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Orders thread tor next turnchat - 870AD onwards...

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  • Orders thread tor next turnchat - 870AD onwards...

    The next chat will be short (1-3 turns as I have only a couple of hours to spare) on Friday provisionally at 2100GMT. Post orders for at least 2-3 turns, but it might be best to aim for around 7-8 as soon as you can because the next turns will be done by Arnelos, or maybe Aggie or someone else late in the weekend or early next week.

    This may be my last chat this term and for three months or more. We will aim to set it up so that the FP will be built in the last turn of the next full chat.

    Hope to see you all there!

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

  • #2
    PW Orders will go here, unless someone kills me first.


    • #3

      SMC orders will go here.
      Since Reddawgs Mailbox is full, here are my money request
      6 pike to Musket(on border)-360
      1knight to calvary-20
      Total = 380
      A note, if an extra 40 can be found I would upgrade 2spear to musk on the border instead of just 6 pike(for a total of 2spear and 4pike to Musket-400)

      Here is the save with the 870 SMC,FAM orders done.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Aggie; November 7, 2002, 14:45.
      The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


      • #4
        CP Budget Requests - REVISED

        I'll post this here and also in Reddawg's Economic Thread. This also takes in to account the SMC Budget Requests.

        THIS HAS BEEN REVISED due to an Item that I missed and the decision by the MoIE to keep Avignon ( I was just about to post my first revised Budget request when I had seen his orders post)

        We have 739 Lytons with an income of 368 LPT. SMC has requested 380 to 420 Lytons for Upgrades (which can be done over the next 5 turns). Approx. 84/turn - leaving 284/turn and assuming 300L cash Reserve for emergencies

        Besancon - Settler for 116L, subtract 4/T - Will Abandon this City

        Tours - Worker Farm, to be abandoned - Worker for 28L, subtract 4/T; 2 more after 1 turn builds for 36L each, subtract 4/T.
        Grenobie - Worker Farm, to be abandoned - Worker after turn 1 for 28L, subtract 4/T, 2-4 more after 1 turn builds for 36L each, subtract 4/T.

        Avignon - Temple for 116L after turn 1 , subtract 4/T.
        Heliopolis - Temple for 116L, subtract 4/T
        Site 3 City (to be built on turn 2) - after turn 3, Temple for 116L, subtract 4/T

        New York - Courthouse for 260L, subtract 20/T
        San Cortez - Courthouse for 236L, subtract 8/T
        Susa - Courthouse for 232L, subtract 4/T
        Hole in the Wall - Courthouse 208L, subtract 4/T
        Ghengistown - Courthouse for 140L, subtract 20/T
        Napoleton - Courthouse for 220L, Subtract 4/T.

        Tarsus - Worker for 36L, subtract 4/T

        Timeline of budget outlays:
        Turn 0: 739L in Treasury at start
        SMC - Spearman to Musket for 80L.
        SMC - Knight to Cavalry for 20L.
        Heliopolis - Temple for 116L
        Ghengistown - Courthouse for 140L
        Tours - Worker for 28L
        Total for turn 0 - 284L + 100L(SMC) = 384L, leaving 355L in Treasury

        Turn 1: 355 + 368 = 723L
        SMC - Spearman to Musket for 80L.
        Hole in the Wall - Courthouse for 204L
        Grenobie - Worker for 28L
        Tarsus - Worker for 32L
        Total for turn 1 - 264L + 80L(SMC) = 344L, leaving 379L in Treasury

        Turn 2: 379 - 368 = 747L
        SMC - Pikeman to Musket for 60L
        Besancon - Settler for 108L, abandoning City
        San Cortez - Courthouse for 220L.
        Total for turn 2 - 328L + 60L(SMC) = 388L, leaving 359L in Treasury

        Turn 3: 359 + 368 = 727L
        SMC - Pikeman to Musketman for 60L
        New York - Courthouse for 200L
        Avignon - Temple for 108L
        Total for turn 3 - 308L + 60L(SMC) = 368L, leaving 359L in Treasury

        Turn 4: 359 + 368L = 727L
        SMC - Pikeman to Musketman for 60L
        Napoleton - Courthouse for 204L.
        Site 3 City - Temple for 112L
        Tours - Worker for 28L
        Grenobie - Worker for 32L
        Total for turn 4 - 376L + 60L(SMC) = 436L, leaving 291L in Treasury

        Turn 5: 291 + 368L = 659L
        SMC - 2 Pikeman to Musketmen for 120L
        Susa - Courthouse for 212L
        Total for turn 5 - 212L + 120L(SMC) = 332L. leaving 327L in Treasury at the end.

