Originally posted by Calc II
What I'd do in order...
electricity, Hoover, Sci method (ToE, Replaceable Parts (maybe with ToE), Corporation (ToE)
What I'd do in order...
electricity, Hoover, Sci method (ToE, Replaceable Parts (maybe with ToE), Corporation (ToE)
Electricity leads to Scientific Method (which allows building of ToE) and/or Replaceable Parts (Infantry, Artillary & faster workers).
Scientific Method leads to Atomic Theory, which then leads to Electronics (which allows you to build Hoover).
So, The Forbidden City will be building US after a Factory, total time to complete both - 19-20 turns. After, It will either work towards getting ready to build Hoover, or start the builds to have a size increase, then Hoover.
We should get Electricity in 6 turns. If we go for Sci Meth afterwards, it will take Approx 5-8 turns. During this timeframe, it will be two turns to finish the Cavalry in Ghengistown. Then, it should take about 10 turns (hopefully less) to build the Factory. If the Factory Is done before we get Sci Meth, It will work on the Palace as a Sheild storer and then switch to ToE. It will take about 15 turns to get ToE. So, total time to get ToE will be about 27 turns.
We should Beeline straight for Electronics, to get both of those Wonders started. But, because the wonder races have started, we need to try to keep the other civs from getting the required techs for as long as we can. At least, until we have completed US.
After that, we can get Replaceable parts, we'll have the factory base to build Infantry quickly.