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Confirmation of Unorthodox as Justice

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  • Confirmation of Unorthodox as Justice

    This is to confirm Unorthodox as Justice, to replace Nimitz, who is retiring in order to become VP.

    This poll lasts 3 days.

    The poll is expired.

    "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
    Former President, C3SPDGI

  • #2
    Yeah, of course! UnOrthO rocks!

    Btw, who is civman2000 replacing?
    Last edited by Aro; February 19, 2003, 12:37.
    RIAA sucks
    The Optimistas
    I'm a political cartoonist


    • #3
      ...I think perhaps Thud is appointing me a Justice just so that he can ensure that I don't go starting any trouble.

      After all, a Justice cannot initiate a court case...
      perhaps he is remembering the little hubub when he was the SMC?


      I am honored to be thought of to serve in this position.
      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
      You're wierd. - Krill

      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


      • #4
        I have no doubts that you will make a model justice, UnOrthOdOx.
        (did I use this expression correctly? I meant to say that you'll make an excellent justice, one that is worthy of imitating. I'm sorry, English is not my native tongue. At least I em good at speling)
        "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
        And the truth isn't what you want to see,
        Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
        - Phantom of the Opera


        • #5
          I beleive civman2000 is replacing GK, who has chosen to retire.

          Yes, shiber, proper term usage.
          "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
          Former President, C3SPDGI


          • #6
            Thanks, Thud. I'll update the Term 9 Government trhead.
            RIAA sucks
            The Optimistas
            I'm a political cartoonist


            • #8
              Excellent choice.

              Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
              Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
              Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
              Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


              • #9
                Absolutely not!

                We just get UnOrtho back and Thud attempts to give him a huge workload case so that he's too busy to help with the PTW game or the ISDG.

                It's a trick! A trick I say!

                Actually, I think UnOrthO would be excellent, I just hope it doesn't prevent his involvement in the other games.


                • #10
                  Why doesn't this poll have but one option. Only Yea is enough. We don't need other options in this poll.

                  "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise can not see all ends." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring.
                  Term 9 and 10 Domestic Minister of the C3DG I., Term 8 Regional Governor of Old Persia in the C3DG and proud citizen of Apolyton. Royal Ambassador to Legoland in the C3 PTW DG, Foreign Affairs Minister and King of the United Kingdom in the MZO C3CDG and leader of the Monarchist Imperialist team. Moody Sir Aidun (The Impatient) of the Holy Templar Order in the C4BtSDG


                  • #11
                    Then I wouldn't be able to vote, Aidun. I have never voted for myself and never will, I always abstain.


                    Unless Thud creates a big scandal to involve the court, this shouldn't be a problem. Besides, I haven't even LOOKED at the ISDG. Two are enough for me.
                    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                    You're wierd. - Krill

                    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                    • #12
                      Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
                      Unless Thud creates a big scandal to involve the court,
                      Duh, that's pretty much a gimme.

                      Didn't some hothead have to bring impeachment proceedings against him when he was SMC?

                      I can't seem to remember who that was though................
                      Last edited by GhengisFarb™; February 22, 2003, 16:36.


                      • #13
                        Congrats, UnOrthOdOx!
                        RIAA sucks
                        The Optimistas
                        I'm a political cartoonist

