the fight will be extremely bloody for us.
- There is a Persian transport at range from our shore. We don't know if it heads to our empire, or to Egypt, but this is an obvious threat to us.
- We are being peppered by the Babylonian and Roman navy. There is nothing we can do about it until we are at peace with them, or until we discover steam power (not anytime soon)
- We have no saltpeter, and nobody will trade it with us. Babylon is at war with us, Persia embargoes us, England didn't bother to connect its three saltpeter sources. There is no telling we'll ever have access to saltpeter in this game. This means our best defensive unit is the pikeman, until we get to nationalism. As the Roman invasion is closing, you can understand how dangerous this is.
If you're interested in a more technical descrition, you can click here for the lastest demographics
We have 161 gold, which is fewer than 5 turns ago, and we make 3 gpt, which is far fewer than 5 turns ago. The good side of things is that we are researching 4 times faster. And overall, our total income has increased, thanks to the gpt payments from abroad, and thanks to English wine (which eliminated the need of one to two entertainers per city, making these people actually productive).
Our has grown very slowly since our Golden Age, and the end of the conquest of southern territories. Our core cities hardly grow anymore, and the southernmost cities are not in a favorable environment for growth. Besides, these new cities are all completely corrupt.
As such, we can boost our economic growth only by improving our productivity (with marketplaces, libraries, courthouses...), which is what we are currently doing. However, this building strategy may come to an halt, now that an enemy transport has come, and a less-than-friendly transport is at range.
Summary of the Session #45
(copypasted from the State of the Empire thread)
The situation is mixed. There are good news on the one hand, and bad news on the other hand.
The good news are:
- We are at peace with most of the world. This includes our three immediate neighbours, the diplomatically influent Korea, the powerful Russia, and three trade partners: England, Japan and Celts.
- We have started doing some serious research, and our ability to research isn't completely broken. The tech we are looking for (military tradition) will only take 11 turns total to be discovered. With such a fast research, we can hope to get to nationalism in 50-odd turns (didn't make the exact calcluations).
- We are building the Forbidden Palace that is only 24 turns away. It will boost our production VERY significantly, since the lower island will actually become productive, whereas most of it is currently a dead weight.
- Some countries have turned communist, including the fearsome Persians. This means their research will considerably slow down, especially if they pop-rush buildings. Maybe there is a hope the whole world's technology will come to a halt as they slaughter each other. This is a chance at coming back from our extreme technology gap.
- We have three luxuries; we are a monarchy. And if we have time to build cathedrals, most 12-size cities will be sustainable. As such, we can have a significant economy boon.
The bad news are:
- there is a Roman (enemy) transport right at our shore. We don't know yet what will disembark, whether infantries, tanks, mech infantries, or mere riflemen. However, there are most probably 8 of them. And one thing is absolutely certain: their technology is far superior to ours, the fight will be extremely bloody for us.
- There is a Persian transport at range from our shore. We don't know if it heads to our empire, or to Egypt, but this is an obvious threat to us.
- We are being peppered by the Babylonian and Roman navy. There is nothing we can do about it until we are at peace with them, or until we discover steam power (not anytime soon)
- We have no saltpeter, and nobody will trade it with us. Babylon is at war with us, Persia embargoes us, England didn't bother to connect its three saltpeter sources. There is no telling we'll ever have access to saltpeter in this game. This means our best defensive unit is the pikeman, until we get to nationalism. As the Roman invasion is closing, you can understand how dangerous this is.
If you're interested in a more technical descrition, you can click here for the lastest demographics
We have 161 gold, which is fewer than 5 turns ago, and we make 3 gpt, which is far fewer than 5 turns ago. The good side of things is that we are researching 4 times faster. And overall, our total income has increased, thanks to the gpt payments from abroad, and thanks to English wine (which eliminated the need of one to two entertainers per city, making these people actually productive).
Our has grown very slowly since our Golden Age, and the end of the conquest of southern territories. Our core cities hardly grow anymore, and the southernmost cities are not in a favorable environment for growth. Besides, these new cities are all completely corrupt.
As such, we can boost our economic growth only by improving our productivity (with marketplaces, libraries, courthouses...), which is what we are currently doing. However, this building strategy may come to an halt, now that an enemy transport has come, and a less-than-friendly transport is at range.