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Machiavelly Institute: Tell England to Move Out

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  • #16
    With Liz's forces right next to Abandonment, If they move (and don't declare, which is highly unlikely with the MPP), they will auto move back within her boarders. So the way will be immeadately cleared and it will be a few turns before they will get in the way again.

    As for a RoP, I'm against it. If we had at least 1 Defensive Unit per City, while we conducted the War, I would have no problem. But that's no the case and won't be for a while. As it is, I'm still asking for 5 Drafted Units (no more than that) from some of our Cities.

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    • #17
      No ROPs!


      • #18
        No RoP's.
        Happy Birthday, Shiber... A little late...
        (late in my time zone, at least)
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        • #19
          Originally posted by Arnelos
          joncnunn is correct that asking them to leave is pointless because they'll just re-enter our territory.
          It doesn't matter. We just need them out of our territory for this single turn so that we can conduct the explorers operation as planned. By the time we're back we'll have the railroad bypass in place.
          "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
          And the truth isn't what you want to see,
          Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
          - Phantom of the Opera

