We will have a senate meeting on Saturday, 1/11 at 12 Noon Eastern Standard Time. That will be at 9AM Pacific Standard TIme or 17:00 GMT (I think that's right). The meeting will last for 4 hours.
We will have it on the Civ3dem Room on Apolyton Server. If for some reason that Apolyton goes down, we will move to the Undernet, McClain VA server.
We want as many of the Cabinet to try to attend, hopefully 3 members of the court (at least 1 for the whole time) and as many senators that can attend. We would like to have a Senate quorum attend.
Purpose of the meeting:
To get the issue of the GL out of the way, so that the game can continue.
With the Fact that the game CANNOT contunue until the Senate has decided what the Great Leaded Seti will do for our Nation AND the time limit of the most recent Senate Bills, the game might not be played again until the next term takes office. This is inexcusable and we (all members of this game) need to come together and quickly decide this issue.
Proceedures for the Meeting:
The debate will mostly take place in the forums. There will be some last minute debate for Seti's use during the chat. We hope to have at least 1 member of the court present, to take your vote (via private channel, to preserve the santity of your private vote). If for some reason, a mamber of the court cannot attend, one of the Cabinet members (by Con Order of president) will take the private votes.
If for some reason that you are unable to attend the chat, we will post the appointed person of the court (or Cabinet) for which you can send a PM with your vote. The timestamp of the vote MUST be during the time of the Senate meeting, to be valid for this purpose.
We hope that we can have enough of our Senators attend and that we can put this issue behind us and have a regular turnchat on the Sunday, the 12th.
Please try to attend.
We will have it on the Civ3dem Room on Apolyton Server. If for some reason that Apolyton goes down, we will move to the Undernet, McClain VA server.
We want as many of the Cabinet to try to attend, hopefully 3 members of the court (at least 1 for the whole time) and as many senators that can attend. We would like to have a Senate quorum attend.
Purpose of the meeting:
To get the issue of the GL out of the way, so that the game can continue.
With the Fact that the game CANNOT contunue until the Senate has decided what the Great Leaded Seti will do for our Nation AND the time limit of the most recent Senate Bills, the game might not be played again until the next term takes office. This is inexcusable and we (all members of this game) need to come together and quickly decide this issue.
Proceedures for the Meeting:
The debate will mostly take place in the forums. There will be some last minute debate for Seti's use during the chat. We hope to have at least 1 member of the court present, to take your vote (via private channel, to preserve the santity of your private vote). If for some reason, a mamber of the court cannot attend, one of the Cabinet members (by Con Order of president) will take the private votes.
If for some reason that you are unable to attend the chat, we will post the appointed person of the court (or Cabinet) for which you can send a PM with your vote. The timestamp of the vote MUST be during the time of the Senate meeting, to be valid for this purpose.
We hope that we can have enough of our Senators attend and that we can put this issue behind us and have a regular turnchat on the Sunday, the 12th.
Please try to attend.