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Opinion poll: Should Frankfurt be abandoned or not?

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  • Opinion poll: Should Frankfurt be abandoned or not?

    Should Frankfurt be abandoned or not.

    This is what Shiber and Roadcage think:

    Originally posted by roadcage
    I know this will get flamed, but we need to abandon Frankfurt and use one of our inventoried settlers to replace it. Turning 8 resisters requires too much of our meager forces to be worth the candle. The question that arises, is should it be replaced at the same tile, or moved slightly closer to Leipzig. By moving closer to Liepzig, we will be able to fire our Artillery at Leipzig one turn sooner. And I expect a similarly high resistor count out of Leipzig so that New Frankfurt being closer is not a problem. We will most likely be moving Leipzig as well.

    Originally posted by Shiber

    I've changed my mind about Frankfurt over the last day. I now agree with Roadcage on the matter of burning this wretched thing.
    Please give your opinion on this issue.

    This poll lasts forever

    Last edited by Aidun; January 22, 2003, 16:37.
    "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise can not see all ends." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring.
    Term 9 and 10 Domestic Minister of the C3DG I., Term 8 Regional Governor of Old Persia in the C3DG and proud citizen of Apolyton. Royal Ambassador to Legoland in the C3 PTW DG, Foreign Affairs Minister and King of the United Kingdom in the MZO C3CDG and leader of the Monarchist Imperialist team. Moody Sir Aidun (The Impatient) of the Holy Templar Order in the C4BtSDG

  • #2
    I agree with both, roadcage and Shiber.
    Voted Yea
    RIAA sucks
    The Optimistas
    I'm a political cartoonist


    • #3
      As I understand the newcon, since Frankfurt has resistors, it is under the watchful eye of our SMC. And based on what happened with Hamburg, if he wants to abandon it, he can, full stop.

      The real question becomes where do we want to place the city founding settler if this happens. And this is within the control of our DM. We would hope that the DM would consult with the rest of the cabinet and expecially the SMC, but it's his call.

      I originally wrote what I wrote in hopes of raising the interest level of our SMC and DM. I never expected a poll. But we have one now, so I voted Yea.

      Ssgt roadcage (retired)
      I used to be a builder. That was before I played Civ III


      • #4
        I say abandon. Trying to squelch that many resisters will take away from our continued offensive.
        Citizen of the Apolyton team in the ISDG
        Currently known as Senor Rubris in the PTW DG team


        • #5
          Actually, I'm in agreement with Roadcage that Frankfurt should be abandoded due to it's numerous resistors.
          1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
          Templar Science Minister
          AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


          • #6
            This is a good idea as far as I'm concerned. Frankfurt should be abandoned, it causes too many issues logistically, and a newer, better site for a city can be founded in the surrounding area, with loyal Apolyton nationals settling the city.

            Frankfurt will be abandoned this next turnchat. Berlin, however, will stay. I, like our President, do not wish to see the Observatory demolished.....

            SMC Meshelic
            Former Supreme Military Commander of the Democratic Apolyton States, Term 8
            Former Chairman of Apolyton Labor Party


            • #7
              hi ,

              yeah , but we should get some settlers or workers out of it !

              have a nice day

              and this poll can not last forever , ....
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              WHY DOES ISRAEL NEED A SECURITY FENCE --- join in an exceptional demo game > join here forum is now open ! - the new civ Conquest screenshots > go see them UPDATED 07.11.2003 ISRAEL > crisis or challenge ?


              • #8
                We would only get workers out of it, and the remaining units inside the city would no longer be...well, in the city.

                However, the benefits to abandoning Frankfurt far outweigh IMHO any argument against it. We will not have to waste military resources on squashing the resistance there, nor will we risk a culture flip (although that really isn't something that worries me), and to top it off, we can use the tiles available more efficiently when we plant one of our own cities in the general area...

                SMC Meshelic
                Former Supreme Military Commander of the Democratic Apolyton States, Term 8
                Former Chairman of Apolyton Labor Party


                • #9
                  What a shame! I forgot to vote first in my own poll !

                  I voted Yea. Not because I like to abandon cities. I hate it, but I fear that if we wouldn't, the Greeks and the Astecs would probably conquer one or two cities that I would rather see to fall into OUR hands. We can use our forces for better purposes that to keep the order in Frankfurt.
                  [rp]Those unthankful people should know better: WE are not their oppressors, we have come to free them from the German oppressor![/rp]

                  "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise can not see all ends." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring.
                  Term 9 and 10 Domestic Minister of the C3DG I., Term 8 Regional Governor of Old Persia in the C3DG and proud citizen of Apolyton. Royal Ambassador to Legoland in the C3 PTW DG, Foreign Affairs Minister and King of the United Kingdom in the MZO C3CDG and leader of the Monarchist Imperialist team. Moody Sir Aidun (The Impatient) of the Holy Templar Order in the C4BtSDG


                  • #10
                    I disagree with moving or abandoning it. Doing so gives up all that is in it. Flip is a small danger at best due to our culture advantage over germany. If it did flip, so what, we just retake it. Often in these situations I use a place like frankfurt for a unit recovery town, so units recover and lower resistance. I f we don't have enough of these we simply wait till the war is over to put down the resistance. Last I looked though we had plenty of wounded units.
                    The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


                    • #11
                      I would not disband Frankfurt until all those units are healed.

                      I agree with you Aggie, to a point....but at the moment, war weariness is taking us over like a dark cloud. Disbanding Frankfurt (in a turn or so) after those units are healed, will allow us to move quickly and assault the last German cities, instead of having to hold back some troops to quell the resisters...

                      I don't wish to see those cities in Greek hands, or Aztec, or English. We've done the most fighting, it's only right that we take the remaining cities.

                      Waiting till the units inside Frankfurt heal?
                      Disbanding Frankfurt after that?
                      Continuing and capturing our objectives before we're overtaken by war weariness?
                      Former Supreme Military Commander of the Democratic Apolyton States, Term 8
                      Former Chairman of Apolyton Labor Party


                      • #12
                        Meshelic, it's your call, but if we don't abandon Frankfurt this turn the city will go into disorder if you send more than a couple of troops over there.

                        Also, since we built Sun Tzus, any new city we build has a baracks.

                        I sugest that in this turn in this order:

                        1. Railroad connect to the poluted tile (don't rail the actual tile though, forming the town will clear polution and rail there.) (At the same time rail connect Berlin to the rest of the empire.)

                        2. Form New Frankfort

                        3. Abandon Old Frankfort

                        4. Place the wouded units you whould have placed in Old Frankfort in New Frankfort instead.
                        1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                        Templar Science Minister
                        AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                        • #13
                          Excellent suggestion, joncnunn.
                          RIAA sucks
                          The Optimistas
                          I'm a political cartoonist

