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Next Turnchat Orders - 700AD, 2200GMT Tuesday night (Thud/ET????)

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  • Next Turnchat Orders - 700AD, 2200GMT Tuesday night (Thud/ET????)

    Please post your orders here for the next chat, at 2200GMT on TUESDAY 22 OCTOBER.

    This will be a relaxed chat as the new Admin finds its feet, and I hope to play only a few turns. if you can post 5 turns worth of orders here, great, but I only aim to do 2-3 turns of play this time around, and another on Thursday/Friday.


    EDIT: note the change of date for the chat due to Minister overload.
    Last edited by MrWhereItsAt; October 21, 2002, 17:00.

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

  • #2
    The Ministry of Imperial Expansion has no orders at the time.


    • #3
      Directives of the Apolytonian Labor General

      (Public Works)

      Worker/s in red represent Apolytonian (Egyptian) Workers which work twice as fast as Foreign Nationals.

      710 AD

      3 Frenchies NE of Jerusalem moves S

      Babylonian worker and Worker NW2 (2 tiles NW) of Timeline build road {complete}

      Worker E of New York moves SW, SW, then SW.

      2 Workers NW of New York build road{complete}

      Worker W/SW of San Cortes build mine {6 turns}

      Worker in Macross City moves S, S, then S

      Worker E/SE of Hole in Wall build road {2 turns}

      In following orders note that nationality of workers is IMPORTANT!
      5 Workers E/NE of Timeline move SW, S, the SE
      2 Foreign workers E/NE of Timeline irrigate {2 turns}
      6 Foreign workers E/NE of Timeline move NE 1 then mine {complete}

      1 Frenchie SW of Gotham moves NW

      1 Frenchie SE2(2 tiles SE) of Timeline moves Nw, then W, then W
      5 Foreign workers SE2(2 tiles SE) of Timeline move SW. then S

      3 Workers N of Termina move NE, then N, then N (end turn in Gotham)

      Worker S of GeoFront moves E, then E, then E

      3 Foreign workers SW2(2 tiles SW) of Arbela build road
      1 Foreign worker SW2(2 tiles SW) of Arbela mines {6 turns}

      Worker E of Thebes moves S
      Worker N of Shiberport builds road {2 turns}

      720 AD

      6 Foreign workers SW2(2 tiles SW) of Gaia move NE 1 then mine {complete}

      2 Workers N/NE of Gotham clear jungle {6 turns}

      5 Workers N of Gotham move NE

      3 Workers in Gotham move N, then NE

      6 Foreign workers W of Gotham mine {complete}

      Frenchie E of Opiadom moves SW, then SW, then S

      In following orders note that nationality of workers is IMPORTANT!
      Worker NW2 (2 tiles NW) of Timeline moves E
      Babylonian worker NW2 (2 tiles NW) of Timeline mines {2 turns}

      3 Frenchies SE of Jerusalem build road

      Worker NE of Here It Is moves S, then E, then E

      Worker N of Del Monte moves S, then SE, then S

      Worker and Persian worker S of Del Monte buld road {complete}

      2 Workers NW of New York move SE, then S, then SE

      Worker N of Ubergorsk moves W, then W, then W
      2 Persian workers N of Ubergorsk move mine {3 turns}

      Worker S of Ghengistown irrigates {2 turns}

      2 Workers and Persian worker E/NE of GeoFront move W, then S, then SE

      2 Persian workers NW of Contaginon move SW and mine {6 turns}

      3 Foreign workers SW2 (2 tiles SW) of Arbela mine {2 turns}

      2 Workers 2 tiles S of AGC move SW, then S, then S

      Worker W/NW of Shiberport moves NE, then N, then irrigates {2 turns}

      Worker SE2 (2 tiles SE) of Thebes builds road {2 turns}

      730 AD

      6 Foreign workers SW of Gaia move NE 1, then N, then mine {complete}

      2 Foreign workers E/NE of Timeline move SW, then S, then S

      Workers N/NE of Gotham clear jungle {1 turn}

      3 Foreign workers W of Gotham build road {complete}
      3 Foreign workers W of Gotham move SE, then S

      Frenchie 2 tiles NW of Chartres moves SW, then SW, then SW

      Worker W of Port Rouge moves E, then NE, then NE

      Worker N of Timeline moves SE

      Worker S/SE of Del Monte moves SE, then SE, then S

      Worker S of Del Monte moves SE, then SE, then SE
      Persian worker S of Del Monte moves N, then N, then NE

