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Want to help with next Term's Directory? Look here!
Welcome to the Term 7 Directory. I hope you find it useful. Since there's no new constitution this term, this Directory is pretty similiar to the last. And there's good news: adaMada is back, and managing the Executive Branch section!
The Miscellaneous section is still submitions-only (I only had three submitions last term! Shame on you all!
); so even if, say, you convert all of Apolytonia to your cult, I'm still not gonna toss it in there unless you submit it. So get cracking and head over to the submitions/comments thread. (Or PM me if there's some reason you don't want the post count.)
Please report any broken links; either the comments thread or a PM will do.
Important Links:
* The Constitution of Apolytonia
* Tutorial and Lexicon to the Democracy Game (To be replaced by an updated FAQ)
* Arc De Triomphe A tribute to Aggie, for his services to Apolytonia as SMC.
* Term 7 Directory Submitions and Comments
* Apolyton Chat FAQ (Useful if you want to attend turnchats)
* The most recent save can be found here.
Changes to Directory
December 17th: Split Archives into two pages; two new senate bills had sent it over the 20000 character per post limit. Also, an Embassy section has been added to Informal/Misc.
December 19th: Added the most recent save to the first page. I'll keep this link (or links) as updated as I can.
December 21st: Turnthread Archive added. Credit for this good idea goes to adaMada.
Also added a list of justices & their terms to the Judiciary section (thanks to GodKing for the list), and a link to Poly's chat FAQ.
Table of Contents
* Executive Branch
--- Executive Office
--- --- Approval Polls
--- --- Elections
--- Executive Reports Archive
--- Orders Archive
--- Turnthreads Archive
* Foreign Relations
--- Foreign Ministry
--- Foreign Affairs Committee
--- Machiavelli Institute
* Military
--- Supreme Military Commander
--- War Academy
* Domestic Ministry
--- General
--- City Planning
--- --- City Council
--- Public Works
* Economy
--- General
--- Adam Smith Foundation
* Science
--- Area 25
* Judiciary
* Informal/Misc.
--- Miscellaneous (Submitions-only section)
--- Prepoll Discussions
--- Jungle Gazette
--- Embassies
--- $-Mini Game
--- --- Trading Sessions
--- --- Discussions
--- Thinkers Guild
* Archives
--- NewCon
--- --- Senate Bills
--- --- Misc. Polls
--- --- Amendments
--- OldCon
--- --- Polls
--- --- Amendments
--- Previous Administrations
--- --- Term 6
--- --- Term 5
--- --- Term 4
--- --- Term 3
--- --- Term 2
--- --- Term 1
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Want to help with next Term's Directory? Look here!
Welcome to the Term 7 Directory. I hope you find it useful. Since there's no new constitution this term, this Directory is pretty similiar to the last. And there's good news: adaMada is back, and managing the Executive Branch section!
The Miscellaneous section is still submitions-only (I only had three submitions last term! Shame on you all!

Please report any broken links; either the comments thread or a PM will do.
Important Links:
* The Constitution of Apolytonia
* Tutorial and Lexicon to the Democracy Game (To be replaced by an updated FAQ)
* Arc De Triomphe A tribute to Aggie, for his services to Apolytonia as SMC.
* Term 7 Directory Submitions and Comments
* Apolyton Chat FAQ (Useful if you want to attend turnchats)
* The most recent save can be found here.
Changes to Directory
December 17th: Split Archives into two pages; two new senate bills had sent it over the 20000 character per post limit. Also, an Embassy section has been added to Informal/Misc.
December 19th: Added the most recent save to the first page. I'll keep this link (or links) as updated as I can.
December 21st: Turnthread Archive added. Credit for this good idea goes to adaMada.

Table of Contents
* Executive Branch
--- Executive Office
--- --- Approval Polls
--- --- Elections
--- Executive Reports Archive
--- Orders Archive
--- Turnthreads Archive
* Foreign Relations
--- Foreign Ministry
--- Foreign Affairs Committee
--- Machiavelli Institute
* Military
--- Supreme Military Commander
--- War Academy
* Domestic Ministry
--- General
--- City Planning
--- --- City Council
--- Public Works
* Economy
--- General
--- Adam Smith Foundation
* Science
--- Area 25
* Judiciary
* Informal/Misc.
--- Miscellaneous (Submitions-only section)
--- Prepoll Discussions
--- Jungle Gazette
--- Embassies
--- $-Mini Game
--- --- Trading Sessions
--- --- Discussions
--- Thinkers Guild
* Archives
--- NewCon
--- --- Senate Bills
--- --- Misc. Polls
--- --- Amendments
--- OldCon
--- --- Polls
--- --- Amendments
--- Previous Administrations
--- --- Term 6
--- --- Term 5
--- --- Term 4
--- --- Term 3
--- --- Term 2
--- --- Term 1
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