        This Request is FINAL. I'm using this timeline for my orders, but will have them marked as not approved Yet.

        Also, we have 4 turns of Research on Democracy left to complete, We might be able to turn down the Science % in turn 1 or after (while still having complete on time), and that would release more funds to our Treasury on the following turns.

        Last edited by E_T; November 8, 2002, 02:50.
        Come and see me at WePlayCiv
        Worship the Comic here!
        Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


        • #5
          CP Orders - Almost Done

          These Orders WILL NOT BE FINAL until this line is edited, but they are close. I still have a bit of double checking left to do. I'll have the new save posted soon.

          General stuff:

          In the Orders, WF refers to Work force allocation/placement. See this image:

          For further explanation on this, see this post.

          If during the turnchat, any workers that finish tasks that would benifit Production, Trade or Food (in that order of priority, with corruption/waste in mind) increase in a city (cleared jungle, mine or road built, etc.), please change WF allocation to fit the situation. Please, also keep in mind, that some cities are having to maintain a delicate balance between growth & time of build completions. We will be rushing things somewhat, but Some items I don't want to have to rush too soon (because of impending Disorder because a city grew too fast).

          Approved Budget for Rushes:

          Awaiting Budget Approval of 1772 Lytons over 5 turns (Approx. 354LPT)


          Turn 0: Heliopolis - Temple for 116L; Ghengistown - Courthouse for 140L; Tours - Worker for 28L; Total - 284L.
          Turn 1: Hole in the Wall - Courthouse for 204L; Grenobie - Worker for 28L; Tarsus - Worker for 32L; Total - 264L.
          Turn 2: Besancon - Settler for 108L; San Cortez - Courthouse for 220L; Total - 328L.
          Turn 3: New York - Courthouse for 200L; Avignon - Temple for 108L; Total - 308L.
          Turn 4: Napoleton - Courthouse for 204L; Site 3 City - Temple for 112L; Tours - Worker for 28L; Grenobie - Worker for 32L; Total - 376L
          Turn 5: Susa - Courthouse for 212L; Total - 212L.

          Other: Dijon - Temple for 84L, subtract 8LPT
          Memphis - 112L, subtract 8LPT


          Turn 0 (870AD)

          Current built/Queue Changes:

          Macross City - Dump Q, Add Musket-Wrk-Wealth-Musket to Q.
          Tessagrad - Change Caravel to Cav, Add Wealth to Q.
          Timeline - Change build to Cav, Dump Q, Add Palace-Bank-Musket-Uni to Q.
          Gaia - Change WC to Musk, Cav to Wrk.
          Willsbury - Add Wrk-Mrkt to Q.
          Tarsus - Add Wrk to Q.
          Port Rouge - Change Long to Cannon, Add Cannon to Q.
          Apolyton - Add Cav-Musket to Q
          Del Monte - Change Musket in Q#2 to Cavalry, Add Wealth to Q.
          Here It Is - Change Musket to Cav, Add Musket to Q
          Port of Malignance - Change WC to Cannon, Add Musket to Q.
          New York - Change WC to Musket, Add Musket to Q
          Susa - Delete Market, Add Market to Q.
          Muncie - Change Lib to Wealth, Change Build to Lib, Change Wealth to Cath, Change Bank to Cav, Add Bank to Q.
          Shiberport - Add Lib to Q.
          Gotham - Change Wealth to Uni, Add Musk-Wealth to Q.
          Whelsh Coast - Add Lib to Q
          Chiquita - Add Cannon to Q.
          Jerusalem - Add Aqua to Q
          Ubergorsk - Add Cav to Q.
          Avignon - Change build to Temple, Add Court-Wealth-Wrk-Lib to Q.
          Bacteria - Add Mrkt to Q.
          Arbela - Change WC to Musket, Add Musk to Q
          Termina - Add Cannon to Q.
          Grenobie - Change Settler to 4 Workers.
          Chartes - Add Aqua to Q
          Antioch - Add Cav to Q
          Banana HQ - Add Cav-Wealth to Q
          Another Glorious City - Add Musk-Mrkt to Q
          Geofront - Change Lib to Wealth, Change build to Lib, Change Wealth to Cath.
          Rheims - Add Wrk to Q
          Tours - Change Settler to 2 Workers
          Neon Uber City - Delete Wrk in Q#2, Add Wrk to Q.
          Heliopolis - Change build to Temple, Set Q to Court-Wealth-Lib-Wrk.

