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Domestic Minister Campaign Thread

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  • Domestic Minister Campaign Thread

    Current Candidates (will be updated tomorrow to add any last-minute contenders):



    E_T and GhengisFarb, please post your thoughts on running for Domestic Minister. Citizens, please ask (and any additional candidates that enter the race) them questions.

    For referenece, job description of the Domestic Minister:

    4 The Domestic Minister
    (a) Is responsible for managing all cities, their production queues, their citizens, and all of the workers and settlers.
    (b) The Domestic Minister is ultimately responsible for choosing sites for new cities, disbanding cities, and making rushed production requests.
    (c) The Domestic Minister is strongly advised to appoint Deputies and Advisors to assist him or her in this job. A City Planner, Expansion Advisor, and Public Works Advisor are recommended.
    (d) The Domestic Minister may draw boundaries and regions within the nation and appoint governors over those regions who can recommend to the Domestic Minister and his advisors how to best manage those regions.
    (e) The Domestic Minister may rush any project, but only with the approval of the Senate or President.
    (f) The Domestic Minister may also create or alter any system for naming all cities, provinces, geographic features, and so forth; however the Senate must approve that system or change.
    Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
    Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
    7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game

  • #2
    I would appreciate it if you would vote for me.

    PW orders posted here soon.

    EDIT: sorry, habit.


    • #3

      C'mon guys!
      Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
      Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
      7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


      • #4
        I'm working on my City Status Report and then I'll start my campain. It's been rather busy here at the MoCP Offices, with several Critical polls that have needed my attention.

        Come and see me at WePlayCiv
        Worship the Comic here!
        Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


        • #5
          "I'm too busy with Demo Game work to run a campaign."

          Persuasive tactic, but it leaves me just as confused when both candidates use it.


          • #6
            I understand you guys are busy, but I'm personally not going to vote until I can honestly say I've made the right decision. As such, I'm going to ask the best questions I possibly can, in the hope that I'll be able to make a choice this time .

            I am addressing questions to each side as they come to me, but each side should feel free to comment. Please remember, I'm in 'journalism' mode for this thread, and nothing I say should be taken as an indication of my beliefs.

            1) Ghengis is running on a campeign of organizational skills. How will you organize the department if you win?

            1) As city planner, E_T has shown that he is able to present the people with statistics to allow them to make effective decisions on important issues. If you are elected, will you continue this?

            To Both,
            1) The new Veto rule in the CoL allows for a great deal of power as an elected minister. Do you have any thoughts on veoting in general?

            -- adaMada
            Civ 3 Democracy Game:
            PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
            Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


            • #7
              Originally posted by adaMada
              1) As city planner, E_T has shown that he is able to present the people with statistics to allow them to make effective decisions on important issues. If you are elected, will you continue this?
              No, I wouldn't but I believe with all of our excellent statiscians like reddawg, roadcage, E_T, and Mr Orange their will be substantial statistics available. roadcage has recently posted and excellent thread on cornering the WORLD rubber supply.

              Providing Statistical Data is not specifically assigned to the Domestic Minister under the NewCon so by lack of emphasis on its creation should not disqualify me from this position.

              I would like to have a Secretary of Statistics who could generate raw data for me to make informative graphics from, however.

              Originally posted by adaMada
              To Both,
              1) The new Veto rule in the CoL allows for a great deal of power as an elected minister. Do you have any thoughts on veoting in general?
              I have no intentions of vetoing any Generals. I seriously doubt I will use such a power except in relation to the areas under the Domistic Minister. I feel strongly that this is a Democracy game and whether I disagree with the majority or not they ARE the majority and they have just as much right to having their way as I have to mine. Now, if I can persuade/confuse/misinform them to side with me, well that's another story.............

              Once the election is over the new Minister is going to have to assign tasks pretty quick to be able get stuff done for the next turnchat. It would be really great if people would post positions/areas they would be willing to help out with so that an administration could be put together quickly. E_T should post any positions he is looking to fill and mine are:
              ViceMinister of City Planning Would replace the elected Minister if necessary. Is responsible for the City Planning and organizing the orders from the RGs.

              Secretary of Naming Would be in charge of City Names, Topographical names, etc. I will have a proposal for how to handle city names and how they will recieve the Populations approval before going into effect.

