Man.... I'm gone for 2 days due to RL problems and when I come back I find out the chief justice is leaving 
You will be sorely missed as Chief Justice. You have provided a needed calm and reasoned influence upon the Court and have done much to contribute to the wellbeing of Apolytonia as a community even beyond what your work has done to contribute to it as a nation in Civ3 while on the Court.
I hope you can find the ability to contribute what you can in the future, though not on the Court.
Thank You.

You will be sorely missed as Chief Justice. You have provided a needed calm and reasoned influence upon the Court and have done much to contribute to the wellbeing of Apolytonia as a community even beyond what your work has done to contribute to it as a nation in Civ3 while on the Court.
I hope you can find the ability to contribute what you can in the future, though not on the Court.
Thank You.