In a recent speech to Hawk Party members and sympathists:
"Recently, two of our brothers set sail for unknown waters, and we must accept their departure with gratitude towards their service. To the Hawk Party, Unorthodox and Duddha stand as the two most active members who stood by their brothers and fought endlessly to see that the great nation of Apolytonia would hear their calls for war, for honor, and dominance of our regions. It is to them that we owe a great gratitude.
In light of this, the Chairmanship of the Hawk Party falls to myself, and I will see to it that our Party does not become weakened. But as I stand before you all here at our glorious capital, I see that our ranks are thinning and our influence subsiding. We are in the midst of a 'changing of the guard' so to speak, and we need new blood.
Just look out over the Persian conquests, or our American territory to the north, or our glorious war of the French, which I believe you can all still hear the cannons roaring. These lands were delivered to us by the Great Banana, who blessed our military with courageous and able commanders who dealt a fierce blow to our enemies. But without the support of the Hawk Party, our nation might even now have suffered from the wrath of other warring nations.
For the good of Apolytonia, for the glory of the Great Banana, our deity, and for the strength of our people, I ask you loyal citizens to come out in support of the Hawks, to join us and to preserve a great part of our heritage.
I wish for my remaining Hawk Party brethren and my countrymen to not be swayed by lackluster political groups seeking influence. Instead, I wish to see their freedoms preserved and their thirst for power quenched. Join us and you will see a new and greater Apolyton. Thank you."
Meshelic turns, and casts one last glance at the crowd. The cheering continues as the roar of the crowd rises towards his balcony. Then, in one swift movement, he turns away.
"Recently, two of our brothers set sail for unknown waters, and we must accept their departure with gratitude towards their service. To the Hawk Party, Unorthodox and Duddha stand as the two most active members who stood by their brothers and fought endlessly to see that the great nation of Apolytonia would hear their calls for war, for honor, and dominance of our regions. It is to them that we owe a great gratitude.
In light of this, the Chairmanship of the Hawk Party falls to myself, and I will see to it that our Party does not become weakened. But as I stand before you all here at our glorious capital, I see that our ranks are thinning and our influence subsiding. We are in the midst of a 'changing of the guard' so to speak, and we need new blood.
Just look out over the Persian conquests, or our American territory to the north, or our glorious war of the French, which I believe you can all still hear the cannons roaring. These lands were delivered to us by the Great Banana, who blessed our military with courageous and able commanders who dealt a fierce blow to our enemies. But without the support of the Hawk Party, our nation might even now have suffered from the wrath of other warring nations.
For the good of Apolytonia, for the glory of the Great Banana, our deity, and for the strength of our people, I ask you loyal citizens to come out in support of the Hawks, to join us and to preserve a great part of our heritage.
I wish for my remaining Hawk Party brethren and my countrymen to not be swayed by lackluster political groups seeking influence. Instead, I wish to see their freedoms preserved and their thirst for power quenched. Join us and you will see a new and greater Apolyton. Thank you."
Meshelic turns, and casts one last glance at the crowd. The cheering continues as the roar of the crowd rises towards his balcony. Then, in one swift movement, he turns away.