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Welcome to the Term 9 Directory. I hope you find it useful.
Aidun is helping out again this term by managing the Executive Branch and - you guessed it
- Domestic Ministry sections. Thank you Aidun! 
The Miscellaneous section is, as always, submitions-only. So get cracking and head over to the submitions/comments thread. (Or PM me if there's some reason you don't want the post count.)
Please report any broken links; either the comments thread or a PM will do.
Important Links:
* The Constitution of Apolytonia
* Tutorial and Lexicon to the Democracy Game (Note: pre-New Constitution, but still relevant and helpful)
* Arc De Triomphe A tribute to Aggie, for his services to Apolytonia as SMC.
* Term 9 Directory Submitions and Comments
* Apolyton Chat FAQ (Useful if you want to attend turnchats)
* The most recent save (1425) can be found here.
Changes to Directory
None so far this term.
Table of Contents
* Executive Branch
--- Executive Office
--- --- Approval Polls
--- --- Elections
--- Executive Reports Archive
--- Orders Archive
--- Turnthreads Archive
--- Discussionthreads Archive
--- Old Turnthreads Archive
* Foreign Relations
--- Foreign Ministry
--- Machiavelli Institute
* Military
--- Defense Ministry
--- Military Plans
--- War Academy
* Domestic Ministry
--- General
--- City Planning
--- Public Works
* Economy
--- General
--- Adam Smith Foundation
* Science
* Judiciary
* Informal/Misc.
--- Miscellaneous (Submitions-only section)
--- Prepoll Discussions
--- Jungle Gazette
--- Embassies
* Archives
--- NewCon
--- --- Senate Bills
--- --- Misc. Polls
--- --- Amendments
--- OldCon
--- --- Polls
--- --- Amendments
--- Previous Administrations
--- --- Term 8
--- --- Term 7
--- --- Term 6
--- --- Term 5
--- --- Term 4
--- --- Term 3
--- --- Term 2
--- --- Term 1
Please do not post replies
Welcome to the Term 9 Directory. I hope you find it useful.
Aidun is helping out again this term by managing the Executive Branch and - you guessed it

The Miscellaneous section is, as always, submitions-only. So get cracking and head over to the submitions/comments thread. (Or PM me if there's some reason you don't want the post count.)
Please report any broken links; either the comments thread or a PM will do.
Important Links:
* The Constitution of Apolytonia
* Tutorial and Lexicon to the Democracy Game (Note: pre-New Constitution, but still relevant and helpful)
* Arc De Triomphe A tribute to Aggie, for his services to Apolytonia as SMC.
* Term 9 Directory Submitions and Comments
* Apolyton Chat FAQ (Useful if you want to attend turnchats)
* The most recent save (1425) can be found here.
Changes to Directory
None so far this term.
Table of Contents
* Executive Branch
--- Executive Office
--- --- Approval Polls
--- --- Elections
--- Executive Reports Archive
--- Orders Archive
--- Turnthreads Archive
--- Discussionthreads Archive
--- Old Turnthreads Archive
* Foreign Relations
--- Foreign Ministry
--- Machiavelli Institute
* Military
--- Defense Ministry
--- Military Plans
--- War Academy
* Domestic Ministry
--- General
--- City Planning
--- Public Works
* Economy
--- General
--- Adam Smith Foundation
* Science
* Judiciary
* Informal/Misc.
--- Miscellaneous (Submitions-only section)
--- Prepoll Discussions
--- Jungle Gazette
--- Embassies
* Archives
--- NewCon
--- --- Senate Bills
--- --- Misc. Polls
--- --- Amendments
--- OldCon
--- --- Polls
--- --- Amendments
--- Previous Administrations
--- --- Term 8
--- --- Term 7
--- --- Term 6
--- --- Term 5
--- --- Term 4
--- --- Term 3
--- --- Term 2
--- --- Term 1
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