The Senate has been ceded an ENORMOUS power by the NewCon: the ability to make budgetary decisions when the Senate decides it to be worthwhile to do so.
This could take two known forms (or any number of other forms at the Senate's discretion):
1. Variation on the MoE budget method pioneered by Reddawg: Pass a single Budget which details the amount of money (in cash and LPT) is permitted to be spent by each Ministry and how much in additional funds will be left to the budgetary discretion of the President. Ministries could be permitted to share and/or gift funds to each other (as in the past) or they could not be permitted (to give the spending limits set by the Senate more force).
2. Authorization of individual budgetary requests made by Ministries to the Senate on a case-by-case basis. The Senate deciding which cases it wants to hear and which it doesn't (ceding those decisions to the President and/or his appointed economic deputy).
I'm not saying that either is good or bad, that's for the Senate to decide as the product of a discussion. These aren't even the only two options that exist. How much time and effort do you, as the Senators, REALLY intend on devoting to utilizing your budgetary authority. Keep in mind that nothing is requiring you to exercise it (except in certain explicit cases covered by the NewCon) AT ALL, as the President has the authority to make budgetary decisions if you do not.
That said, however, the Senate needs to have a discussion on how deep they want to get into involved in budgetary matters and what means the Senate will use to do so. Will individual senators simply start a senate bill every time they have a budgetary item they'd like to see passed? Will you establish a committee to organize this process and process requests?
There are advantages and disadvantages to each (and to other options).
The main thing that needs to happen at this point is a discussion, by the members of the Senate, which moves toward answering many of these questions and additionallly filling talented and committed people into the roles that may be necessitated by the Senate's decisions in this regard.
Good Luck to you
This could take two known forms (or any number of other forms at the Senate's discretion):
1. Variation on the MoE budget method pioneered by Reddawg: Pass a single Budget which details the amount of money (in cash and LPT) is permitted to be spent by each Ministry and how much in additional funds will be left to the budgetary discretion of the President. Ministries could be permitted to share and/or gift funds to each other (as in the past) or they could not be permitted (to give the spending limits set by the Senate more force).
2. Authorization of individual budgetary requests made by Ministries to the Senate on a case-by-case basis. The Senate deciding which cases it wants to hear and which it doesn't (ceding those decisions to the President and/or his appointed economic deputy).
I'm not saying that either is good or bad, that's for the Senate to decide as the product of a discussion. These aren't even the only two options that exist. How much time and effort do you, as the Senators, REALLY intend on devoting to utilizing your budgetary authority. Keep in mind that nothing is requiring you to exercise it (except in certain explicit cases covered by the NewCon) AT ALL, as the President has the authority to make budgetary decisions if you do not.
That said, however, the Senate needs to have a discussion on how deep they want to get into involved in budgetary matters and what means the Senate will use to do so. Will individual senators simply start a senate bill every time they have a budgetary item they'd like to see passed? Will you establish a committee to organize this process and process requests?
There are advantages and disadvantages to each (and to other options).
The main thing that needs to happen at this point is a discussion, by the members of the Senate, which moves toward answering many of these questions and additionallly filling talented and committed people into the roles that may be necessitated by the Senate's decisions in this regard.
Good Luck to you