          WF allocations:
          Willsbury - WF to 1-2-3-5-6-8-10-14.
          Seeburg - WF to 1-3-4-6-8-18-20.
          Avignon - WF to 3-7-8-18-19 + 1 Tax.
          Ubergorsk - WF to 1-3-8-14-19-20.
          Jerusalem - WF to 3-4-5-11-15-19.
          Grenoble - WF to 6 + 2 Tax + 2 Resistors (Joan’s Fan Club).
          Loveshack - WF to 2-3-4-5-6-10.
          Dijon - WF to 5-6-7. < --------------change site 3 rush to this? Reexamine budget outlays
          Thebes - WF to 3-11-12-13
          Chiquita - WF to 5-6-9-12-13-14..
          Port of Malignance - WF to 1-2-5-6-9-10-18.
          Here it is - WF to 1-2-4-8-9-12-19-20.
          Apolyton - WF to 1-2-6-7-8-13-15-18. < -----Need to look at Tessa & Temina for WF changes. Need to redo
          Banana HQ - WF to 5-6-7-8-19.
          Contagion - ?? just changed WF to something and back and TOC is now 7 instead of 8, go figure??
          Gaia - WF to 1-2-4-5-6-7-8-10-16 + 1 Tax.
          Port Rouge - WF to 1-2-5-6-7-8-9-17. < - Watch for Jerusalem changes.
          Termina - WF to 2-3-4-6-8-19.
          Susa - WF to 1-6-7-8-10-20 + 1 Tax. Will be Zero Growth until the Courthouse is built.
          Rheims - WF to 2-6-15-16.
          Tessagrad - WF to 3-4-5-7-8-12-13-16-18-20. < ----changed
          Tarsus - WF to 3-4-5-6-7-13-15-16.

          Planned Rushes:
          Ghengistown - Rush Courthouse for 140L - WF to 2-3-5-13-15-16.
          Heliopolis - Rush Temple for 116L - No WF changes.
          Tours - Rush Worker for 28L - WF to 3-5 + 1 Tax.

          Turn 1 (880 AD)

          WF allocations:

          Chartes - WF to 1-2-3-4-12.
          Avignon (Starves to size 5) - WF to 3-7-8-18-19.
          Port Rouge - Musket built, Harbor next in Q - WF to 1-2-5-6-7-8-9-19. [COLOR-RED]THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE BEFORE JERUSALEM![/COLOR] < ------ Watch for Jerusalem changes, place before
          Jerusalem - Wrk built, Lib next in Q - WF to 1-2-6-19-20.
          Loveshack - Lib built, Wrk next in Q - WF to 2-3-5-7-10-16.
          Chiquita -Wrk built, Mrkt next in Q - WF to 5-6-12-13-14..
          Another Glorious City (grows to size 5) - WF to 1-2-5-9-18.
          Port of Malignance - Wrk built, Mrkt next in Q - WF to 1-2-10-17-18-19.
          Ghengistown - Court built, Cath next in Q - WF to 1-2-3-8-16-19.
          Heliopolis - Temple built, Court next in Q - No WF changes.
          Here it is - Musket built, Lib next in Q - WF to 1-2-3-4-9-11-12-20.
          Tours - Wrk built, Wrk next in Q - WF to 5 + 1 Tax.
          Gaia - Cath built, Musket next in Q - WF to 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-10-16.
          Termina - Wrk built, Musket next in Q - WF to 1-2-3-10-19.
          Rheims - WF to 1-2-6-15.
          Timeline (grows to size 11) - WF to 1-2-3-4-5-6-11-13-14-19-20.
          Tessagrad - Lib built, Cavalry next in Q - WF to 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-18-20

          Site 3 City built - Set built to Temple, Add Court-Cath-Wrk-Lib to Q - WF to 17.

