Under the old Code of Laws, there were two types of "official polls" that could be conducted and rules for each: multiple-choice polls and yes/no polls.
Each time a Great Leader was produced by a victorious elite unit in our nation's history under the old Code of Laws, an official multiple-choice poll was conducted and the top choices sometimes were then voted on in a final poll.... the entire process took 3 days to less than a week and it was over with and the game moved on.
Under the New Constitution, we have not been permitted to have multiple-choice official polls, or "Senate Bills" as they are now called. As regards the situation concerning deciding what should be done with Great Leaders, this change in the rules from the old CoL has been an unmitigated disaster.
Both for the purpose of deciding on what should be done with great leaders and for any other issues where many options are available, bringing back official multiple-choice polls seems to be the logical thing to do.
I'm not saying we shouldn't do it without appropriate rules to accomodate it in the new system. Perhaps we simply do multiple-choice polls much in the same manner as two-round election systems... the first poll exists to narrow the options to two choices. The second poll is to decide between those two options.
If you want to restrict it to great leaders and other specific situations where a course of action needs to be decided upon and there are multiple options (as opposed to situations where the senate need not act), I'd be fine with that, too.
But we need true and official multiple-choice polling back for great leaders - period.
I welcome discussion on this issue in this thread.
Thank You.
Each time a Great Leader was produced by a victorious elite unit in our nation's history under the old Code of Laws, an official multiple-choice poll was conducted and the top choices sometimes were then voted on in a final poll.... the entire process took 3 days to less than a week and it was over with and the game moved on.
Under the New Constitution, we have not been permitted to have multiple-choice official polls, or "Senate Bills" as they are now called. As regards the situation concerning deciding what should be done with Great Leaders, this change in the rules from the old CoL has been an unmitigated disaster.
Both for the purpose of deciding on what should be done with great leaders and for any other issues where many options are available, bringing back official multiple-choice polls seems to be the logical thing to do.
I'm not saying we shouldn't do it without appropriate rules to accomodate it in the new system. Perhaps we simply do multiple-choice polls much in the same manner as two-round election systems... the first poll exists to narrow the options to two choices. The second poll is to decide between those two options.
If you want to restrict it to great leaders and other specific situations where a course of action needs to be decided upon and there are multiple options (as opposed to situations where the senate need not act), I'd be fine with that, too.
But we need true and official multiple-choice polling back for great leaders - period.
I welcome discussion on this issue in this thread.
Thank You.