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Turnchat Report

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  • Turnchat Report

    The report:

    Very profitable chat... Good deals. Not much action, unless some japs vessels sunk. Oh, and they even tried to land in Uber!

    1360 ad

    Last DM stuff
    Aggie is the Acting SMC
    SMC moves: Arty to the Uber ferry, and so.
    - Sell to Zululand Electronics for 37 Lpt and 81 L (total: 821 L)
    - Sell to Russia Scientific Method (pfff...) for 31 L and 16 Lpt. (total: 351 L)
    - Sell Combustion to India for 492 L and 263 Lpt (total: 5752 L )
    ( )

    Turn ends

    inter turns

    Japan fleet moves around Uber.
    Aztec movements near our borders...
    Wall Street is built.

    1365 ad

    After a brief discussion, we all agreed about sunk those vessels before make peace with Japs. It's our last war for a loooong time...
    Besides that, the Japanese refuse to acknowledge our envoy, etc, etc.

    DM stuff... done (man, what a work!)
    Willsbury change queue to destroyer in 2 turns (should be a placeholder for a Battleship in 3 or 4 turns, but with that Japanese fleet around...)

    Arty reinforcement arrives to Uber Island
    Our Iron Fleet sunk a Jap Frigate and a Galley.
    Galleons arriving in AGC to upgrade.

    Sold Electronics to Greeks for 19 L + 112 Lpt (2,259 L total).
    Sold Electronics to England for 83 gpt (1,660 gold total).
    Money makes the world go around...

    Turn ends

    inter turns

    The Japs landed on Uber Isle!
    Some English infantry near Nuremberg...
    Greeks moving toward Samaria...

    1370 ad

    DM stuff done, the worker integration project is working fine.

    Here's a transcription of the communications between the headquarters and the General Aggie on Uber:

    VP_AGGIESMC> move artillery as group to fortress 2 s of AGC
    Aro> Do it
    Aro> Make the moves, Aggie... Have fun!
    VP_AGGIESMC> fire artillery at calv until
    they are 1/*
    VP_AGGIESMC> it took 5
    VP_AGGIESMC> but cav both 1/4
    Aro> yes!
    Aro> Bombard some vessels, too...
    VP_AGGIESMC> fire 1 art at gallion right by, now down to 2/4
    Aro> ... And kill those bastards!
    VP_AGGIESMC> now move artill 1 n and firing at another gallion
    VP_AGGIESMC> all gallions are 2/4 now and one galley showing over a 2/4 gallion
    Aro> good
    Aro> more troops...
    VP_AGGIESMC> now for the ground attack, first we attack with 2/2 inf
    Aro> k
    VP_AGGIESMC> kiils calv with no damge but no promotion
    Aro> well
    Aro> good!
    Aro> The last cav...
    VP_AGGIESMC> now attacking with 3/3 sword
    Aro> hehe
    VP_AGGIESMC> sword winds with 2 hp left, invasion over
    Aro> Congrats!!

    Aggie built a worker wall near Nuremberg, to stop the English.
    Some improvements rushed in Uber Isle, to prevent corruption in war time (2 Police Station, in AGC and Neon Uber City. Cost: 664 L)
    We drafted 2 infantry in Uber Isle ( AGC and Boomtown), due the imminent japanese invasion.

    The FAM Shiber found excellent deals:
    Greece: Radio for 35 L and 51 Lpt (total 1,055 L).
    Aztecs: Electronics for 39 L and 29 Lpt (total 619 L).
    Iroquois: Steel for 21 Lpt (total 420 L).
    Babylon: Electricity for 39 L and 17 Lpt (total 379 L).

    Turn ends

    inter turns

    Zulus and India have signed a military alliance against Babylon...
    Zulus declare war on Babylon.
    An Indian fleet (ironclads, 3 or 4) moves E ---> W near the south coast of Uber island.
    The English regiment of infantry near Nuremberg gives up... Back to England!
    No Japanese invasion, after all... their last try was a massacre!

    1375 ad

    DM stuff done, worker integration in progress (joncnunn, soon we'll be out of native workers... )

    Arty in Uber reduces 2 Frigates and 3 galleys (Japanese, who else? ) to 1/*.
    Transports moved to attack the Japs vessels.
    Our first destroyer is operational in Willsbury. Moves South to intercept Japanese vessels.

