Originally posted by joncnunn
1. Did China pay us anything for peace?
1. Did China pay us anything for peace?
2. I hope those luxaries weren't from China considering their Trade Embargo.
3. I strongly sugest a counter trade embargo on our current turn against China and Rome this turn considering that it won't delay our ability to trade with either of them if we sign it then. (And it will also punish both of them.)
If Rome and China already signed a counter-embargo very recently, then that changes things.
4. How many turns are there until our MPPs expire?
5. Do we have enough military units to place at least 1 in each of our cities so we can sign a RoP with Japan so that their forces clear our territory and go after Rome and/or Germany?
(We will be at war with them if we tell them to leave or declare war.)
(We will be at war with them if we tell them to leave or declare war.)
As for telling the Japanese to leave, I didn't for exactly the reason you suggest.