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Government Report on 940-1000 A.D. Turnchat (attn: BFM)

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  • Government Report on 940-1000 A.D. Turnchat (attn: BFM)

    TURNCHAT LOG (940 A.D. Turnchat)

    Ministerial Attendance:

    Arnelos (VP - Acting President)
    E_T (CP)
    GhengisFarb (MoPW - left during 950 A.D., named GodKing as Acting MoPW)
    Togas (FAM - left during 960 A.D., named E_T as Acting FAM)
    Aggie (SMC)
    Jonny (MoIE - left during 950 A.D.)

    Senatorial Attendance:

    Panzer32 (left around 960 A.D.)
    dijon (left early, came back for 970 A.D., then left again)
    nz_upy (left during 970 A.D.)
    GodKing (left around 990 A..D.)
    BigFurryMonster (left around 960 A.D.)
    donegeal (left around 950 A.D.)
    Biclab (came in around 960 A.D.)
    adaMada (came in during 980 A.D.)

    Turn 0 (940 A.D.):

    Upgraded 2 WC's to Cavalry for 240L
    Upgraded Spear to Musket for 60L
    Sold WM to Babylon for 4 LPT + 6L (all their money) + 1 worker
    Sold WM to Persia for 18L (all their money) + their WM
    Sold WM to Iroquois for 30L (all their money) + their WM
    Sold WM to Aztecs for 29L (all their money) + their WM
    Sold WM to China for 16L (all their money) + their WM
    Sold WM to Rome for 27L + their WM
    Sold WM to Germany for 13L + their WM
    Sold WM to England for 25L + their WM
    Embassy to Zululand formed (98L cost)
    Moved bought Babylonian worker toward Ubergorsk
    SMC submitted additional orders to move a Cavalry from Contagion and 2 swords from Muncie toward Susa (in the event approaching Russian caravel was a threat)
    Science Slider raised to 60% - income now 351 LPT
    Research switched to Magnetism - complete in 4 turns

    Between turns:

    Russian caravel east of Uber Isle moves north
    Russian caravel south of Susa moves east, then north
    German horseman moves along border
    Aztec and Greek knights move along borders
    WLTPD in Chartres and Boomtown
    Germans are building Shakespeare's Theatre

    Turn 1 (950 A.D.):

    Upgraded 2 WC's to Cavalry for 240L
    Upgraded Spear to Musket for 60L
    Embassy to Babylon formed (74L cost)
    Reduced Science Slider from 60% to 50% (research still complete in 3 turns)

    Between Turns:

    Russian Caravel east of Uber Isle moves NE
    Russian Caravel south of Susa moves E (3 tiles direct east)
    Indian Galley moves near our Caravel east of Uber Isle
    Roman Galley moves near our Caravel east of Uber Isle
    English Riflemen moving near border
    6-8 German units moving around near border
    Several Aztec units move near border
    WLTPD in Antioch, Bacteria, and Ghengistown
    Source of Furs (from China) lost - we will renegotiate this turn
    Source of Gems (from Zululand) lost - we will renegotiate this turn

    Turn 2 (960 A.D.):

    GhengisFarb had ordered a worker in Bacteria to swim out into the Ocean. The worker complained. GodKing ordered the worker to learn to swim. Utlimate decision made to send worker E, NE, mine rather than W, NW, mine (yeah, PW orders are tons of fun )
    Upgraded 2 WC's to Cavalry for 240L
    Upgraded Spear to Musket for 60L
    Formed Embassy with China for 73L
    Traded India Democracy for Furs + their WM
    Traded Zululand Democracy and Dyes for Gems + their WM

    Between Turns:

    Russian Caravel south of Persia moves south toward China
    Galley (either Indian or Russian) west of China moves south
    Multiple German riflemen moving along border
    Greek knight moves along border
    WLTPD ends in Willsbury and Bacteria
    WLTPD starts in Port of Malignance and Oak Ridge
    Romans building Shakespeare's Theatre
    English building Shakespeare's Theatre

    Turn 3 (970 A.D.):

    Bought Magnetism (1 turn away from completion) from Greece for 247L (we spend 591LPT on science).
    Researched switched to Theory of Gravity (4 turns to completion - slider still at 50%)
    Port of Where It's At founded - building Temple
    Upgraded 2 WC's to Cavalry for 240L
    Upgraded Pikeman to Musketman for 60L

    Between Turns:

    Japanese Galley moves near our Caravel east of Uber Isle
    More German riflemen moving along border
    LOTS of Aztec movement (archers, longbowmen, spearmen, knights, workers)
    Russian horsemen movement on both borders
    Roman rifleman moves toward Hole in Wall, moves back into fog
    WLTPD in Loveshack
    WLTPD cancelled in ??? (Persian annexation somewhere) and Another Glorious City

    Turn 4 (980 A.D.):

    Upgraded 3 Pikemen to Musketmen for 180L
    Theory of Gravity bought from Aztecs for Dyes (renegotiation) + 457L + WM
    Science Slider set to 60% (255 LPT income)
    Research set to Medicine (6 turns)
    Traded WM's with Rome (no money attached)
    Sold WM to England for their WM + 10L
    Sold WM to Germany for their WM + 32L
    Sold WM to Greece for their WM + 2LPT + 1L
    Rush worker in Grenoble for 24L - will abandon city
    Rush worker in Tours for 16L - will abandon city
    Rush Temple in Port of Where It's At

    Technology Report (980 A.D.):

    Germany has Nationalism
    England has Nationalism
    Greece has Nationalism
    Rome has Nationalism
    Aztecs have tech parity with us
    India needs Theory of Gravity, Magnetism
    Japan needs Free Artistry, Theory of Gravity, Magnetism
    Russia needs Free Artistry, Theory of Gravity, Magnetism
    Iroquois need Free Artistry, Theory of Gravity, Magnetism
    Babylon needs Free Artistry, Theory of Gravity, Magnetism
    Persia needs Free Artistry, Theory of Gravity, Magnetism
    Zululand needs Physics, Theory of Gravity, Magnetism
    China needs Democracy, Metallurgy, Military Tradition, Physics, Free Artistry, Theory of Gravity, Magnetism

    Between Turns:

    2 Iroquois galleys move off the coast of Greece
    Japanese galley moves toward Greece
    German musket, 2 workers, a longbow, move away from border
    2 Aztec units move away from border
    Greek knight moves along border
    Roman rifleman enters view near Hole In Wall, then exits again
    WLTPD ends in Jerusalem and Loveshack
    Tours Abandoned
    Grenoble Abandoned

    Turn 5 (990 A.D.):

    Upgraded 2 Pikemen to Musketmen for 120L
    Theory of Gravity sold to Zulus for 14LPT + their WM (India now has the tech)
    Letting Silks for Dye deal ride with Japan (best renegotiation deal was apparently continuation of current deal, but we give them Theory of Gravity)

    Between Turns:

    Japanese galley west of Greece moves south
    A number of German riflemen move around near border
    English warrior (!!!) moves off of border
    English rifleman moves up to, then off of border
    Russian horsemen move about
    Many Aztec units (spearmen, longbowman, 1 knight) move about in American annexation
    3 Greek Cavalry move around near Chiquita
    WLTPD in Susa, Loveshack, and Jerusalem
    Aztecs are building Shakespeare's Theatre
    Iroquois are building Shakespeare's Theatre

    Turn 6 (1000 A.D.):

    Upgraded 2 Pikemen to Musketmen for 120L
    Magnetism sold to Zulus for 13LPT + 5L + their WM (FAM rep's figure, as with Theory sale, Germany will sell it to them if we don't)
    Rushed Courthouse in Dijon for 232L

    Between Turns:

    Re-negotiated Silks deal with Japan - we give them Dyes and Magnetism for their Silk
    Several German riflemen move away from border
    Aztec units move about
    Greek cavalry move about (and 1 knight)
    Roman rifleman scouts toward Hole In Wall again
    WLTPD in Whelsh Coast
    India is building Shakespeare's Theatre


    Turnchat Start: ~2215 GMT (5:15 p.m. EST)
    Turnchat End: ~645 GMT (1:45 a.m. EST)
    Turnchat Duration: ~8 1/2 hours...

    Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
    Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
    7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game

  • #2
    Chat log from 940 to 1010 AB

    Attached Files
    Come and see me at WePlayCiv
    Worship the Comic here!
    Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


    • #3
      Btw, it's the Banana Millenium...

      1000 A.B. (Annus Banani)

      I don't remember who's idea that was in the chat... my bad short-term memory suggests to me that it was probably GodKing or roadcage, but I really don't remember.
      Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
      Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
      7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


      • #4
        wasn't mine... must have been roadcage.

        Sorry to just disapear 1/2 way through 990... power outage. Hard to keep the computer on with no electricty.
        If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:

