Once again, we mobilize to fight the wrong enemy.
This will be the third time in a row we will be fighting the wrong Civ.
The second American war. Not really much of a conflict as the Aztecs did most of the fighting and got most of the cities. Once the Aztecs took Chicago, there really wasn't anything left to fight for.
The second French war. Well, we did this one ourselves and have no one to blame. Yes we were victorious, but what did we get?
A bunch of corrupt cities, a GA, and a GL who by the way still sits twiddeling his thumbs in Macross City.
I contend that we could have gotten both the GA and the GL against a more suitable oponent. An opponent that had something techwise to offer at the negotiating table.
And now Zululand. This will be a long campaign just because of logistics. They have no techs, but do have Gems. It's better than the big fat nothing we have gotten out of our last two campaigns.
Unfortunately, we will be distracted from our real objectives and opponents for quite some time.
Operation Reiseling as originally planned is now doa. It's narrow window for execution will be long closed by the time we return from Zululand.
Operation Staging Point, as a resource denial strategy is similarly doa. Railroading doubles the explorer count needed.
But Operation staging point as a platform for bombarding Stuttgart and Frankfurt on D-Turn is still viable. We will just need significantly more Artillery than the administration has asked for.
This will be the third time in a row we will be fighting the wrong Civ.
The second American war. Not really much of a conflict as the Aztecs did most of the fighting and got most of the cities. Once the Aztecs took Chicago, there really wasn't anything left to fight for.
The second French war. Well, we did this one ourselves and have no one to blame. Yes we were victorious, but what did we get?
A bunch of corrupt cities, a GA, and a GL who by the way still sits twiddeling his thumbs in Macross City.
I contend that we could have gotten both the GA and the GL against a more suitable oponent. An opponent that had something techwise to offer at the negotiating table.
And now Zululand. This will be a long campaign just because of logistics. They have no techs, but do have Gems. It's better than the big fat nothing we have gotten out of our last two campaigns.
Unfortunately, we will be distracted from our real objectives and opponents for quite some time.
Operation Reiseling as originally planned is now doa. It's narrow window for execution will be long closed by the time we return from Zululand.
Operation Staging Point, as a resource denial strategy is similarly doa. Railroading doubles the explorer count needed.
But Operation staging point as a platform for bombarding Stuttgart and Frankfurt on D-Turn is still viable. We will just need significantly more Artillery than the administration has asked for.