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FAM Campaign Thread

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  • FAM Campaign Thread

    FAM Campaign Thread

    Even though I'm the only citizen running for the FAM's office at the moment, I'm going to pretend that I'm competing for this position.
    Opening speech below. I tried to address everything relevant but I'm far from perfect. Please post your questions, comments, ransom notes, bribes, childhood stories, favorite philosophical quotes, baby pictures, anything!
    "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
    And the truth isn't what you want to see,
    Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
    - Phantom of the Opera

  • #2
    Good citizens of Apolytonia,
    I have known you all for quite some time. I have been lurking since term I and have been active since term II. I have watched this great nation grow from a backward jungle civilization into a great nation that all other nations tremble before its might. I have learned to admire the great skills of those gifted people that our fine Democracy has elected to put at the helm of our beloved nation, and for a long time I wished to be one of them.
    Unfortunately, I was unable to free enough time to be able to commit to a government post, and so, not wanting to fail my friends in case I was unable to fulfill my obligations, I put my desires away for months after months. Now, at last, after much of the demands from RL have been met for the moment, I can finally devote myself to a public office!
    The feeling is... indescribable. It's like I'm realizing a dream. Finally I have a chance to realize myself within the game, to truly contribute to this wonderful society that has taught me so much and so well, to step up and volunteer as a proud Apolytonian!
    The fact that I am running for the FAM's office makes this event even more remarkable from my point of view. I have been in love with this position from day one. If you remember, I was behind
    I find that the FAM's job is so beautiful because it relates to all parts of the game: the FAM has to make sure that cities receive their necessary luxuries and resources; the FAM has to plan optimal deals so that we can have as much money for our scientific research, for investing in our cities and for our military; the FAM has to plan the diplomatic course of war; and above all, starting from the industrial age, the FAM can bring a powerful AI civilization into a state of anarchy without sounding a single gunshot! There is no rolling of dice in the FAM's office, only delicate planning and careful decision-making.

    That is why I love Apolytonia; that is why I love the office of the FAM; that is why I wish to volunteer for our nation, and that is why I ask for your vote of confidence in the coming election.


    The above passage was the background for the decision that I've made, to run for Minister of Foreign Affairs. I will now relate to some points that I'd like to clarify about my policy and my plans:

    Keeping the enemy bankrupt
    We begin this important chapter by defining who is our enemy: from my point of view, in Civ3 economics and trade everyone is your enemy. A good player must strive to maximize his profit, but moreover, he must also strive to minimize the profit of the AI.
    At last, we have become the undisputed leaders in the field of technology. Being at least one step ahead of the AIs in research, we can sell our techs to the AIs for enormous prices and leave them with little to no income. A civilization with a monitary balance at zero or near zero cannot rush improvements, cannot upgrade its military and cannot buy luxuries, which only makes it weaker.
    By making sure that all the AI civs are bankrupt, we both hamper their progress and make them dependant upon us. This is exactly where we want them.

    Buying luxuries
    As our nation enters the age of Metropolis-sized cities, where "it's just way too crowded" truly becomes an understatement, having a stable supply of all 8 luxuries becomes a necessity. We will not be able to support our cities with just the 6 luxuries that we control for long, and we'll become dependant on 2 imports: ivory and gems (or less if we take over any sources of ivory or gems).
    Luckily, this combines well with the policy of keeping the AIs bankrupt. When they are bankrupt or just low on cash, they are unable to pay a full price for the techs that we sell them. Therefore, we can demand from the AIs that they pay the rest of the price with luxuries and they will not object. That way, we will not have to pay gpt for these luxuries, we'll only be giving things that we're already giving.

    Monopolizing & using luxuries as a weapon
    The things that can be done with luxuries, or rather denying them, are amazing. We've all witnessed how the once powerful German nation has turned into a staggering anarchy only thanks to the fact that we've denied them the ability to import luxuries and keep their population happy.
    However, we cannot assume that we will always be able to get all, or even most of the AIs, to declare war on our enemies. Furthermore, in the age of flight and airports, surrounding our enemies with hostile nations will not be enough to isolate them from international trade anymore. The only sure way to deny our enemies of certain luxuries is to monopolize these luxuries.
    If I am elected, I will strive to get us a monopoly over as many luxuries as possible, with the consent of the President, SMC and Senate.

    Diplomatic victory?
    Some citizens favor the option of a diplomatic victory. In order to win the UN vote, we need to be liked by the other nations. This apparently won't go hand in hand with my aggressive trade policy, but I find that there are a number of easy ways to make the AIs like you before the UN vote.
    First of all, we have plenty to give. We don't have to be a full-blown philanthropist to get the AI civs to like us. All we have to do is to gift them a few techs or luxuries, sign a RoP or another agreement just for the sake of the vote (since it won't matter, unless we decide to continue playing after we've won) and if we want to be sure, set up another world war like the current one with Germany and Rome, against the second greatest civilization.
    My policy does not deny the option of a diplomatic victory. On the contrary, should the senate decide to win this game diplomatically then I, with the help and guidance of the senate and the government, will come up with a plan and post it for approval by the senate.

