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Emanciptation: Discussion and Pre-poll

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Aidun

    Those undemocratic oppressors? The ones who ill-treat people who deserve freedom as much as you and I do?
    Those who become rich over the backs of others who are too weak to resist?
    Let them start a fair business! They should be lucky not to be condemned!
    All Apolytonians MUST be equal before law, or do we want a French Revolution? The ALP is certainly capable to stir the people up against the government.
    Bah, the DIA is in much better position of stirring the people than the ALP is. By membership numbers alone.

    Think of it this way. The DIA nearly has a majority over the independents. The only thing standing in their way are the Hawks, ARMS, and the ALP. You should thank us for that!

    THE Chairman
    Former Supreme Military Commander of the Democratic Apolyton States, Term 8
    Former Chairman of Apolyton Labor Party


    • #17
      We need the slaves to do the jobs the native workforce wont do now because of that blasted Labour Party which will be the ruin of us all!!!
      that is all


      • #18
        In The Name of Progress

        In this Day and Age (1270 i belive) who of the ciztizens of our nation care about the slaves. I say keep em , there cheap and they get things done. Do it for the capatilists and the industrialists. Give em back later if they still have nations to return to, but for a high price ofcource. They still should be treated fairly , no beatings and should be fed. I'm anti racist but in this period of time nobody realy cares for them. Let em do thier work and when there sitin down in the cites doing nothing then free them or let them becom full citizens of the nation. If our culture is fairly good they'll stay content.
        Moo Goes the Cow, Onk Goes the pig, Baa Goes the Sheep, War goes the Bush


        • #19
          We need the slaves to clean up the pollution. We need the workers for the Zulu Conquest. There is no reason to free any of them and every reason to not free them.


          • #20
            In the interests of spreading the religious practices of the almighty Great Banana, we should free the slaves and allow them to join our cities.

            The record of assimilation of foreigners to Apolytonian cultural norms (including worship of the Great Banana) has proven to be remarkably successful when foreigners are integrated into the urbanized workforce of the nation. There, in our temples, our schools, our libraries, our cathedrals, and other Apolytonian cultural centres, they learn about the superior nature of Apolytonian culture and become willing converts to the enlightenment of Apolyton and the grace of the Great Banana.

            Those foreigners who have been slaves, however, have themselves and their progeny remained unassimilated and foreign to the enlightenment of Apolyton and the grace of the Great Banana over these many centuries.

            As such, in the interests of spreading the enlightenment of Apolytonian culture and the benign and merciful grace of the Great Banana, the slaves should be freed and joined to our cities - that they might finally come into contact with the light. For the cruelty of work without pay is a minor cruelty of slavery compared to the inconceivable cruelty of denying these slaves enlightened educations and conversion to the worship of the Great Banana!

            For, in the end, our goal should be that ALL inside our borders, regardless of ethnic origin, are converts to the enlightenment of Apolyton and the worship of the mericful and gracious Great Banana!
            Last edited by Arnelos; December 24, 2002, 16:58.
            Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
            Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
            7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


            • #21

              Lies Arnelos, lies, your ideas will simply cause more problems for the country and for the slaves themselves. In the first place "slaves" is such a harsh word, why not use the phrase "foriegn assistance", these foriegners have been given the opportunity to work for the betterment of the nation of the Great Bananna, and so in this lifetime they are given the chance to be accepted by the Great Bananna if they work hard to make up for there other faults. People trapped in other nations don't have this chance, and if we add them to our cities they will mearly cause problems, waste food and offend the Great Bananna. Your DIA propaganda sickens me, I had more faith in you Arnelos.


              Don't let them make you think your free, all men are born free yet everywhere they are in chains. Break these chains that bind me I'll be free again


              • #22

                So Nolan of the religious cult which has strayed from the true path of the Great Banana, you show your TRUE COLORS!

                You have no wish that the Great Banana have the numbers of his worshipers expanded, as he ordained. Rather, you wish that enslaved peoples never be permitted the proper Apolytonian education necessary to learn the truth and enlightenment of the Great Banana!!!

                Before, I had considered you only a blasphemer in that you believed that Aggie was wrongfully a prophet of the Great Banana and that you claim the Great Banana would want us to conquer and destroy the whole world in his name. Oh, if only I had known the FULL EXTENT of your blasphemy! Now you claim that we should NOT show the heathens the truth of the Great Banana, even if we have it in our power to do so!!! Surely, you must know that this belief is in directly contradiction to the teachings of the Great Banana - that all the peoples under the domain of Apolyton should be taught the enlightenment and truth of his teachings!!!

                I suppose that I must, for your sake, pray that you one day understand the error of your decision here. That you will one day come to see that to prevent a person under Apolytonian rule for learning about the truth of the Great Banana is the most harsh form of cruelty and the worst form of blasphemy possible and will repent. Perhaps Aggie, though he is not a prophet as you claim, will realize that (at the very least) such open blasphemy of the Great Banana does not look good for one who claims to be his prophet

                Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                • #23

                  You crazed ranting disturbs me my old and respected friend. All I am saying is the only way a foriegn citizen can be enlightened in there own life time, is the work as "foreign assistance" for our nation, when the Great Bananna sees how hard they have worked for us he will accept them in the afterlife. If we intergrate them into our society they will revolt, and then the Great Bananna will hate them, I want everyone to be enlightened, and so slavery, ummm I mean "foreign assistance" is the only way we can enlighten these pagans.


