Vikings - you are invited to join the true Viking party.
The Havamal.
Based on the sayings of the High One - Odin.
"Be your friends true friend."
"Return gift for gift."
"Repay laughter with laughter again."
"But repay betrayal with treachery."
The Havamal Party is based on the Three Pillars of Enlightenment:
One - Faith in Odin
Two - Pursuit of Knowledge
Three - Exploration of Our World.
We are not opposed to war. In fact we embrace it as an integral part of who we are as Vikings. But it is a means to an end - the end being the three pillars. War for war's sake - as is proposed by less enlightened members of our society - will lead us away from the true path we should walk.
The Havamal is dedicated to scientific research, to exploration and expansion, to education of the people, and most importantly, the fulfilment of the people spiritually.
We are not religious extremists, although others may want to portray as such. We believe in a balanced existence, where Odin, knowledge, the earth, and the true Viking spirit all play a role.
And last but not least - we love our Viking long ships. They epitomize everything we stand for - knowledge, faith, and exploration of the world manifested in the most beautiful creation of man - the long ship. One day such ships will not be mere dreams, but will be reality, and an extension of the Viking and Havamal presence in this world.
So my friends - joing the Havamal party now. Become a true Viking!
(all members joining before the 24th of the month will receive a free Enya CD.)
General Tacticus
Vlad Antlerkov
The Havamal.
Based on the sayings of the High One - Odin.
"Be your friends true friend."
"Return gift for gift."
"Repay laughter with laughter again."
"But repay betrayal with treachery."
The Havamal Party is based on the Three Pillars of Enlightenment:
One - Faith in Odin
Two - Pursuit of Knowledge
Three - Exploration of Our World.
We are not opposed to war. In fact we embrace it as an integral part of who we are as Vikings. But it is a means to an end - the end being the three pillars. War for war's sake - as is proposed by less enlightened members of our society - will lead us away from the true path we should walk.
The Havamal is dedicated to scientific research, to exploration and expansion, to education of the people, and most importantly, the fulfilment of the people spiritually.
We are not religious extremists, although others may want to portray as such. We believe in a balanced existence, where Odin, knowledge, the earth, and the true Viking spirit all play a role.
And last but not least - we love our Viking long ships. They epitomize everything we stand for - knowledge, faith, and exploration of the world manifested in the most beautiful creation of man - the long ship. One day such ships will not be mere dreams, but will be reality, and an extension of the Viking and Havamal presence in this world.
So my friends - joing the Havamal party now. Become a true Viking!
(all members joining before the 24th of the month will receive a free Enya CD.)
General Tacticus
Vlad Antlerkov