              Secretary of the Interior The old Public Works and Imperial Expansion jobs. Responsible for the use, movement, and allocation of workers and settlers.

              Regional Governors Responsible for the tile use and build list for their respective regions. Post orders to the ViceMinister who then confirms and combines for the next turn.

              Secretary of Statistics Responsible for statistical analysis of issues and projects. Giving hard information to allow the nation to choose the optimum path to the future.

              Please, if anyone is interested in any of these positions post in the thread and whoever is elected will have some people to request assistance from after the election.

              Arnie, is that more than one sentence?
              Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; November 12, 2002, 22:03.


              • #8
                Originally posted by GhengisFarb
                Arnie, is that more than one sentance?

                Thank you
                Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                • #9
                  Originally posted by GhengisFarb

                  No, I wouldn't but I believe with all of our excellent statiscians like reddawg, roadcage, E_T, and Mr Orange their will be substantial statistics available. roadcage has recently posted and excellent thread on cornering the WORLD rubber supply.

                  Providing Statistical Data is not specifically assigned to the Domestic Minister under the NewCon so by lack of emphasis on its creation should not disqualify me from this position.
                  Of course not .

                  I would like to have a Secretary of Statistics who could generate raw data for me to make informative graphics from, however.
                  That's exactly what I wanted to hear .

                  I have no intentions of vetoing any Generals. I seriously doubt I will use such a power except in relation to the areas under the Domistic Minister. I feel strongly that this is a Democracy game and whether I disagree with the majority or not they ARE the majority and they have just as much right to having their way as I have to mine. Now, if I can persuade/confuse/misinform them to side with me, well that's another story.............

                  Once the election is over the new Minister is going to have to assign tasks pretty quick to be able get stuff done for the next turnchat. It would be really great if people would post positions/areas they would be willing to help out with so that an administration could be put together quickly. [...]
                  Just FYI (in case you didn't realize, or for the benefit of others who may not know), NewCon allows for three days after the elections to situate yourself. (Also allows for Vice-Presidental nomination and runoffs).

                  -- adaMada
                  Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                  PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                  Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


                  • #10
                    My Campaign for Domestic minister - Organization of the Office

                    I have been very busy these last few days with several vital issues that concern the future of this great nation as a whole. Because I have felt that my duties to the Country come first and my campaign second, I have held off on starting until now. [personally] These issues are similar in type to an Azimovian Seldon Crisis and needed my full attention [/personally]

                    The organization of the Domestic Ministers Office under my possible tenure:

                    Domestic Minister (DM):
                    1) To oversee the whole of the Domestic Ministry.
                    2) To institute Policies for City Growth & Expansion.
                    3) To submit budget proposals to the President and Senate, for any rushes that need to be performed during gameplay.
                    4) To interface with the SMC about any Mil Units Needs that he might require and what the DM might need in the way of defenses or movement facilities (i.e. Uber Island Ferry) to facilitate any possible needs. This might also require the two of us to work out a mutual budget timeline, for timing of Rushes and Mil Unit Upgrades, within a possible limited budget. To provide the SMC with any PW needs in time of War. To help sugesst what cities might be best to have a possible draft, so as not to overburden (Unhappiness) any particular city with any Drafts.
                    5) To interface with the FAM, for any budget timings and resource/luxury needs that he might require from me. I might also request from him to obtain some future technology, that will have impact on any current building programs.
                    NOTE: Timing of Rushes are very important. I could submit a flat budget, but because of rush costs decreasing over time and monetary constraints, I would have to pick and choose what gets rushed and when. Interfacing with the other branches about their needs allows me to better schedule any Rushes and to try to keep the overall cost down. I have done this successfully in the past with the current FAM & SMC, to our mutual benefits.
                    6) To Interface with the Senate about any Issues that need to be addressed about the status and operation of the office. To help provide for their wishes, in as timely a manner that can be met. To provide Reports to them on what is happening, throughout the nation.

