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1280 A.D. CHAT STARTING - saves to be posted HERE

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  • 1280 A.D. CHAT STARTING - saves to be posted HERE

    Chat will start with 1280 A.D.

    Members of Government Present:

    Arnelos (President)
    Spiffor (DM)
    E_T (SMC)

    E_T will have to leave in a bit and we are currently discussing who should be his deputy for the chat.
    Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
    Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
    7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game

  • #2
    Starting save:
    Attached Files
    Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
    Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
    7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


    • #3
      Turn 0 (1280 A.D.):

      Great Leader moved from Howitzerville to Loveshack
      Area near Berlin pillaged
      SMC's "Backstreet Boys" cavalry division moves into enemy territory near Berlin and sights only a single German longbow while scouting ahead. The cavalry are put in position so that if they survive the turn, they can pillage the last remaining road linking Berlin to the rest of Germany
      Draft at Chiquita - conscript infantry moved to Loveshack
      Switched Ghengistown to Military Academy
      Switched Forbidden City to Palace (placeholder/shieldbank)
      Used GL to rush Universal Suffrage in Loveshack
      Cavalry scout Brundisium and see a 5/5 Elite Roman rifleman defending
      Artillery bombards Brundisium and damages 5/5 rifle to 4/5. A 4/4 rifle now showing.
      Rushed Barracks in Solace (64 lytons)
      Rushed Cavalry in Boomtown (252 lytons)

      Between Turns

      2 Zulu fleet stacks move away toward Zululand
      Japanese stack of frigates enters view south of Lower Persia
      German longbow attacks and defeats 1 of the 3 cav in the "Backstreet Boys" division (German longbow now 1/4)
      German rifle defeats English spearman south of Stuttgart
      Germans retreating riflemen from our territory
      Aztecs attack some German units in their territory, move about.
      Greece moves a ton of horsemen, knights, archers, and some riflemen, infantry, and the occassional cavalry through Aztec territory (mostly toward Germany)
      Roman ironclad and galleon continue onward toward Uber Isle
      Scientific Method discovered. Starting on Atomic Theory
      Universal Suffrage completed in Loveshack
      Attached Files
      Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
      Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
      7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


      • #4
        End of turn save (requested by Aggie and E_T).
        Attached Files
        Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
        Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
        7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


        • #5
          Turn 1 (1285 A.D.)

          5 native works joined to Howitzerville (now pop 6)
          Set up "worker wall" on Uber Isle to prevent Roman invasion on SW coast
          Drafted from Rheims
          Ghengistown switched to Theory of Evolution - 6 turns
          Slider turned to 100% science. Atomic Theory in 5 turns, Income 181 LPT
          2 infantry and an artillery moved north of New York and bombard a German ARMY (3 regular archers) and a 3/4 musket in Aztec territory (German musket goes from 3/4 to 1/4)
          Artillery in Howitzerville shells German rifleman just outside of city (German rifle from 3/3 to 1/3)
          Veteran Cavalry attacks 1/3 German rifle outside of Howitzerville and wins (cav now 2/4)
          Artillery in Abandonment shells German rifle stack north of town and does not damage
          3 Artillery fire on German rifle south of Stuttgart (2 make 1-hp hits, it's now 2/4)
          3 Artillery fire on German rifle stack near Abandonment (4/4 rifle now 2/4, 3/3 rifle now 2/3, 3/4 rifle now 2/4)
          Veteran Cavalry charges German rifle stack and kills 2/3 rifle (Cav now 3/4)
          Veteran Cavalry charges German rifle stack and retreats after losing 3 hp (no damage to German rifle)
          Veteran Cavalry charges German rifle stack and kills 2/4 rifle (Cav now 2/4)
          Veteran Cavalry charges German rifle stack and kills 2/4 rifle (Cav now 3/4)
          Veteran Cavalry charges German rifle and is killed (German rifle now Elite 2/5)
          Veteran Cavalry charges German rifle and kills 2/5 rifle (Cav promoted to Elite, now 4/5)
          3 Artillery bombard Stuttgart (2 do no damage, 1 KILLS CITIZENS - Stuttgart now Pop 12)
          Elite Cavalry charges German 2/4 rifle south of Stuttgart and kills it (no damage to Cav)
          3 Artillery bombard Stuttgart (2 do no damage, 4/4 rifle now 3/4 - showing 4/4 rifle)
          3 Artillery bombard Stuttgart (no damage)
          3 Artillery bombard Stuttgart (2 do no damage, 4/4 rifle now 3/4 - showing 4/4 rifle)
          3 Artillery bombard Stuttgart (2 do no damage, 4/4 rifle now 2/4 - showing 4/4 rifle)
          Cavalry scouts toward Roman city of Brundisium and sights a 4/4 Roman Infantry on defense
          Artillery bombards Brundisium and does no damage
          Veteran Ironclad attacks 2/4 Roman Ironclad and sinks it (our Ironclad now 2/4)
          Elite Knight atttacks German 9/9 Archer Army and DEFEATS IT (Elite Knight now 2/5)
          Veteran Infantry attacks 1/4 German musketman in Aztec territory and kills it (inf promoted to elite, now 5/5)
          Invaded German territory near Hannover with several more infantry
          Sending Cavalry to Uber Isle via ferry
          1 Artillery bombards Stuttgart and hits a 4/4 rifle to 3/4 - now showing a 3/4 rifle
          Berlin #1 pillaged. Berlin is now cut off from the rest of Germany