          Planned Rushes:
          Grenobie (starves to size 4) - Rush Worker if out of Resistance for 28L - WF to 1-2-4-10.
          Loveshack - Wrk built, Mrkt next in Q - WF to 2-3-7-10-16.
          Hole in the Wall - Rush Courthouse for 204L - No WF changes.
          Tarsus - Rush Worker for 32L - No WF changes

          Turn 2 (890 AD)

          WF allocations:
          Macross City (grows to size 11) - WF to 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-13-14-16-17.
          Seeburg - WF to 3-4-6-8-10-18-20.
          Avignon (Starves to size 4) - WF to 7-8-18-19.
          Ubergorsk - Lib built, Wrk next in Q - WF to 1-8-14-15-19-20.
          Grenobie - Wrk built, Wrk next in Q - WF to 2-4-10.
          Chiquita (grows to size 6) - WF to 3-5-6-12-13-14. Will be Zero Growth until Tile 3 is Irrigated.
          Port of Malignance (should grow to size 7) - WF to 1-2-9-10-17-18-19
          Hole in the Wall - Court built, Cath next in Q - No WF changes.
          Del Monte (grows to size 9) - WF to 1-3-4-5-6-7-8-14-15.
          Banana HQ (grows to size 6) - WF to 1-5-6-7-8-19. Zero Growth until WF change in turn 5.
          Termina (grows to size 6) - WF to 1-2-3-4-10-19.
          Rheims - Temple built, Court next in Q - WF to 2-6-15-16.
          Timeline - Cavalry built, Palace next in Q - No WF changes.
          Tarsus (grows & shrinks this turn, should be size 8) - Wrk built, Cath next in Q - WF to 3-4-5-6-7-13-15-16

          Planned Rushes:
          Besancon - Rush Settler for 108L - WF to 5-7. THIS CITY WILL BE ABANDONDED NEXT TURN, WATCH FOR IT!
          San Cortez - Rush Courthouse for 220L - No WF changes.

          Turn 3 (900 AD)

          WF allocations:

          Willsbury (grows to size 9) - WF to 1-2-3-5-6-8-10-13-14.
          Seeburg (grows to size 8) - WF to 3-4-5-6-8-10-18-20.
          Besancon - Settler built, ABANDON CITY! Send Settler to Site 2 (near Grenobie), DO NOT BUILD NEW CITY YET!
          Ubergorsk - Wrk built, Mrkt next in Q - WF to 1-3-8-19-20.
          Jerusalem (grows to size 6) - WF to 1-2-6-8-19-20.
          Another Glorious City (grows to size 6) - Caravel should be built, Lib next in Q - WF to 1-2-4-5-9-18.
          Gotham (grows to size 7) - WF to 1-4-5-6-7-8-15.
          San Cortez (Borders Expand) - Court built, Lib next in Q - No WF changes.
          Del Monte - Lib built, Cavalry next in Q - WF to 1-3-4-5-7-8-14-15-19.
          Contaginon (grows to size 11) - THIS IS IMPORTANT!, if TOC is affected by WF of 2-3-4-5-7-8-9-10-11-12-15, change to that, IF NOT, WF to 1-2-4-5-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-15.

          Planned Rushes:
          New York - Rush Courthouse for 200L - WF to 1-4-5-6-8-17-20.
          Avignon (starves to size 3) - Rush Temple for 108L - WF to 1-2-20.

          Turn 4 (910AD)

          WF allocations:

          Chartes (grows to size 6) - WF to 1-2-3-4-5-12.
          Avignon - Temple built, Court next in Q - No WF changes.
          New York - Court built, Wrk next in Q - WF to 1-5-6-7-8-17-20. This will delay worker until after it grows to size 8
          Opiadom - Cath built, Wrk next in Q - No WF changes.
          Oak Ridge (grows to size 6) - WF to 2-3-4-5-14-15. Will be Zero Growth until more Jungle is cleared.
          Boomtown - Cath built, Wrk next in Q - No WF changes
          Here it is (grows to size 9) - WF to 1-2-3-4-8-9-12-19-20.
          Rheims (grows to size 5) - WF to 2-5-6-15-16.
          Antioch (grows to size 6) - WF to 2-4-6-14-15-16.