    Shiber and his excellent deals! Another round (in his own words ):
    I sense orders coming...
    India: Mass Production for 456 L and 258 Lpt (total 5,616 L).
    Greece: Mass Production for 206 L and 113 Lpt (total 2,466 L).
    India and Greece are turning out to be great clients...

    Not bad...

    Some people may think it's risky so many deals involving money per turn, but our relationship with the other civs are in good shape. Except for Japan, of course... No worries about it.

    Our profits in this turnchat: 20,978 L !!!

    This ends the turn...

    Turn ends

    inter turns

    The greeks razed Samaria (it's a shame... the city should be ours!! )
    Iroqs (not Iraq!!!) and Rome have signed a peace treaty...
    More Indian ironclads South to Uber, moving E ---> W

    1380 ad

    The save is posted, and the chat ends.

    Presents at the chat:

    President Aro (Acting DM, sometimes)
    VP Aggie, as Acting SMC
    FAM Shiber

    Governor Aidun (acting DM sometimes)
    Governor Kloreep
    Senators E_T, HTower (briefly), Thud, WaxTadpole

    After some DM stuff, I've posted a new save:
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Aro; February 9, 2003, 09:12.
    RIAA sucks
    The Optimistas
    I'm a political cartoonist

  • #2
    The chat log:
    Attached Files
    RIAA sucks
    The Optimistas
    I'm a political cartoonist


    • #4
      From the turnchat thread, to joncnunn and all Governors:

      Originally posted by Aro
      This save includes all DM stuff (almost...) to the beggining of 1380 ad.

      I had to solve some minor inconsistencies, I hope in the better way...

      The worker integration in Arbela will be complete next turn (I have to integrate one more native worker to make the city size 18), I'm waiting for our engineering corps to make some necessary improvements to prevent starvation. Btw, we have one specialist (tax colector) in Arbela, not enough tiles. Should we integrate one more, as requested?
      Could you check this, Aidun?

      About rushes, the specified ones are done, but... joncnunn, could you take a look at the save and check it? I mean, the rushes.

      The other Governors could do the same thing...

      About overlaps, I would like to have this save checked, too, I probably missed something.

      In general, I think that the DM stuff is done. With some minor mistakes, probably (I didn't noticed any, but...).

      Any changes or errors to be corrected, post here or in the report thread (I'll make this tomorrow).

      Roadcage, be nice...
      Thanks, panag.
      RIAA sucks
      The Optimistas
      I'm a political cartoonist


      • #5
        Wow! $$$! I'll have a ton of rush requests for the next chat.

        Our beautiful Iron Works city is now cranking out 144 shields (after corruption) per turn. What shall this production behemoth build next? A Police Station would make a minimal difference, as it is so close to Macross City. Dive right into Military Academy (4 turns), or something else?

        Here It Is (another production monster) will have completed all available buildings in 2 turns with it's University, and will start cranking out Infantry, unless someone has a better idea.


        • #6
          Military Academy!

          RIAA sucks
          The Optimistas
          I'm a political cartoonist


          • #7
            Originally posted by dejon
            Wow! $$$! I'll have a ton of rush requests for the next chat.
            We currently have 11,691 cash gold, and an income of 2,269 gold per turn. You'll have a lot to rush with.

            Our beautiful Iron Works city is now cranking out 144 shields (after corruption) per turn.
            Or 155 shields if we join another worker to the city (it can support one more citizen).

            What shall this production behemoth build next? A Police Station would make a minimal difference, as it is so close to Macross City. Dive right into Military Academy (4 turns), or something else?
            Let's just finish the library, bank and university (5 turns) before we dive into Mil. Academy, then armies, and then The Pentagon and then lots of 4-unit armies.

            Here It Is (another production monster) will have completed all available buildings in 2 turns with it's University, and will start cranking out Infantry, unless someone has a better idea.
            I suppose building military units is okay. Infantry are good because they can be ugpraded to Mech Infantry in the modern age.
            Last edited by Shiber; February 9, 2003, 13:18.
            "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
            And the truth isn't what you want to see,
            Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
            - Phantom of the Opera


            • #8
              The last thing we want is our IW getting 2X the amount of WW it has to during wars.

              So, let's have the Pol Station before the MA and the 2 additional armies that will allow the Pentagon.

              On Here It Is: Yes, Tanks will be better than Infs when we discover Mobile Warfare.

              Originally posted by dejon
              Wow! $$$! I'll have a ton of rush requests for the next chat.