                    Vice Domestic Minister (VDM):
                    1) To represent me in gameplay if I'm not able to attend. My orders would be followed for current builds and most WF assignments, except in case of an emergency or funds not available for some rush or other. To call a halt to gameplay, if a Dire or Extreme Emergency has occurred (i.e. 3 Civs attacking at once and/or several cities are about to fall). The Queues could be changed only if it would have something else available during that Gameplay or in succeeding ones (changed to something that is built that gameplay or the next couple of turns afterwards). I micromanage my builds and some of the WF assignments might seem cryptic, but I'm looking at things over the whole TOC for a build, but I do miss things too.
                    2) To help with the Interfacing Process with the other Ministers & Senate, concerning budgets and needs.
                    3) To help organize polls and discussions for things like City names, locations and any other Issues that I might request to have addressed.
                    4) To complete and or delegate the CP/PW orders compilation, If I'm unavailable to compile them for any turnchat (or one of the other Deputies). If this occurs, the VDM would try you keep the Queues the way that they are and not add things to them, unless they follow the general queues of other cities or are based on any special circumstances. Mostly to request budgets for Needed and Throughput Rushes. This would NOT allow the VDM to change things around WHOLESALE, but would allow him to change things, as the situations require.
                    5) to help double check the orders for any glaring errors or to help resolve any during Gameplay.
                    6) To help delegate the RA positions to anyone whom the VDM & DM feels is qualified and interested.

                    Deputy Domestic Minister for Public Works (DDM for PW):
                    1) To compile & submit orders for the PW movements and infrastructure builds. To this, I would have some specific requests for Infrastructure but mostly general guidelines that I would like all of the cities to conform to, the implementation would be up to the DDM for PW to complete.
                    2) That he would try to inform me, in a timely manner, of any infrastructure improvements that will become available during a Gameplay, that way they can possibly be integrated into the CP orders.
                    3) To post such information and PW requests via the Term VI Contractors Thread or the particular Gameplay orders threads. I don’t like to use PM’s except for personal issues. This also insures that the VDM is also informed and aware of any information that would be needed.
                    4) To release whatever PW Units (i.e. Workers) to the SMC, to help him facilitate War Time Logistics.

                    Deputy Domestic Minister for City Planning (DDM for CP):
                    1) To compile city build orders and Workforce Assignments to facilitate the overall build plan.
                    2) To Request PW improvements for the cities.
                    3) To maintain City growth, corruption and happiness to increase overall production & Trade output

                    Regional Administrators
                    To watch over their assigned regions and make requests and suggestions for their cities to the DDM for CP. To help him compile orders, by submitting possible orders in a standardized format. These would be submitted in a timely manner, so that they can be implemented as quickly as possible. They will have to remember, that their suggested orders might not be followed as submitted, depending on what the needs are for the entire nation at the time. Even though they are concerned with the needs of their region, the needs of the country as a whole comes first.

                    NOTE: trying to compile one order format that is workable for the President to follow, while having 9 different people submitting things in nine different formats can be extremely taxing to figure out and implement. One of the reasons that I didn’t add people to the vacant RA positions this last term was because of that.


                    With all of that said, for the time being, I will be doing the DDM for CP job myself. I have already screened a few people for the VDM and DDM for PW positions, but I’m having a hard time at it, with PTW stealing away a lot of our good people or even running for their own positions in Term VI. I would like to have one person for the VDM job and one or the DDM for PW job, but I can live with having one person doing both. I would like to give the DDM of CP position to someone too, but I’m more concerned with filling the other positions first and foremost. I have a tweaking, micromanagement style that I do the CP job with and I really want someone who is of the same type to fill that position.

                    Because of the PTW drain, I think it will be hard to fill the RA positions (I sometimes think that this game will ultimately have only the Government & an equal number of senators, i.e. a very small game. I really hope that this doesn’t come to pass) with people who will be dedicated to get their particular information to the DDM for CP & PW within a significant period of time, for them to recompile them into one set of orders. I will first work on getting the upper offices filled, before filling any RA positions.

                    Come and see me at WePlayCiv
                    Worship the Comic here!
                    Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by adaMada
                      I understand you guys are busy, but I'm personally not going to vote until I can honestly say I've made the right decision. As such, I'm going to ask the best questions I possibly can, in the hope that I'll be able to make a choice this time .

                      I am addressing questions to each side as they come to me, but each side should feel free to comment. Please remember, I'm in 'journalism' mode for this thread, and nothing I say should be taken as an indication of my beliefs.

