Welcome to World War I, and unlike the baseline case, WE have achieved it in a mear 1275 AD.
We find ourselves well on the way for one of the bloodiest 25 years our world has ever known. With the guiding help of The Great Banana, our: all-in one, non-denominational, middle of the road, except when extreme, Ever-So-Super-Powerful-Super-Being
Deity, We stand a good chance of coming out as the pre-eminent world power. It would take a real sour turn of events to change this destiny the Great Banana has laied out for us. Up till now we have been playing catch-up. Germany was able to get in the way however; and I guess The Romans felt the same way about us. So now we have A World War.
The Stage:
Major Enemies:
Germany : Also at war with Aztec, India, Japan, Iroquois, Greece, England and Persia.
Rome: Also at war with Japan, Iroquois, Russia, England and Greece.
Minor Enemies: ( due to alliances with major enemies )
China (also Allied with Germany against Aztecs)
None of them will acknowledge or envoys.
India, Ally vs. Germany (18)
Aztec, Ally vs. Germany (18)
Persia Ally vs. Germany (18)
Protection Partners:
Japan (12)
Iroquois (12)
Russia (12)
England (12)
Greece (12)
Zulu (for how long?)
Unless Zulu Attack, we have 12 of "stability-in-war" assuming our protection partners can behave themselves. That looks like at least three turn chats, the way it is running these days.
Outstanding Tech:
Refining: Greece, India and Aztecs have Refining. Greece has teh best deal for us presently with 41LPT +dyes+spices as a renegotiation. The cost drops each turn, so we are deciding to wait a few until we have no per turn cost (ideally).
Upcoming Trades:
Will be edited once I get to the FAM orders
Eventually we have to find some way to peace in 12-18 turns or so.
AGAIN, I have no intention of trading Scientific Method untill we have achieved the build for ToE beyond doubt.
There has been talk about giving away cities, for diplomatic reasons. I support this.
How do we feel about gifting things?
Do we constantly renegotiating peace or do we maintain a good attitude? It would be easy to grab the extra gold and maps with our other deals anyway.
I would like to see us strive for all three realistic Victory conditions (Dom, SS and Dip). Thoughts comments? This is a KEY issue for the FAMs of the future to consider as we get near the Modern age of Fission and SpaceShips.
I will preparing the rest of the FAM Orders for the turnchat and update tradeing information.
Please feel free to post anything FAM related here.
Thanks and
Have a nice day
Welcome to World War I, and unlike the baseline case, WE have achieved it in a mear 1275 AD.
We find ourselves well on the way for one of the bloodiest 25 years our world has ever known. With the guiding help of The Great Banana, our: all-in one, non-denominational, middle of the road, except when extreme, Ever-So-Super-Powerful-Super-Being
Deity, We stand a good chance of coming out as the pre-eminent world power. It would take a real sour turn of events to change this destiny the Great Banana has laied out for us. Up till now we have been playing catch-up. Germany was able to get in the way however; and I guess The Romans felt the same way about us. So now we have A World War.
The Stage:
Major Enemies:
Germany : Also at war with Aztec, India, Japan, Iroquois, Greece, England and Persia.
Rome: Also at war with Japan, Iroquois, Russia, England and Greece.
Minor Enemies: ( due to alliances with major enemies )
China (also Allied with Germany against Aztecs)
None of them will acknowledge or envoys.
India, Ally vs. Germany (18)
Aztec, Ally vs. Germany (18)
Persia Ally vs. Germany (18)
Protection Partners:
Japan (12)
Iroquois (12)
Russia (12)
England (12)
Greece (12)
Zulu (for how long?)
Unless Zulu Attack, we have 12 of "stability-in-war" assuming our protection partners can behave themselves. That looks like at least three turn chats, the way it is running these days.
Outstanding Tech:
Refining: Greece, India and Aztecs have Refining. Greece has teh best deal for us presently with 41LPT +dyes+spices as a renegotiation. The cost drops each turn, so we are deciding to wait a few until we have no per turn cost (ideally).
Upcoming Trades:
Will be edited once I get to the FAM orders
Eventually we have to find some way to peace in 12-18 turns or so.
AGAIN, I have no intention of trading Scientific Method untill we have achieved the build for ToE beyond doubt.
There has been talk about giving away cities, for diplomatic reasons. I support this.
How do we feel about gifting things?
Do we constantly renegotiating peace or do we maintain a good attitude? It would be easy to grab the extra gold and maps with our other deals anyway.
I would like to see us strive for all three realistic Victory conditions (Dom, SS and Dip). Thoughts comments? This is a KEY issue for the FAMs of the future to consider as we get near the Modern age of Fission and SpaceShips.
I will preparing the rest of the FAM Orders for the turnchat and update tradeing information.
Please feel free to post anything FAM related here.
Thanks and
Have a nice day