              Our beautiful Iron Works city is now cranking out 144 shields (after corruption) per turn. What shall this production behemoth build next? A Police Station would make a minimal difference, as it is so close to Macross City. Dive right into Military Academy (4 turns), or something else?

              Here It Is (another production monster) will have completed all available buildings in 2 turns with it's University, and will start cranking out Infantry, unless someone has a better idea.
              1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
              Templar Science Minister
              AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


              • #9
                I am truly confused. After looking at the save, I conclude that our optimum victory condition is Diplomatic. We are already at war with the #2 Civ, Japan, have oodles of cash to buy the very best alliances possible, and a reserved GL to make the UN as soon as it appears in a build list.

                So, we refuse to talk to Japan, pull in our Navy encouraging Japan to land on our turf. Once there we bombard them to 1 hp then kill with our Cav or Inf. This by the way causes no incremental war weariness. And when we are close to the UN, buy a bunch of alliances against Japan.

                Meanwhile we beeline for Fission. 3 turns for MT, 4 turns for Flt, 4 or 5 turns for Fission, 1 turn for GL-> UN and presto! victory in 12 or 13 turns. The alternative is atleast 48 turns of science effort to make get the space ship parts on a build list.

                Fission is a base cost of 260 meaning for our map size and difficulty we need 2600 beakers/turn to do Fission in 4. Right now we are at 2371 beakers/turn on 100% sci. We have 7 turns to bulk up our beakers to that level. I can identify where about 180 or so beakers can be had from current university plans plus accelerating the buildup of Berlin's pop and sci infrastructure. That leaves about 50 beakers or so that needs to come from other pop builds. That's only about 10 more worker addbacks in addition ot Berlin. We should be able to do it.

                Basically, the last thing we need now is more banks. We already have about 2000 lytons /turn to rush away. That's a lot of rushing, and realistically more than our current crop of candidates. We need to increase our candidate list for several turns by making disbandable mil units so the cities that need structures can rush every turn instead of every other turn. We currently have 5 outdated units, 3 SW, 1 LB, 1 KT available for this purpose. Add in a couple or three new units/turn, and I think we can do it.

                So, let's start the V-turn countdown. Will it be 1440 following the Diplo route, or 1620 or so and a space ship.

                Ssgt roadcage (retired)
                I used to be a builder. That was before I played Civ III


                • #10
                  roadcage, you're amazing!
                  It seems like a really good plan.
                  Btw, this could happen in the next term, Thud...

                  Edit: roadcage, you should run for something.
                  RIAA sucks
                  The Optimistas
                  I'm a political cartoonist


                  • #11
                    So Roadcage went out and did the calulations (thanks, btw. Maybe people will start to listen....).

                    I have been pushing for Diplomatic victory for the past two terms because I realized it was going to be the quickest. I had even posted the idea of getting Japan to attack us on our soil while we have MPP's with everyone to virtualy insure our victory.

                    ahhhh... rant over.
                    Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
                    1992-Perot , 1996-Perot , 2000-Bush , 2004-Bush :|, 2008-Obama :|, 2012-Obama , 2016-Clinton , 2020-Biden


                    • #12
                      Who says that we want victory in 12-13 turns?
                      I for one first want to see a D-day invasion of Japan, combining the might of aircraft carriers, modern armor, radar artillery, missiles and all the cool modern killing machines. Then we can reach victory.
                      Last edited by Shiber; February 11, 2003, 09:29.
                      "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                      And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                      Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                      - Phantom of the Opera


                      • #13
                        If the Senate allows us to fight Japan for real, I'm a strong support of the "D Day".

                        If not, the run for the spaceship could be... bored!
                        In this case, I'll support a diplomatic victory.
                        RIAA sucks
                        The Optimistas
                        I'm a political cartoonist


                        • #14
                          And, of course, we can win in the two ways.
                          RIAA sucks
                          The Optimistas
                          I'm a political cartoonist


                          • #15
                            D Day was the conquest of the beaches of Normandy, Japan is only beach.

                            "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise can not see all ends." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring.
                            Term 9 and 10 Domestic Minister of the C3DG I., Term 8 Regional Governor of Old Persia in the C3DG and proud citizen of Apolyton. Royal Ambassador to Legoland in the C3 PTW DG, Foreign Affairs Minister and King of the United Kingdom in the MZO C3CDG and leader of the Monarchist Imperialist team. Moody Sir Aidun (The Impatient) of the Holy Templar Order in the C4BtSDG

