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Could England be in their GA?

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  • Could England be in their GA?

    I was thinking about the Wonders that England is building (NU) and just built (MV) and realized that they just might be in their own GA after building MV. MV gives a GA chance to Expansionist and Commercial Civs. England is both, so they very well might be in their GA now. If so, we might need to re-evaluate our future War Plans to take this into account.

    We might also want to look again at who might have already gotten their GA and who hasn't.

    Japan - Most definatly not
    Other Former Lost Civs, maybe, if they had a war before we had met them.
    Everybody else, I don't know at this time. Aztecs and Greeks maybe, possibly Germany. Babs and Iroquois, definately not. Don't know about Rome & Russia.

    Last edited by E_T; November 15, 2002, 03:38.
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  • #2
    I expect that they are. MV should have triggered it.
    I used to be a builder. That was before I played Civ III


    • #3
      I highly suspect Greece had a Golden Age long ago, the first time they were at war.

      Germany would need a Scientific & Military Great Wonder to have a golden age by now since Panzers aren't adviable yet.

      Babs & Irq both have ancient era unqiue units. There's also one Great Wonder that would be enough to trgire a GA for the Irq.

      Wasn't Rome at war at some point during the late ancient era when they had Legionaries?

      I haven't seen Russia declare war recently, so unless they built a Scientific & Expansionist wonder they aren't currently in a GA. (But if they join a war, they will be in one very soon.)
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