Your Light in the Jungle Since 1730 BC - 23 March 1450 AD
BANANA Wins Election!!!
His Time Comes at Last
It has been no secret that throughout Apolytonian history, the Banana has ran for more positions than any single individual in our history. And he has lost each and every one of them. It became so common an issue, that recent polls have even neglected bothering to place him on the ballot at all, instead opting for a simple 'abstain' option. It must have been a great relief, then, when the Banana finally won his first election, and this one was for leadership of the entire world!
In an effort to gauge the Banana's response, we sent our reporter to interview the Banana:
[Gazette_Reporter] I would like to thank you once again for taking the time to sit with me.
[Banana] You are welcome.
[Gazette_Reporter] It has come to our attention that at LONG last, after many, many, many a failure..
[Banana] ?!
[Gazette_Reporter] Well, it seems that after so many failures you may have actually WON an election. We are wondering, how does it feel to finally be victorious?
[Banana] Well, it was nothing, I'm far more popular than those mortals down there, but they chose my servants every time, although they didn't know that.
[Gazette_Reporter] If they have always been chosing servants, why did you decide to run in this one then? Would not a servant have served your purpose?
[Banana] Well, this one was a bit eh, well eh, stupid, that's the right word. He was not really suited for the task, but I had to take one. After some time I decided to run too.
[Gazette_Reporter] Now that you have been voted as leader of the known world, what are your plans?
[Banana] My plan is to lead the mortals under my devine leadership to civilization.
[Gazette_Reporter] Now that you seem more willing to discuss things, to what do you attribute the recent change where you were being left out of all polls int Apolytonia?
[Banana] It is godless, sinfull scum that left me out of the polls, I'm still doubting what I will do with that impious land! They have not the least respect for me!
[Gazette_Reporter] But this is the land that led you to your final victorious vote!?!
[Banana] That is because they fear my final wrath!
[Banana] I'll punish them all!
[Banana] In the everlasting fire!
[Gazette_Reporter] I see...Well, I think we're done here...let me just take these final notes and..Hey!.. wait, no, Im your servant I swear! AAAA!!!
[Banana] Are you sure, you stupid reporter? Be glad that I spared you from death until now! Be glad that I spared your country from it's downfall! Be glad I have not yet destroyed your stupid little planet!!!
- UnOrthOdOx with special thanx given to Aidun.
World’s First Fission Reactor Built in Apolyton
University Staff Demand Return of Squash Court
In a confidential interview a few days ago, members of the (formerly) top-secret Executive Nuclear research Committee, who asked not to be named, disclosed to the Jungle Gazette that their (previously) secret research has made a major breakthrough, with the world’s first nuclear reactor (placed in the Apolyton University squash court and ostensibly a boiler) having maintained a nuclear chain reaction for three days before being switched off. One of them gave an in depth interview to the Gazette about the whole operation
[GAZETTE] So, what is Fission, anyway?
[SCIENTIST] Fission is a process whereby atoms are split apart by neutron impacts and form two smaller atoms, in the process losing some of their mass, which is converted into energy, and also releasing several more neutrons, which then fly off and hit other atoms. This causes a chain reaction and an enormous release in energy unless the reaction is slowed down by the addition of various chemical rods which absorb neutrons.
[GAZETTE] Okay, so what good is it? Why do we need it?
[SCIENTIST] Well, it’s good mainly because we get a big pay packet for working on it (and keeping our mouths shut…
[GAZETTE] But why?
[GAZETTE] Ok, so why all the secrecy?
[SCIENTIST] *shrugs* Not a clue. It was probably because some bureaucrats in the security forces wanted an excuse for a bigger budget. And, by hell, they got it.
[GAZETTE] Okay, I think that’s just about it. Your payments are being transferred into a secret bank account, and we’re currently making your travel arrangements.
On the same topic, with rumours spreading that the university squash court has not, in fact been used to generate heat for the building during winter, a protest movement has started among university staff and students, demanding their court back. They recently staged a demonstration outside the squash court using signs reading “Free our squash court! Down with Fissionist Imperialism!” “To hell with nukes, we want squash!” and “Give us squash or give us death!”
Finally, in other news, the Jungle Gazette recently reported that approximately 76 million lytons were found to be missing from it’s expense accounts shortly after the interview was taken. Editor UnOrthOdOx and senior Gazette staff denied any knowledge of how the money came to be missing, and also denied that there was any connection between this and the sudden disappearance of a senior scientist at the Fission Research Committee and his family.
- GeneralTacticus