      2 Workers S/SE of New York move E, then SE, then SE

      3 Foreign workers N/NE of Loveshack build road {complete}
      Worker N/NE of Loveshack moves S, then SE, then E
      3 Foreign workers N/NE of Loveshack mine {3 turns}

      Worker in Loveshack moves W, then W, then S

      2 Workers 2 tiles SE of GeoFront move E, then SE
      Persian worker 2 tiles SE of GeoFront move E, then E, then irrigates

      2 Workers S of "Illegally Named City that went against the will of the People" (aka Neon Uber City whose name was supposed to have been Tombstone) move S, then SE, then E

      Worker N of Shiberport irrigates {2 turns}

      Worker E/SE of Hole in the Wall moves NW, then W, then SW

      2 Workers S of "Illegally Named City that went against the will of the People" (aka Neon Uber City whose name was supposed to have been Tombstone) move S, then SE, then E
      Seriously though, the citizens of Apolytonian overwhelmingly made it clear that ALL NEW CITIES WERE TO ASSUME THE NAME THAT THE GAME ASSIGNS TO THEM UNTIL A NEW NAME COULD BE DISCUSSED ON THE FORUM. We went through a month and a half of arguing and screaming and now you want to do it all over again? What gives?
      Last edited by GhengisFarb™; October 21, 2002, 11:03.


      • #4
        Here are my orders.
        Note that Reddawg had approved 500 in upgrades of WC, so please use these on turn 3on the WC's in HII

        War Timeline
        Turn 0 (700 AD)
        WC in HII go to Macross
        WC in Delmonte and chiquita go to HII
        Catapult in Gaia goto Jerusalem

        Turn 1 (710 AD)
        WC se of Opiadum go to HII
        Knight near San Cortez go to mountain 2se of San Cortez
        Galley Near Uber nw,n,ne
        Galley near persian coast e,ne,n

        Turn 2 (720 AD)
        Knight 2se of San Cortez se,s
        WC in Gaia built(WCG) put on go to Contagion
        WC in Port Rouge Built(WCPR), this Wc go to HII
        WC’s From SE of Opidum reach HII
        Galley Near Uber n,n,e
        Galley Near Galley near persian coast e,ne,nw

        Turn 3 (730 AD)
        2WC’s on go to Contagion reach it
        WC’s from Chiquita and Delmonte Reach HII
        There are now 5WC in HII, these need to be upgraded, between now and turn 9
        Knight near Chiquita enter Chiquita.
        Upgrade for 500 the 5WC in HII
        Note if there is a desire to upgrade the galley near uber to caravel send it to tass. Personally I would wait till it reached the east coast and upgrade at a harbor on the east coast.
        Galley Near Uber n,n,ne
        Galley Near Galley near persian coast ne,ne,w
        WC in Termina Built(WCT) send to Delmonte

        Turn 4 (740 AD)
        WC on go to Contagioin reaches it(now 3 WC there)
        3Knights from Contagion Arrive in Jerusalem
        Galley Near Uber ne,ne,ne
        Galley Near Galley near persian coast ne,ne,n

        Turn 5 (750 AD)
        WC from Gaia reaches Contagion(now 4 there)
        2Kights from Arbela/Antioch Reach Jersusalem
        Knights in Chiquita and New York Go to 1s of Macross city
        WC in Uber(WCU) send to Contagion
        Galley Near Uber ne,ne,ne
        Galley Near Galley near persian coast ne,ne,nw

        I have edited orders to match ET's plans
        Well this is it, so goodluck on your first chat this term.
        Last edited by Aggie; October 22, 2002, 15:51.
        The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


        • #5
          CP - Orders - Ready to go

          THese Orders are Final

          General stuff:

          In the Orders, WF refers to Work force allocation/placement. See this image:

          For further explanation on this, see this post.

          If during the turnchat, any workers that finish tasks that would benifit Production, Trade or Food (in that order of priority, with corruption/waste in mind) increase in a city (cleared jungle, mine or road built, etc.), please change WF allocation to fit the situation. Please, also keep in mind, that some cities are having to maintain a delicate balance between growth & time of build completions. We will be rushing things somewhat, but Some items I don't want to have to rush too soon (because of impending Disorder because a city grew too fast).