                  Don't let them make you think your free, all men are born free yet everywhere they are in chains. Break these chains that bind me I'll be free again


                  • #24
                    Oh Nolan, how very mistaken you are...
                    On my last visit in the great city of Macross City, I marveled at its greatness- it's great cathedral and courthouse. the library and the bustling trade center- the marketplace and the bank, and hundreds of thousand of hard working men and women, teaching, learning, preaching, building, researching, producing. And who are those Apolytonian men and women- descendants of the occupied french city, mingled with newcomers from the rest of Apolytonia. Tell me: Why are they not revolting and uprising as you suggested they would?

                    You weren't here when native and persian were used together to prevent Arbela, once a newly conquered persian city, from flipping to the hands of the English, thus losing important sources of Incense, and taking a terrible blow in terms of our international credibility, as we were exporting that Incense at the time. Where were your treacherous foreign citizens then? Did they revolt, or turned themselves to the hands of the English? No! they stayed with us, and were brought into what Anrelos reffers to as the light, under the grace of the Great Banana. They later celbrated their fate, as being part of this great nation, signaling the English they have nothing to look for, that their allegiance is for Apolytonia. Some of them are already Apolytonians in their hearts, and the others are soon to follow...
                    Save the rainforests!
                    Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


                    • #25
                      Slaves? What slaves? I was under the impression that we have some foreign employees with very good working circumstances...: free bananas during lunchtime!
                      Greatest moments in cat:


                      • #26

                        Zeit my friend, eventually the children of the children of the children of our current "foreign assistance" would join the light, but if they joined our cities now, entire generations would be sacrificed when these people stayed loyal to there own culture and religion, ignorant of the Great Bananna. If these people continued to work on the fields the Great Bananna would have pity on them and so no-one would have to be sacrificed to an afterlife in a pagan hell. Please remember this and don't sacrifice these poor people by removing them from there positions as "foreign assistance"

                        Don't let them make you think your free, all men are born free yet everywhere they are in chains. Break these chains that bind me I'll be free again


                        • #27
                          "foreign assistance" nicely put. They as a foreign people might not turn to the light in belife of our Great Bannana. Cultural sterngth flows stong from the cites of there old nations , the cites and thoses people still remain. as long as there are people like them in there homeland they will belive in there old ways and pass there ways on throughout the ages until culture matters not for anyone. There will always be oposition to the great bannana.
                          Moo Goes the Cow, Onk Goes the pig, Baa Goes the Sheep, War goes the Bush


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Nolan

                            If these people continued to work on the fields the Great Bananna would have pity on them and so no-one would have to be sacrificed to an afterlife in a pagan hell. Please remember this and don't sacrifice these poor people by removing them from there positions as "foreign assistance"

                            Nolan, I am so glad that we both want the same for these hard working men and women. I pray for them that the Great Banana shall once feel pity for them and they shall not live their afterlife in a pagan hell. I do not understand however why the Great Banana should not feel pity for them if we would free them: it is OUR choice, not theirs and I doubt that the Great Banana shall take them responsible for a decision they did not make.
                            Afterall I cannot stop saying how glad I am that we agree at this most important point.
                            Let all people pray that the Great Banana may feel pity for the fate of these men and women.


                            "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise can not see all ends." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring.
                            Term 9 and 10 Domestic Minister of the C3DG I., Term 8 Regional Governor of Old Persia in the C3DG and proud citizen of Apolyton. Royal Ambassador to Legoland in the C3 PTW DG, Foreign Affairs Minister and King of the United Kingdom in the MZO C3CDG and leader of the Monarchist Imperialist team. Moody Sir Aidun (The Impatient) of the Holy Templar Order in the C4BtSDG


                            • #29

                              It is our choice, and it is our choice because we are the superior race, the race that has respect and knowledge of the Great Bananna, if we let these people free, most would shun the Great Bananna, it is part of our job as worshippers to give these pagans the push they need to be accepted by the Great Bananna, he can't just let everyone into his paradise, so as teachers and masters we must give these people a try.
                              Mr Mayor I thankyou that you to respect the term foriegn assistance, I resent the term "slave" being used as they will be rewarded in the after life.


                              Don't let them make you think your free, all men are born free yet everywhere they are in chains. Break these chains that bind me I'll be free again


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Nolan

                                It is our choice, and it is our choice because we are the superior race, the race that has respect and knowledge of the Great Bananna, if we let these people free, most would shun the Great Bananna, it is part of our job as worshippers to give these pagans the push they need to be accepted by the Great Bananna, he can't just let everyone into his paradise, so as teachers and masters we must give these people a try.

                                Nolan, you are suggesting that they shall shun the Great Banana, but we don't know this for sure. The only way to know it for sure is to free the slaves.
                                Second: Why should we feel pity for these people, according to their afterlife, if even the Great Banana himself doesn't. Don't we risk the wrath of the Great Banana upon ourselves by denying the slaves the civil rights? I am sure that the Great Banana won't feel any pity for people of whom he knows that they secretly resist him. Only for true Apolytonians the Great Banana shall feel pity because they worship him. If the Great Banana feels any pity for them it can only be due to their current position. Please don't let the ones that deserve his pity become sentenced to the pagan hell. Please join to free these people from paganship that they may recieve the grace of the most beloved and wise Great Banana himself. Let us ALL pray...

                                "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise can not see all ends." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring.
                                Term 9 and 10 Domestic Minister of the C3DG I., Term 8 Regional Governor of Old Persia in the C3DG and proud citizen of Apolyton. Royal Ambassador to Legoland in the C3 PTW DG, Foreign Affairs Minister and King of the United Kingdom in the MZO C3CDG and leader of the Monarchist Imperialist team. Moody Sir Aidun (The Impatient) of the Holy Templar Order in the C4BtSDG