          Planned Rushes:
          Grenobie - Rush Worker for 32L - No WF changes.
          Napoleton - Rush Courthouse for 204L - No WF changes
          Tours - Rush Worker for 28L - No WF Changes.
          Dijon - Rush Temple for ???L No WF changes.

          Turn 5 (920AD)

          WF allocations:

          Macross City (grows to size 12) - WF to 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-13-14-16-17.
          Bacteria - WF to 1-2-3-8-10-20.
          Geofront - Lib built, Cath nezt in Q - No WF changes.
          Napoleton - Court built, Cath next in Q - No WF changes
          Boomtown - Wrk built, Lib next in Q - WF to 1-6-8-10-15.
          Neon Uber City - Granary built, Lib next in Q - No WF changes.
          Muncie - Lib built, Wrk next in Q - No WF changes
          Apolyton (grows to size 9) - WF to 1-2-3-6-7-8-13-15-18. < -----Conditional, with Tessa & Temina WF overlaps
          Banana HQ - WF to 2-5-6-7-8-19. Should be 1 turn to complete.
          Tours - Wrk bult, Wrk next in Q - WF to 1 Tax.
          Gaia (should grow to size 11) - WF to 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-16.
          Tessagrad (should grow to size 11) - Cavalry built, Bank next in Q - WF to 1-2-4-5-6-7-8-14-16-18-20

          Grenoble - Wrk built, Wrk next in Q - WF to

          Planned Rushes:
          Susa - Rush Courthouse for 212L - No WF changes.

          These orders are NOT QUITE FINAL but are close.I still have some double checking to do

          Last edited by E_T; November 8, 2002, 18:22.
          Come and see me at WePlayCiv
          Worship the Comic here!
          Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


          • #6
            Ministry of Imperial Expanson - Orders

            We'll be following the revised Genghis Plan (see end of post) for moving some of France's cities.

            Site 3 is moved one tile NE of its previous location.
            Site 2 remains at its previous location.

            This was done in order for us to keep Avignon, while still giving it plenty of room. We'll also make more use of the hill and mountain tiles.

            The settler currently SW of the saltpeter needs to go to the (new) site 3.

            Our next settler after that should go to site 2.
            The following formerly French cities need to be disbanded (by building workers, settlers, and other pop. reducing methods):

            The following formerly French cities will be kept, and their culture needs to be built up (to prevent flipping):
            and others I may have missed.

            We also have some cities that need to be renamed; I will start a thread about that.

            Jonny - IE Minister

            Note: All orders posted here are final, unless it is noted somewhere else in this thread that they are not.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              (current orders are a work in progress)

              Specific Orders:

              Renegotiate incense deal with Greece for max profit.
              Renegotiate spice deal with Germany for max profit.
              Renegotiate Gunpowder deal with Persia for max profit.

              General Orders:

              At some point during this chat, purchase the following embasies:
              Japan 94g
              India 106g
              Iriquois 66g

              Lux and Resource Trading:
              Sell a luxury or resource to anyone who offers more than 50g.

              Tech Trades:
              Tech aquisition priority = Theory of Gravity, Magnetism, Free Artistry.

              Sell Tech if anyone offers >75g for it.
              Buy any tech if the price is < 600g

              Map Trades
              If it is sold, sell off to as many civs as possible to maximise profits.


              Do not sign any ROPs or alliances.

              Demands: (Give in only if demand is semi-reasonable)
              E. Give in: none.
              F. Refuse: Rome, Greece, England, Persia, Germany, France, Aztecs, America, Russia, Babylon, Iroquois, China, India, Zulu.

              Demand that the following civs stay out of our territory: France, Greece, England, Germany, Persia, Russia, Babylon, Iriquois.

              Only demand exit if their "invading" units do not posess an immediate threat: all others.

              All things left unstated in turnthreads/chats are for Presidential or Public decision. All things specified must be followed unless surprise events have made the orders illogical, harmful, or inappropriate. In that situation the President should end turnthread/chat if any major decision needs to be taken and no representative from the Ministry is present to make the decision. If only a minor decision, the President may use his discretion to change the orders so that they are logical, beneficial, and appropriate.

              Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
              Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
              Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
              Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


              • #8
                CP save for Turnchat

                This has everything from Turn 0 Expect for any Rushes.

                Attached Files
                Come and see me at WePlayCiv
                Worship the Comic here!
                Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game