          Approved Rushes: 748L Approved for rushes.

          748L Approved for rushes. Approx 237/turn .Aggie uses 500 on turn 3. FM gets 100L or 10LPT.
          Have Approx 357 for 0,1,2. Turn 0 246 - 192 = 54 , Turn 1 (54+227) 281 - 104 = 177, Turn 2 (177+227) 404 - 288 = 116, Turn 3 (116+227) 343 - 300(aggie) = 43, Turn 4 (43+227) 324 - 200(aggie) = 124, Turn 5 (124+227) 351-
          Turn 0 20+172 = 192
          Turn 1 104.
          Turn 2 288.
          Turn 3 Aggie
          Turn 4 None or 152
          Turn 5 146 or none
          Total: 730 to 738L, 10 to 18L under budget.

          Arbela - Courthouse for 172L on Turn 0. Needed bad. Subtract 8/turn.
          Neon Uber City - Temple for 104L on Turn 1. Needed to expand and cover Uber. Subtract 4/turn.
          San Cortez - Cathedral for 288L on Turn 2. Operation Flip ‘em off. Subtract 4/turn.
          Geofront - Courthouse for 152L on Turn 4 for 152 or Turn 5 for 146L. Subtract 8/turn.

          Jerusalem - Cathedral for 20 Lytons in turn 0.

          Turn 0 (700AD)

          Current Build & Queue additions/changes:
          None unless Changes not approved.

          WF allocations:
          Gaia - WF to 2-4-5-6-7-8-10-16 + 1Tax + 1Ent.

          Planned Rushes:
          Arbela - Rush Courthouse for 172L. No WF changes.
          Jerusalem - Rush Cathedral for 20 Lytons. No WF changes

          Turn 1 (710 AD)

          WF allocations:
          Macross City - Worker Built, Market next in Q - WF to 1-2-3-4-6-7-8-14-16-17 + 1 Sci.
          Thebes - Connected to Trade Network - WF to 2-3-13.
          Jerusalem - Cathedral built, Worker next in Q - No WF changes.
          Port of Malignace (grows to size 7) - WF to 1-2-5-9-10-17-18.
          Boomtown (grows to size 4) - WF to 2-4-8-15.
          Ghengistown (Borders Expand) - WF to 1-5-8.
          Shiberport (grows to size 4) - WF to 4-5-6-18.
          San Cortez (grows to size 3) - WF to 1-8-17.
          Port Rouge - WF to 1-2-4-5-6-7-8.
          Tessagrad - WF to 3-5-6-7-14-15-16 + 1Tax.
          Arbela - Courthouse built, Worker next in Q - No WF changes.

          Planned Rushes:
          Neon Uber City - Rush Temple for 104L - No WF changes.

          Turn 2 (720AD)

          WF allocations:
          Macross City (grows to size 12) - WF to 1-2-3-4-6-7-8-13-14-16-17 + 1 Sci.
          Ubergorsk - Worker Built, WC next in Q - WF to 3-8-12-19-20.
          Gotham (grows to size 6) - WF to 1-4-5-6-8-16.
          Hole in the Wall (grows to size 6) - WF to 3-6-11-12-14-15.
          Gaia - WC built, Wrk next in Q - WF to 3-4-5-6-7-8-10-16 + 1Tax + 1Ent.
          Port Rouge - WC built, Cath next in Q - WF to 1-2-5-6-7-8-19.
          Termina - WF to 1-2-3-5-8-19.
          Apolyton - WF to 1-2-6-16-15-18-19.
          Neon Uber City - Temple built, Granery next in Q - No WF changes.

          Planned Rushes:
          San Cortez - Rush Cathedral for 288L, Court next in Q - No WF changes.

          Turn 3 (730 AD)

          WF allocations:
          Chartres (grows to size 3) - WF to 1-3-12.
          AGC - WF to 2-18.
          Banana HQ - Marketplace built, WC next in Q - No WF changes.
          Termina - WC built, Wrk next in Q - WF to 2-3-5-8-9-19.
          Tessagrad - Market built, Caravel next in Q - WF to 3-4-5-6-14-15-16-17.
          San Cortez (grows to size 4) - Cathedral Built, Court next in Q - WF to 1-7-8-17.
          GeoFront (Borders Expand) - WF to 1-4-11.
          Napoleton (grows to size 5) - WF to 3-6-7-9-17, will be ZERO Growth until either Tiles are Irrigated or Jungle cleared.

