Operation Broken Beaker
A slow but methodical way to take Germany out of the tech race.
Study RP before SM
RoP England
MPPRoP Aztecia
MPP Greece
MPP Russia
Turn 1
Execute Operation Staging Point including Khufu's Army with about 6 Cav support, but deliberately leave the Nuremberg reinforcement route in place! (hope they use it)
A grossly inadequate number of cannon approach Stuttgart with reasonable cover say 6 cannon, 3 rifle, 6 cavalry, and 1 worker. The worker will road next 2 turns, then rail (This is a ruse attack)
Modest Cavalry force say 10 move to threatening position on Cologne (This is a feint)
Majority of cannon hang around for RP and upgrade
Get Alliances against Germany as desired
Turn 2
Khufu and company continue a pillaging slow march towards Leipzig and all over Germany. Khufu needs to bag something along the way.
Begin ruse bombardment of Stuttgart
Cavalry near Cologne keep threatening
Turns 3 etc
If perchance this rediculously inadequate bombardment of Stuttgart yields results, .....
nah, it won't happen
Turn RP - 2
Start laying track to attack square for Nuremberg
(remember to occupy all track segments after laying)
Chances are there will be an english whatsit on some key tile. That's why we start 2 turns early!
Turn RP - 1
Hopefully the brit moves so lay more track with additional workers (prev rr tiles must remain occupied)
Start laying track to Cologne jump off point with additional workers.
Turn that Gets RP
Bulk of cannon upgrades
Keep laying track towards Nuremburg and Cologne with additional workers (prev rr tiles must remain occupied)
Turn RP + 1
If track has not yet reached the English tile that can Artillery can fire into Nurembeg, or the Aztecia tile that can Artillery Fire into Cologne, keep laying track as above.
Mobilize All Artillery and move to the railroaded Nuremberg Jumpoff point and fire immediately.
Mobilize 3rd Army to Nuremburg jumpoff point and assault.
will keep Nuremberg city 1 turn to extract our army then raze
Turn RP +2
Mobilize All Artillery and move to Cologne jumpoff point and fire immediately. Activate the sleeper force near Cologne and assault
Will keep Cologne long term.
Priority build temple,worker,worker
Turn RP +3
Mobilize All Artillery and move to Stuttgart Firing tile and fire immediately. Cannon stand by.
Assault Stuttgart
Cannon join victorious Cavalry in Stuttgart and are upgraded. The workers advances with cover to tier 1 Berlin tile South East.
Will keep Stuttgart long term
Priority build temple,worker,worker
Turn RP + 4
Mobilize All Artillery and move to Suitable tile that can attack Berlin and Fire Immediately
chances are Berlin will require several turns of bombardment so workers SE of Berlin stand by
3 rifle and 2 workers advance to hill SE of Hamburg. Stand by to road when requested.
Turn RP +5
Continue bombardment of Berlin until town size and defenders at 2 hp or less. When achieved:
Turn Berlin
.. Assault Berlin
.. Sleeper workers at Berlin SE road
.. Additional workers rail that same square
.. Settler advances to tile nw of Berlin with suitable cover
.. we will be holding Berlin for 1 turn only
Turn Berlin + 1
Advance Garrison to the settler
Abandon Berlin
Settler founds New Berlin
Mobilize All Artillery to Hamburg firing position and fire immediately
Assault Hamburg
Sleeper workers near Hamburg road
Additional workers rail
keep doing same for up to duration of MPP's
Whenever the MPP's expire, Cancel all Alliances and sue for peace.
Ssgt roadcage (retired)
A slow but methodical way to take Germany out of the tech race.
Study RP before SM
RoP England
MPPRoP Aztecia
MPP Greece
MPP Russia
Turn 1
Execute Operation Staging Point including Khufu's Army with about 6 Cav support, but deliberately leave the Nuremberg reinforcement route in place! (hope they use it)
A grossly inadequate number of cannon approach Stuttgart with reasonable cover say 6 cannon, 3 rifle, 6 cavalry, and 1 worker. The worker will road next 2 turns, then rail (This is a ruse attack)
Modest Cavalry force say 10 move to threatening position on Cologne (This is a feint)
Majority of cannon hang around for RP and upgrade
Get Alliances against Germany as desired
Turn 2
Khufu and company continue a pillaging slow march towards Leipzig and all over Germany. Khufu needs to bag something along the way.
Begin ruse bombardment of Stuttgart
Cavalry near Cologne keep threatening
Turns 3 etc
If perchance this rediculously inadequate bombardment of Stuttgart yields results, .....
nah, it won't happen
Turn RP - 2
Start laying track to attack square for Nuremberg
(remember to occupy all track segments after laying)
Chances are there will be an english whatsit on some key tile. That's why we start 2 turns early!
Turn RP - 1
Hopefully the brit moves so lay more track with additional workers (prev rr tiles must remain occupied)
Start laying track to Cologne jump off point with additional workers.
Turn that Gets RP
Bulk of cannon upgrades
Keep laying track towards Nuremburg and Cologne with additional workers (prev rr tiles must remain occupied)
Turn RP + 1
If track has not yet reached the English tile that can Artillery can fire into Nurembeg, or the Aztecia tile that can Artillery Fire into Cologne, keep laying track as above.
Mobilize All Artillery and move to the railroaded Nuremberg Jumpoff point and fire immediately.
Mobilize 3rd Army to Nuremburg jumpoff point and assault.
will keep Nuremberg city 1 turn to extract our army then raze
Turn RP +2
Mobilize All Artillery and move to Cologne jumpoff point and fire immediately. Activate the sleeper force near Cologne and assault
Will keep Cologne long term.
Priority build temple,worker,worker
Turn RP +3
Mobilize All Artillery and move to Stuttgart Firing tile and fire immediately. Cannon stand by.
Assault Stuttgart
Cannon join victorious Cavalry in Stuttgart and are upgraded. The workers advances with cover to tier 1 Berlin tile South East.
Will keep Stuttgart long term
Priority build temple,worker,worker
Turn RP + 4
Mobilize All Artillery and move to Suitable tile that can attack Berlin and Fire Immediately
chances are Berlin will require several turns of bombardment so workers SE of Berlin stand by
3 rifle and 2 workers advance to hill SE of Hamburg. Stand by to road when requested.
Turn RP +5
Continue bombardment of Berlin until town size and defenders at 2 hp or less. When achieved:
Turn Berlin
.. Assault Berlin
.. Sleeper workers at Berlin SE road
.. Additional workers rail that same square
.. Settler advances to tile nw of Berlin with suitable cover
.. we will be holding Berlin for 1 turn only
Turn Berlin + 1
Advance Garrison to the settler
Abandon Berlin
Settler founds New Berlin
Mobilize All Artillery to Hamburg firing position and fire immediately
Assault Hamburg
Sleeper workers near Hamburg road
Additional workers rail
keep doing same for up to duration of MPP's
Whenever the MPP's expire, Cancel all Alliances and sue for peace.
Ssgt roadcage (retired)