                      1) Ghengis is running on a campeign of organizational skills. How will you organize the department if you win?
                      I just posted that

                      To Both,
                      1) The new Veto rule in the CoL allows for a great deal of power as an elected minister. Do you have any thoughts on veoting in general?

                      -- adaMada
                      I have to go and reread that portion of the NewCon before I can answer that for you, but I will answer it soon.

                      Come and see me at WePlayCiv
                      Worship the Comic here!
                      Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


                      • #12
                        Very impressive

                        Now, to be fair (especially since MY campaign thread is so long), I have to read it...
                        Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                        Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                        7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                        • #13
                          Ok, now I've read it. I knew a little about what you had originally been thinking about, but I honestly like this fuller picture better with Vice Minister, DP for PW and DP for CP as well as regional admins. Some of the specific stuff sounds very promising as well.

                          Thank you.
                          Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                          Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                          7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                          • #14
                            My Campaign for Domestic Minister - Accomplishments over the Last Term

                            When I had first taken office as the Term V City Planner, I was faced with a monumental task. We had Rampant Corruption and Waste in our cities. Some of the cities were on the very edge of Civil Disorder if we had lost a single Luxury with the rest being growth enhanced by the newly acquired Pyramids and nearing the same problem. We had no practical technology research capabilities, with only 3 Libraries in 40 cities. We aquired our technologies through carefully thought out and executed trades with the tech leaders. Our Military was at a low ebb after the wars with Persia and America, which would have posed a problem if someone had attacked us. This was while we were planning on going to war with France to take the rest of Joan’s Lands. A lot of our cities were still hampered by the Great jungle and would take a lot of effort to clear out and make useful. All these things made the CP job even harder. I then vowed to the Great Banana, to bring us out of the Dark Ages by the end of the Middle Ages. We are almost at that point and will be fairly close by the end of the term.

                            Over the last term, I instituted building programs on all fronts. The efforts have been very fruitful. We now have 48 cities. In those cities, we have built the following City Improvements:
                            19 Cathedrals
                            18 Courthouses
                            12 Libraries
                            9 Temples
                            6 Marketplaces
                            2 Barracks
                            1 Granary
                            1 Bank
                            The Forbidden Palace in Contaginon

                            We also will complete by the end of the term:
                            8 Cathedrals
                            6 Libraries
                            5 Marketplaces
                            1 Granary
                            1 Temple
                            1 Courthouse
                            1 Bank

                            We have Increased our Standing Defenses by 8 units with 3 more by the end of the term. Our Mounted Offenses have increased (after losses in the war with France) by 14 Units with one more to be completed by the end of the term. Our Navy has Increased by 3 Units over the term. Our Bombardment capabilities will increase by 2 by the end of the current term.

                            Our Public Worker Force has also had a dramatic increase. We have added 32 (more than doubling) Native Workers and used some of the captured French cities to farm out 4 more Slaves. By the end of the term, we will have 8 more Native Workers and 2 more farmed out Slaves.

                            With that addition of Courthouses & the Forbidden Palace, the Corruption and Waste has also had a dramatic change, for the better. Our Technology research capabilities is now at the point that we are having serious debates on how much of our income we should channel into actual research. We have WLKD in almost all of our larger cities, with the rest to reach that point by the end of the term. Even if we were to lose all three of our Imported luxuries at once, our cities would not go into Civil Disorder.

                            With my guidance, I have almost brought this Great Nation out of it’s Dark Age and towards the goal of Greatness. Although, I did have the help of our Great Age to give us a boost, It has allowed me to bring us to this point. But, we still have a lot of things to do. We still need to get to the point of equaling and surpassing the other Nations in Technology. We still have the Military to build up in preparation for the future wars that are planned. We still have a lot of Jungle to cut down, Infrastructure to build and we’ll be needing to start building Railroads throughout our lands in the next term.

                            I now vow to the Great Banana, if elected, to bring us to those points and beyond in the next term as your Domestic Minister of Apolytonia.

                            Come and see me at WePlayCiv
                            Worship the Comic here!
                            Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


                            • #15
                              I have one more to post and to answer some questions, but It will have to wait until tomorrow, as it's almost 3AM here.

                              Come and see me at WePlayCiv
                              Worship the Comic here!
                              Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game