          Planned Rushes:

          Turn 4 (740 AD)

          WF allocations:
          Jerusalem (grows to size 6) - WF to 1-2-4-8-19-20.
          Loveshack (grows to size 5) - WF to 2-3-4-7-10, Will be ZERO growth until Harbor is built.
          New York (grows to size 7) - WF to 1-4-5-7-8-9-20, will be ZERO growth until Floodplains are Irrigated.
          AGC - Barracks Built, either Spear or Musket next in Q - WF to 2-5.
          Hole in Wall (grows to size 6) - WF to 3-6-11-12-14-15.
          Gaia - Wrk built, WC next in Q - WF to 3-4-5-6-7-8-10-16 + 1Ent.
          Timeline - WF to 1-4-5-6-11-13-14-20.
          Arbela - Worker built, Library next in Q - WF to 1-2-3-7-16.

          Planned Rushes:
          Geofront - If funds available, Rush Courthouse for 152L - No WF changes.

          Turn 5 (750 AD)

          WF allocations:
          Jerusalem - Worker built, Harbor next in Q - WF to 1-2-8-19-20.
          San Cortez (should grow to size 5) - WF to 1-6-7-8-17.
          Geofront - If Court was rushed, Court built, Cath next in Q - No WF changes.
          Loveshack - Harbor built, Worker next in Q - No WF changes.
          Termina - Worker built, WC next in Q - WF to 2-3-8-12-19.
          Arbela )grows to size 6) - WF to 1-2-3-5-7-16.
          Timeline - Musket built, Musket next in Q - No WF changes

          Planned Rushes:
          Geofront - If Court was NOT rushed in Turn 4, Rush Courthouse for 146L - No WF changes.

          These orders are final.

          Last edited by E_T; October 22, 2002, 17:58.
          Come and see me at WePlayCiv
          Worship the Comic here!
          Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


          • #6
            Ghengis - I was following orders:
            "Turn 4
            Purchase Courthouse in Contaginion
            Macross should complete its worker this turn, but make sure that it still has at least one citizen as a scientist so our science/research does not stop.
            The Settler from AGC should be in position this turn. Name this city “New Uber City”. Start construction of a temple." - GodKing

            I named it Neon instead of New because MWIA has just finished watching episode 23 of Neon Genesis Evangelion and I wanted to commemorate that special occasion.

            I will admit that Site E was named that because there were no IE orders in the thread and it took me awhile to find where that settler was suppose to go.

            San Cortes was named that because I was feeling angry over the whole Holeinwall situation.

            Finally...There are no UN Rep orders.
            "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
            "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
            "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
            "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd


            • #7
              (current orders are a work in progress)

              Specific Orders:

              Buy WM from Russia for 7g
              Buy/Sell WM with Greece
              Buy/Sell WM with England
              Buy/Sell WM with Germany
              Sell Rome TM or WM. See if they will offer full goldf or TM.
              Sell Aztecs TM or WM. See if they will offer full goldf or TM.
              Sell Babylon TM or WM. See if they will offer full goldf or TM.
              Sell Persia TM or WM. See if they will offer full goldf or TM.
              END MAPWHORE

              DO NOT reneg Incense with Rome. Hold current deal as long as possible. They will not reneg as they have linked up their own source of incense.

              Reneg Spices with Germany for max profit.


              General Orders:

              Lux and Resource Trading:
              Sell off SaltPeter or Incense (if it reverts) as a part of a major deal to reduce cost of tech, if possible. If not, sell off to nation (other than France!) that will give best possible price.

              Tech Trades:
              Keep an eye out for a good deal on Metalurgy. Try to tie it with a lux renewal or resource deal.

              If Navigation becomes available, aquire it no matter what the cost.

              Sell Music Theory if anyone will offers >50g for it.
              Sell Other Tech if anyone offers >75g for it.

              Tech aquisition priority = Navigation, Metalurgy, Physics, Printing Press.

