This is the last City Planner City Status Report for Term V
Here is the City Status chart for 1020AB:

A few builds will be increased with WorkForce changes and there are a fair list of Items to Add to the Queue. These will be addressed in the next Gameplay orders for 1020 & Beyond.
In the last 80 Years (8 turns) we have made some great progress in our building program. Our Great Age is now past us and we have made the move to a new form of Government, Democracy, which will help out with the overall Corruption & Waste for our Nation. For a comparison to the last Report, see Construction Shack - 940AB City Status
We now have 47 Cities and this will be stable for a while, until we decide to Annex German & English lands.
For our 47 cities, we have brought online: 1 Temple, 1 Granary, 2 Courthouses , 10 Libraries, 9 Cathedrals, 3 Marketplaces, 1 Harbor, 1 Aqueduct & 3 Banks. We have more of these in the works. We also have some Universities that are being built or in the Queue and with more to be added.
We have Increased our Native Public Worker Force from 59 to 72 Workers, a 22.0% increase in our abilities to Clear Jungle & provide other Infrastructure for our cities. We have a few more workers currently under production or in the build Queues. We Currently have 66 Foreign Workers ‘Slaves", that we acquired through trade or from the last of the French Worker Farm Cities, an Increase of 3 ‘Slaves".
We have also Increased our Defensive Military Capability by 4 Musketmen. With the Pikemen that we have for our defenses, we have had a total Defense Increase of 10.5%. We have also Upgraded 9 Pikeman (3 more left) & 3 Spearmen (last of these) to Musketmen. Our Offensive (and Mounted Defensive) Capability has Increased by a total of 3 Cavalry, an increase of 10.7%. We have upgraded all but 2 of our Knights & 1 of our War Chariots (on Uber Island) to Cavalry. These can be upgraded to provide an higher offensive/defensive capability and can quickly react to any possible hostilities. Our Bombardment capability has also had an increase, with 3 additional Cannons, an increase of 50% in our capability to bombard an enemy target. We have had no Increases in our Naval Ability at this time. We have Additional Offensive, Defensive & Navel Units either being built or in the Queues. It has been confirmed that we can no longer build War Chariots. The WC’s that are in the Queues will be changed to Cavalry or some other Mil Unit, because we will never be able to build them again.
As we have finished with our GA, our build programs will slow down somewhat. But, we will also have the benefit of the decreased Corruption & Waste from the Government change. Our Science capability will grow shortly, as we have 3 Libraries that will shortly come online and with more to be built soon. We also have 3 Universities that are currently under construction and they will come online fairly soon. With the completion of one of the 4 Banks that we are building, we can start building the small Wonder of Wall Street, which will add money to our coffers based on interest.
This is my last City Status Report to Apolytonia as City Planner for Term V
Here is the City Status chart for 1020AB:

A few builds will be increased with WorkForce changes and there are a fair list of Items to Add to the Queue. These will be addressed in the next Gameplay orders for 1020 & Beyond.
In the last 80 Years (8 turns) we have made some great progress in our building program. Our Great Age is now past us and we have made the move to a new form of Government, Democracy, which will help out with the overall Corruption & Waste for our Nation. For a comparison to the last Report, see Construction Shack - 940AB City Status
We now have 47 Cities and this will be stable for a while, until we decide to Annex German & English lands.
For our 47 cities, we have brought online: 1 Temple, 1 Granary, 2 Courthouses , 10 Libraries, 9 Cathedrals, 3 Marketplaces, 1 Harbor, 1 Aqueduct & 3 Banks. We have more of these in the works. We also have some Universities that are being built or in the Queue and with more to be added.
We have Increased our Native Public Worker Force from 59 to 72 Workers, a 22.0% increase in our abilities to Clear Jungle & provide other Infrastructure for our cities. We have a few more workers currently under production or in the build Queues. We Currently have 66 Foreign Workers ‘Slaves", that we acquired through trade or from the last of the French Worker Farm Cities, an Increase of 3 ‘Slaves".
We have also Increased our Defensive Military Capability by 4 Musketmen. With the Pikemen that we have for our defenses, we have had a total Defense Increase of 10.5%. We have also Upgraded 9 Pikeman (3 more left) & 3 Spearmen (last of these) to Musketmen. Our Offensive (and Mounted Defensive) Capability has Increased by a total of 3 Cavalry, an increase of 10.7%. We have upgraded all but 2 of our Knights & 1 of our War Chariots (on Uber Island) to Cavalry. These can be upgraded to provide an higher offensive/defensive capability and can quickly react to any possible hostilities. Our Bombardment capability has also had an increase, with 3 additional Cannons, an increase of 50% in our capability to bombard an enemy target. We have had no Increases in our Naval Ability at this time. We have Additional Offensive, Defensive & Navel Units either being built or in the Queues. It has been confirmed that we can no longer build War Chariots. The WC’s that are in the Queues will be changed to Cavalry or some other Mil Unit, because we will never be able to build them again.
As we have finished with our GA, our build programs will slow down somewhat. But, we will also have the benefit of the decreased Corruption & Waste from the Government change. Our Science capability will grow shortly, as we have 3 Libraries that will shortly come online and with more to be built soon. We also have 3 Universities that are currently under construction and they will come online fairly soon. With the completion of one of the 4 Banks that we are building, we can start building the small Wonder of Wall Street, which will add money to our coffers based on interest.
This is my last City Status Report to Apolytonia as City Planner for Term V