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Welcome to the Term 10 Directory. This was the Directory for the final term; probably you've found it through a link in the SPDG II's Directory. If you're looking for the history of Apolyton's first Civilization III Single Player Democracy Game, this will hopefully be of some help. Note that while the Archives go back past Term X, all other sections are wiped pretty much clean each term, so see the "Previous Administration" section for links to other term's Directories. (Note that neither Term I or II had Directories; UnOrthOdOx started the Directory when he was Vice President in Term III.)
Please report any broken links; either the comments thread or a PM will do.
Important Links:
* The Constitution of Apolytonia
* Tutorial and Lexicon to the Democracy Game (Note: pre-New Constitution, but still relevant and helpful)
* Arc De Triomphe A tribute to Aggie, for his services to Apolytonia as SMC.
* Term 10 Directory Submitions and Comments
* Apolyton Chat FAQ (Useful if you want to attend turnchats)
* The last turnchat thread (and accompanying save) can be found here.
Changes to Directory
None this term.
Table of Contents
* Executive Branch
--- Executive Office
--- --- Approval Polls
--- --- Elections
--- Executive Reports Archive
--- Orders Archive
--- Turnthreads Archive
* Foreign Relations
--- Foreign Ministry
--- Machiavelli Institute
* Military
--- Defense Ministry
--- Military Plans
--- War Academy
* Domestic Ministry
--- General
--- City Planning
--- Public Works
* Economy
--- General
--- Adam Smith Foundation
* Science
* Judiciary
* Informal/Misc.
--- Miscellaneous (Submitions-only section)
--- Prepoll Discussions
--- Jungle Gazette
--- Embassies
* Archives
--- NewCon
--- --- Senate Bills
--- --- Misc. Polls
--- --- Amendments
--- OldCon
--- --- Polls
--- --- Amendments
--- Previous Administrations
--- --- Term 9
--- --- Term 8
--- --- Term 7
--- --- Term 6
--- --- Term 5
--- --- Term 4
--- --- Term 3
--- --- Term 2
--- --- Term 1
Please do not post replies
Welcome to the Term 10 Directory. This was the Directory for the final term; probably you've found it through a link in the SPDG II's Directory. If you're looking for the history of Apolyton's first Civilization III Single Player Democracy Game, this will hopefully be of some help. Note that while the Archives go back past Term X, all other sections are wiped pretty much clean each term, so see the "Previous Administration" section for links to other term's Directories. (Note that neither Term I or II had Directories; UnOrthOdOx started the Directory when he was Vice President in Term III.)
Please report any broken links; either the comments thread or a PM will do.
Important Links:
* The Constitution of Apolytonia
* Tutorial and Lexicon to the Democracy Game (Note: pre-New Constitution, but still relevant and helpful)
* Arc De Triomphe A tribute to Aggie, for his services to Apolytonia as SMC.
* Term 10 Directory Submitions and Comments
* Apolyton Chat FAQ (Useful if you want to attend turnchats)
* The last turnchat thread (and accompanying save) can be found here.
Changes to Directory
None this term.
Table of Contents
* Executive Branch
--- Executive Office
--- --- Approval Polls
--- --- Elections
--- Executive Reports Archive
--- Orders Archive
--- Turnthreads Archive
* Foreign Relations
--- Foreign Ministry
--- Machiavelli Institute
* Military
--- Defense Ministry
--- Military Plans
--- War Academy
* Domestic Ministry
--- General
--- City Planning
--- Public Works
* Economy
--- General
--- Adam Smith Foundation
* Science
* Judiciary
* Informal/Misc.
--- Miscellaneous (Submitions-only section)
--- Prepoll Discussions
--- Jungle Gazette
--- Embassies
* Archives
--- NewCon
--- --- Senate Bills
--- --- Misc. Polls
--- --- Amendments
--- OldCon
--- --- Polls
--- --- Amendments
--- Previous Administrations
--- --- Term 9
--- --- Term 8
--- --- Term 7
--- --- Term 6
--- --- Term 5
--- --- Term 4
--- --- Term 3
--- --- Term 2
--- --- Term 1
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