              Buy any tech if the price is < 500g

              none at this time

              Do not sign any ROPs or alliances.

              Demands: (Give in only if demand is semi-reasonable)
              E. Give in: none.
              F. Refuse: Rome, Greece, England, Persia, Germany, France, Aztecs, America, Russia, Babylon, Iroquois.

              Demand that the following civs stay out of our territory: France, Greece, England, Germany, Persia, Russia, Babylon, Iriquois.

              Only demand exit if their "invading" units do not posess an immediate threat: all others.

              Do not make any long term deals with France, as we may soon invade them

              All things left unstated in turnthreads/chats are for Presidential or Public decision. All things specified must be followed unless surprise events have made the orders illogical, harmful, or inappropriate. In that situation the President should end turnthread/chat if any major decision needs to be taken and no representative from the Ministry is present to make the decision. If only a minor decision, the President may use his discretion to change the orders so that they are logical, beneficial, and appropriate.

              Last edited by Togas; October 21, 2002, 12:28.
              Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
              Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
              Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
              Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Apocalypse
                Ghengis - I was following orders:
                "Turn 4
                Purchase Courthouse in Contaginion
                Macross should complete its worker this turn, but make sure that it still has at least one citizen as a scientist so our science/research does not stop.
                The Settler from AGC should be in position this turn. Name this city “New Uber City”. Start construction of a temple." - GodKing

                I named it Neon instead of New because MWIA has just finished watching episode 23 of Neon Genesis Evangelion and I wanted to commemorate that special occasion.
                I was under the impression that the NewCon was not in effect yet. That would mean that settlers and where to found citysites would still be under the MoIE. I placed that order in the thread. Why GodKing overrode my orders (which are not under his jurisdiction in the old constitution) I don't know. If the MoIE is no longer in existence because we are playing under the rules of the NewCon someone needs to let Jonny know that his office doesn't exist anymore. They also need to let the citizens know that the NewCon is in effect and we don't have to vote on it afterall.

                I also don't know why GodKing stated a name when after much discussion we had come to the consensus that cities assume the name the game gives them until one can be chosen on the forums.


                • #9
                  Re: Next Turnchat Orders - 700AD, 2200GMT Monday

                  Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
                  Please post your orders here for the next chat, at 2200GMT on Monday 21 October.

                  This will be a relaxed chat as the new Admin finds its feet, and I hope to play only a few turns. if you can post 5 turns worth of orders here, great, but I only aim to do 2-3 turns of play this time around, and another on Thursday/Friday.

                  Ah, A relaxed chat. That sounds fun, actually...

                  3 PM (my time). I just happen to get off early today...perhaps I can even make it.


                  Think you can hold at least one turnchat from hell schedule this term? Like 8:00-10:00 GMT or some such? It would be nice, just us oddball schedules there chatting...
                  One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                  You're wierd. - Krill

                  An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                  • #10
                    Can do UnOrthO.... of course the Minsters' attendance might have to take precedence with times, but after my first exam (Thurs 2130-0030GMT) almost anything's possible.

                    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                    • #11
                      ThuuuUUUUUDD! WTF are you?!

                      Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                      • #12
                        Could we Pospone for 24 Hours?

                        Sh*t, I was thinking that it was going to be TUesday.

                        Could we pospone for 24 Hours? It's about 1/2 until chat starts and I'm not ready. I have a LOT of changes and orders to post, still and I'm about 1/4 done.

                        I'm working on it now.

                        Come and see me at WePlayCiv
                        Worship the Comic here!
                        Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


                        • #13
                          The chat is postponed for 24 hours due to some missing orders. City Planner has been working has ass off and has some more hours ahead of him, and where the F*** is THUD!

                          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                          • #14
                            MoE: I hope these aren't late!

                            Approved: 500 lytons to SMC for 5 warchariot upgrades.
                            Approved: rushes in the total of 748 lytons to the City Planner (3 courthouses and one cathedral).
                            Approved: 100 lytons or 10 lytons/turn to the Foreign Minister, as needed.

                            The rest is on hold.
                            Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
                            Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
                            Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
                            Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!


                            • #15
                              MWIA, do you want me to be acting MoS?

                              Reddwag: Can you *please* allow unlimited funds for Navigation?
                              "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
                              "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
                              "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
                              "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd

