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Which trait is worst?

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  • Which trait is worst?

    I have said it eslewhere. Others have as well. Let's make this game a challenge as much as we can. Let's pick a weak civ.

    So - rather than picking what the best trait is for SP, what do you think is the worst trait? And let's use the worst two to help guide our choice of a civ.

    The poll is expired.

    Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.

  • #2
    my fav traits (worst last):

    Indistrious, Religious, Commercial, Militaristic, Expansionist, Scientific.

    the vikings, in my opinion, are low-rung on civ traits, but the unit more than makes up for it.
    "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
    - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


    • #3
      Typically, I view expansionistic as teh worst as it depends far to much on what type of map you have. If you are on a small island, all those scouts are virtually worthless.
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      • #4
        I like scientific. Expansionist sucks.


        • #5
          Expansionist gets a bad rap. I have played a variety of maps (pangaea to islands) and Expansionist hasn't been that big a problem in any of those situations. On some maps, the trait is one of the best around. On others, it is not as good.


          • #6
            Expansionist trait is only good if you get the right map, and the right amount of luck. (goodie huts & meeting civs early for tech whoring opportunities.)
            It's a gamble.

            Scientific is a waste of time, because we will be behind the tech leaders for the first half of the game anyway & buying techs. In the middle of the game when we are about to take over and tech leader, is where it shines. And then it becomes a waste again, after we are the most advanced nation.

            On the other hand, Religeous, Commercial, Militaristic, & Industrious have benefits throughout most of the game.

            IMO...using my playstyle.
            "No Comment"


            • #7
              I tried a game once as expansionist where I didn't build any stlrs and just built a load of scouts and wkrs in the hope of getting a load of free stlrs. From about 10 huts I got one free stlr despite always being able to get a free stlr.

              For a challenge you could play expansionist and not build scouts but I doubt it would make much difference.
              Are we having fun yet?


              • #8
                Expansionist is the worst trait for an archipelago. But on a huge continents or pangea, it might be the best trait.

                Oddly enough, in my current game (Russians, Emporer, Huge, Continents) I got 2 settlers and an advanced tribe from huts and was never behind in tech.

                OPD, what map? On standrad continents, I think the mean is over 1 settler. It's just that they might not be close to your capital. Of course if you just want support for more archers...

                If anyone is remotely interested in my favorite traits in order:
                Indutrious, Militaristic, Expansionist, Commercial, Scientific, Religiois.


                • #9
                  At one time Commerical was the worst traight. But it's been improved substantly and now Scientific is currently the worst overall. (Not nearly as bad as Commerical used to be.)

                  Expansionist depends upon the map. It's horrid on archepello + lots of water + more than normal max civs packed in. It's the best traight for Pangena + little water + less than normal max civs.

                  Single Player ratings:

                  1. Industrious
                  2. Religious
                  3. Commercial
                  4. Expansionist (on average)
                  5. Military
                  6. Scientific

                  In Multiplayer, where there is no WW and in addition, anarchy is shorter, Religious drops to just above Military.
                  1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                  Templar Science Minister
                  AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Nor Me
                    OPD, what map? On standrad continents, I think the mean is over 1 settler. It's just that they might not be close to your capital. Of course if you just want support for more archers...
                    standard pangea

                    As it will tell you in the strat forum and anywhere else this is discussed the strength of traits depends on the situation and the kind of game you play. It's just that with exp alot is left to chance. I like to pick random civ and then let the traits decide how I should play the game but I restart if I get certain civs. *cough* *english*.
                    Are we having fun yet?


                    • #11
                      Expansionist and Scientific.

                      Cathy and the Russians.
                      Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                      • #12
                        Travis King
                        (I hate my screen name, my little
                        brother made it up.)


                        • #14

                          I NEVER had problems with expansionistic.