    Integration of Role-Play and the game
    There is not much to say about this subject. I think my stance is clear, and it is that RP should never be allowed to interfere with the game. I will never approve of any actions that will be uneconomical or otherwise detrimental within the boundaries of the game for reasons based solely on RP.

    Thank you for listening!
    I am eager to hear your questions, suggestions, comments or anything else that you have in mind.
    "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
    And the truth isn't what you want to see,
    Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
    - Phantom of the Opera


    • #3
      Shiber, great platform!

      An aggressive FAM does wonders for an aggressive SMC, which I plan to be.

      Your plans for securing all eight luxuries will run hand in hand w/SMC plans as well, and I look forward to coordinating with you how to go about this (provided we have Senate support and get elected in the first place..)

      Your excitement makes me even more excitied...

      Good luck in the elections!

      SMC Nominee
      Former Supreme Military Commander of the Democratic Apolyton States, Term 8
      Former Chairman of Apolyton Labor Party


      • #4
        Fantastic couple! Shiber, you are certainly one of the most prepared citizens for this job. I've learning about diplomacy and commerce from you for a long time. This will be a great term!
        RIAA sucks
        The Optimistas
        I'm a political cartoonist


        • #5
          Thank you all for all your support!
          Here's more of my plan:

          Method of Operation
          Once a turnchat/thread is over, and as soon as I can post on 'poly, I will open a FAM thread for the next set of turns. I will detail all the information about every other civ (attitude, current deals, what resources/luxuries they have, how much income they've got if this information is available etc') and then sum up with my plan for the next five turns.
          Should anyone object any part of my plan and provide a different opinion, I will consider his opinion and should I find that his arguments are convincing, I will change my plan accordingly. Needless to say, I will comply with any requests for changes in my plans expressed through a senate bill, as required by law.
          I believe that this method of operation will make matters seem more clear to the senate and to the executive branch, and allow for more fruitful discussion.
          "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
          And the truth isn't what you want to see,
          Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
          - Phantom of the Opera


          • #6
            I have recently decided to oppose Shiber. Now, I may not be as passionate about the post of FAM(you may even beleive I am running on a whim), but I also beleive in its startling power. I am convinced that as FAM, one makes decisions that affect all civilizations much more radically than those of the SMC.

            However, unlike Shiber, my strategy is far less aggressive. Indeed, I subscibe to "Olive Branch Diplomacy". My plan is not merely flexible enough to consider a diplomatic victory, all my thought is bent on it, as if I were Sauron seeking the One Ring.

            My objective is to create valuable allies. Although I beleive in tech-whoring, my sole objective is not to bankrupt our collegues, although that may be a result. Of course, buying luxuries is imperative, (though I do not want to take them by force if possible) and since the AIs will give us just about anything for techs, I would obtain luxuries in that manner.

            I am against the policy of denying luxuries when it could bring us benefit. Nations in anarchy do not make good allies. Provoking nations to go to war with us, either intentionally or passively in this manner, is an absolute crime, and I will not stand for it.

            And if we are to go after a Diplomatic Victory, no wishy-washy strategy will do. We must not take chances with a diplomatic victory, and we must ensure that everyone adores us, respects us, indeed admires our generous government.

            As for roleplaying, you all know that I'm all for it. Everyone gets a voice in this democracy, even the crazed commies. I don't intend to oppose this. We've virtually won, and unless it would imperil our chances for peace and diplomatic victory, or our forces in a war, I will take the opinions of roleplayers into my consideration. After all, they are citizens too!
            Last edited by Thud; January 11, 2003, 18:42.
            "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
            Former President, C3SPDGI


            • #7
              hi ,

              thus those species can never be trusted as allies , we shall always need one gun pointed at the civ we are civilizing at the moment and one at our so called allies , .....

              we should buy lux , but it might be better to just take them , therefore we shall be selling lux and we shall get money , why pay for something that is laying there for free , .....

              good program Shiber

              have a nice day
              - LEGIO PATRIA NOSTRA - one shot , one kill - freedom exists only in a book - everything you always wanted to know about special forces - everything you always wanted to know about Israel - what Dabur does in his free time , ... - in french - “Become an anti-Semitic teacher for 5 Euro only.”
              WHY DOES ISRAEL NEED A SECURITY FENCE --- join in an exceptional demo game > join here forum is now open ! - the new civ Conquest screenshots > go see them UPDATED 07.11.2003 ISRAEL > crisis or challenge ?


              • #8
                All I can say is

                Give THUD a chance

                Maynard G. Krebbs

                (for those too young to remember, Dobbie Gillis' beatnick pal and sidekick from the sitcom of the same name)
                I used to be a builder. That was before I played Civ III


                • #9
                  I wholly support Shiber. I think we should continue our aggressive policies.

