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Official Gazette Survey.

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  • Official Gazette Survey.

    What would you say to a weekly edition?
    I would actually prefer once a week.
    I would prefer twice a week, can we get a second editor again?
    I wouldn't mind only one a week
    I don't read it anyway, do what you want.
    As long as you still make it from Banana Leaves, I don't care.
    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
    You're wierd. - Krill

    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

  • #2
    Could provide several advantages.

    Larger edition
    More time for input from the public
    Cartoon in each edition
    Less time I need to be looking at everything

    Also, some disadvantages

    Possibly fewer IN-game stories. (do we really need a story on gettin 5 LPT for dyes?)
    Not as up to date with the happenings of the forum
    Some things may be outdated by printing time.
    Not all polls will be in, as they will have expired.
    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
    You're wierd. - Krill

    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


    • #3
      Whatever is reasonnable for you (provided we get one from time to time).

      When I do a newspaper, I write under the title : periodical tending to weekly.
      Last edited by DAVOUT; October 17, 2002, 11:32.
      Statistical anomaly.
      The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


      • #4
        I would actually prefer it once a week. It will make the publishing of a newspaper a more special event (they say that gold is precious because it's rare ), and most people, myself included, prefer to read during the weekend.
        Plus, you always seem so tied up with the newspaper that I think you should release some steam. I just hate to see you like this.
        UnOrthO, I know what it's like to be a perfectionist. I am a proud perfectionist myself, but over the years I have learnt not to be the slave of my own perfectionism. There's no reason you should be tied to the newspaper.
        Once a week will be just fine. Really!
        "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
        And the truth isn't what you want to see,
        Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
        - Phantom of the Opera


        • #5
          Uhmmm, once a week would be awesome. I can imagine how much time you have to put into each issue, and once a week would take pressure off you and allow you to do more in each issue; that's how it is with the State of the Nation, at least. And I think having it once a week would make it even more special and a bigger deal; if it's rarer people will look forward to and anticipate it more.
          Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
          Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
          Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
          Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!


          • #6
            When it comes out, I read it.
            I don't plan on sitting down every wednesday and saturday jsut to read the gazette. So whenever it does arive, fine by me.

            If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


            • #7
              Once a week suffices. A cartoon would be awesome.

              Ah yes, can I please unsubscribe the email notification? I'm browsing the forum anyway, so I see the gazette without being reminded.


              • #8
                Go Banana Leaves!!!!
                Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
                King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
                May God Bless.


                • #9
                  If it is more convient to you, please do it once a week.
                  The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


                  • #10
                    Wouldn't mind once a week at all . Whatever's easier for you, UnOrthO. For me, once a week is almost better, as I'd be able to contribute more.

                    -- adaMada
                    Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                    PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                    Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


                    • #11
                      Unortho I think we all agree that there is no need to push yourself so hard on the gazette, twice a week would mean more work for you and possibly less interest from the rest of us. Once a week is great, keeps everyone happy.
                      Former Supreme Military Commander of the Democratic Apolyton States, Term 8
                      Former Chairman of Apolyton Labor Party


                      • #12
                        Just to clarify, Whatever happens, I will only be doing one a week from here on, that is given.

                        However, I could attempt to re-institute the second editor to cover the WED editions again. I believe Donal has volunteered to resume that post should it be desired.
                        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                        You're wierd. - Krill

                        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
                          Just to clarify, Whatever happens, I will only be doing one a week from here on, that is given.

                          However, I could attempt to re-institute the second editor to cover the WED editions again. I believe Donal has volunteered to resume that post should it be desired.
                          Even with this in mind, I think one super-weekly issue might be just as good as two a week. I wouldn't have any objections to remaining at two a week (of course ), but the more I think about it, the more potential I see for the Gazette being a weekly feature .

                          -- adaMada

                          Afterthought: Oh yea, UnOrthO, my PM box is now totally empty, so if there's anything you wanted to drop me a line on last night it's free now.
                          Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                          PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                          Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


                          • #14
                            once a week is good; it gives us a chance to reflect back more than one turnchat.
                            Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
                            King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
                            May God Bless.


                            • #15
                              whatever and whenever you want to publish, go right ahead.