          Between Turns

          2 Japanese Frigate+Galleon combos move westward just south of Susa
          2 Japanese Ironclads move southward past Port of Where Its At
          Russia moves a spearman to just southeast of Brundisium
          Germany moves around some riflemen
          Aztecs attack Germans with infantry
          Greece moves about knights and horsemen on attack as well as riflemen (all through Aztec territory moving back and forth toward/from Cologne)
          Rome moves its Galleon northward past our worker wall
          Rome attacks Russian spearman near Brundisium with an infantry and defeats it
          Rome moves 2 infantry into our territory just southwest of Hole In Wall
          WLAD celebrated in Here It Is
          WLAD ended in 4 cities (went by too fast for me to see which - Apolyton was one of them)
          WLAD ended in Timeline
          WLAD ended in 4 more cities (Seeberg, Macross City, etc.)
          WLAD ended in New York
          WLAD ended in Boomtown, Port of Where Its At, and another city (?)
          Attached Files
          Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
          Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
          7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


          • #6
            At the request of Aggie... end-turn save (so he and others can watch events between turns).
            Attached Files
            Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
            Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
            7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


            • #7
              Turn 2 (1290 A.D.)

              Temple rushed in Howitzerville (92 lytons)
              Worker wall moved to protect area around Solace and Boomtown
              Artillery near Hole in the Wall moved into the city and bombards Roman infantry (a roman inf from 4/4 to 3/4)
              Artillery in Hole in the Wall shells Roman infantry (4/4 to 2/4)
              Ironclad shells Roman galleon - galleon now 3/4
              Artillery near Howitzerville shells a German rifleman to the north (4/4 to 3/4)
              Artillery in Hole in the Wall shells Roman infantry (3/4 to 2/4)
              Artillery in Hole in the Wall shells Roman infantry (2/4 to 1/4)
              3 Artillery shell Stuttgart (whif, 4/4 rifle to 3/4, CITIZENS KILLED - Pop from 11 to 10)
              3 Artillery shell Stuttgart and do no damage
              3 Artillery shell Stuttgart (whif, 4/4 rifle to 2/4, 4/4 rifle to 3/4.... Stuttgart now shows a 3/4 rifle)
              2 Artillery shell Stuttgart (whif, 3/4 rifle to 2/4 - shows another 3/4 rifle)
              Our Glorious Army attacks 3/4 rifle in Stuttgart and kills it (but army is now 3/12)
              Elite Cavalry attacks 2/4 rifle in Stuttgart and dies (rifle now 2/5)
              3 Artillery shell Stuttgart (whif, whif, Barracks destroyed)
              Artillery in fort near Hole in the Wall shell Roman infantry stack (2/4 to 1/4)
              Veteran Cavalry in fort near Hole in the Wall charges Roman 1/4 infantry and kills it (Cav now 3/4)
              Veteran Cavalry in Hole in the Wall charges Roman 1/4 infantry and dies (no damage to Roman inf)
              Veteran Cavalry in Hole in the Wall charges Roman 1/4 infantry and kills it (no damage to Cav)
              3 Iroquois Frigates off of Brundisium spotted
              4 Artillery bombard Stuttgart (whif, Temple destroyed, 2 CITIZENS KILLED - pop from 10 to 8)
              2 Artillery bombard Stuttgart (no damage)
              Veteran Cavalry attacks 3/4 German rifle north of Howitzerville, takes 3 damage, and retreats (no damage to German)
              Veteran Cavalry attacks 3/4 German rifle and hits it down to 1/4, but Cavalry killed
              Veteran Cavalry attacks 1/4 German rifle and kills it (no damage to Cav)
              Factory in Banana HQ rushed for 348 lytons
              Factory in Apolyton rushed for 272 lytons
              Drafted from Opiadom (NewCon says President must check with EITHER the SMC or the DM - SMC asked for Opiadom, DM was not present.)

              Between Turns

              Now there are 3 Japanese Ironclads heading south toward Brundisium
              Japanese Frigate/Galleon combos continue to head west past Persia
              Babylon comes toward Hole in the Wall with a pikeman, bowman, and something else in a stack
              Germany attacks the "Backstreet Boys" and with a rifleman and a cavalry and wins both fights (their cavalry is promoted to elite)
              A few Aztec units seen moving
              Very little Greek movement this turn (compared to previous several turns)
              Roman infantry near Brundisium invades Russian territory heading south
              Roman galleon near Uber Island moves away to the southwest
              WLAD celebrated in Howitzerville
              WLAD celebrated in another city (didn't catch which one)
              Attached Files
              Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
              Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
              7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


              • #8
                chat log
                Attached Files

