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  • #16

    SMC Moves complete

    Operation "Fortress Uber" put into effect - the defense of Uber Isle against invading Japanese forces.

    Operation "Iron Cross" - the assault on Leipzig is a success, the city has fallen and is now in our hands.
    Attached Files
    Former Supreme Military Commander of the Democratic Apolyton States, Term 8
    Former Chairman of Apolyton Labor Party


    • #17
      Here's the log from the chat (at least most of it), I got cut off about 1/5 into it, but most all of it's there....
      Attached Files
      Former Supreme Military Commander of the Democratic Apolyton States, Term 8
      Former Chairman of Apolyton Labor Party


      • #18
        A short report:

        The chat was interrupted in the middle of the turn 1330 AD, after a mistake. I did the DM stuff (a lot of work! ), about 1 hour working. I posted the save for SMC moves and the SMC post it back after finished. With the new save loaded, I ended the turn. Then, I noticed that the queues were messed... All the queue's changes were lost, and the WF changes too.

        That means, I missed some orders (tomorrow I'll detail this). I suppose four or five orders about queues. Could be more, but I don’t think so. This means a measurable delay in our efforts to minimize war weariness.

        Of course, the missed changes in the WF stuff means losses to our productivity, commerce and growth. When I pushed the space bar to end the turn, this waste becomes irreversible. I apologize to joncnunn and the RA's for this.

        I made the mistake probably when I posted the save for the SMC for the first time. I'll check it tomorrow.

        The losses in shields, commerce and growth are measurable, but are small. The queues are more serious, IMO. The WF location can't cause so much harm in one turn, in general. But if we should change a hospital to a Police station, and this not happens, we make our war weariness problem bigger. This (or similar) happened four, five times.

        So... ?

        IMHO (I said humble, notice that ), I didn't screw up. But I lost the time of the Ministers, Justices and Senators presents at the chat... Not to mention my own time...

        Anyway, I apologize to all those people for the mistake.

        Thanks Aggie, for the inestimable help correcting the queues, and Mesh, for take Leipzig ( )and for all support.

        Thank you all, Senators and Justices, for the patience.

        An important note: the WF location needs to be checked and compared with the orders. I'll do this tomorrow, and make the corrections on the save. The turn isn't ended yet, and any change is reversible. The orders about workers are done in part, but not completely.

        The report tomorrow will be more game-related, with info about units, enemy moves, conquests (Leipzig) and threats to our nation. Like the Jap Fleet about to invade us in Another Glorious City... (we can defeat this, don't worry... ). So much in a half turn!

        Please, post your comments and requests for impeachment or court cases here...
        RIAA sucks
        The Optimistas
        I'm a political cartoonist


        • #19
          joncnunn, I'll PM you in the morning or so.
          Sorry, I'm too tired right now...
          Don't worry, wasn't a disaster at all.
          RIAA sucks
          The Optimistas
          I'm a political cartoonist


          • #20
            You were great, really. It was a very pleasant turnchat.

            Too bad it was delayed and interrupted. Better luck next time!
            "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
            And the truth isn't what you want to see,
            Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
            - Phantom of the Opera


            • #21
              This save includes all WF rearrangements to obey the DM and RA orders.

              I'll post soon the report about losses (as consequence of my mistake). Not much, at all (thanks God! ).
              Attached Files
              RIAA sucks
              The Optimistas
              I'm a political cartoonist


              • #22
                Damage report
                (cause: my mistake when posting and loading saves )

                Three queues messed (not much):

                Willsbury built ironclad instead of harbour,
                Queue at this point: Harbour(2), Pol, Col, wealth (as a placeholder for a Battleship), Bank.

                Gotham built Bank instead of Police station.
                The queue is: Pol(5), Hos, Court, Col.

                Port Rouge didn’t change the queue in turn 1325 AD. I did the change in 1330AD, but, as a consequence, we lost ~20 shields.
                The queue: Pol(1), Inf, Fact, Uni, Hos, Bank, Col.

                We had some minor losses in shields, growth or commerce, because I implemented the changes in the WF one turn later (1330 ad).

                The PW orders are done in part. The urgent requests of Old Germany are in progress (almost done)

                End of the damage report...

                The other PW requests aren’t implemented yet (I only can do this in a turnchat, and the last one was interrupted when we figured out what happened)

                Only the temple in Berlin was rushed.

                No workers joined any city, yet (no harm, it's in time). This should be done in the next turnchat.
                RIAA sucks
                The Optimistas
                I'm a political cartoonist


                • #24
                  Macross City already completed the Infantry in its queue, it shouldn't be building another one. This error occured because the city completed its build in 1330. We should check for similar situations (completed unit builds) in other cities, to ensure they are not building unordered units.


                  • #25
                    ... Did you download the save posted above, dejon?
                    In this save, Macross is building Police Station (4 turns). The subsequent queue is Hospital, Colosseum, Wealth (as a placeholder for... well, for something )
                    I believe that all queues are corrected now, with the exceptions mentioned in the "damage Report" post above.

                    Note: Just in case, I downloaded the mentioned save to a different folder in the saves directory of CivIII and loaded the game... Checked )
                    RIAA sucks
                    The Optimistas
                    I'm a political cartoonist


                    • #26
                      Sorry, I had missed that post/attachment, I was looking at the previous 1330 save. Thanks.

