I propose moving the debate on the future powers, and roles of the Senate to this thread. It will get too bogged down in the Constitutional Discussion thread.
Cluase 13 means the that the places a future senate could go are limitless.
Much of what the Senate is capible of does would only require a bill so we can discuss this seperatly from the constitutional debate.
Unortho pointed out that the laws and actions of the senate would have to keepen track of.
Thud's solution
I proposed:
I feel there is real potential with the new senate to promote debate and the lives of parties and interest groups.
I think there is room and time for discussion on what the nature and structure of the senate will be. Ofcourse it will basicly remain the same old forum but I don't want this dying like the last Senate (if you remember, you know what i'm talking about).
Should there be semi-ceremonial positions created to promote discussions and parties? What kind of process for electing these positions?
Article II. The Senate
1 All citizens who are not currently a Minister, President, or Judge are Senators
2 Any Senator may propose a law.
(a) To propose a law, a senator must post a poll that is clear, unbiased, states the proposed law in its entirety, and gives three options: “yea”, “nay”, and “abstain”.
(b) The poll’s subject must begin with the text “SENATE BILL:”
(c) The first post of the poll must clarify the options if clarification is needed and state the expiration date.
(d) The poll must be open for at least 72 hours.
(e) To pass, the proposed law must receive more “yea” votes than “nay” votes. It must also meet the quorum.
(i) The quorum: The total number of votes cast in the poll for passage must be greater than or equal to 25% of the total number of votes cast in the most recent Presidential election.
(ii) Any “abstain” votes are considered solely for quorum purposes. “Abstain” votes may not be considered “yea” or “nay” votes.
(iii) The Senate has the power to modify the quorum requirements or to perform a census without amending the Constitution.
(f) All citizens, not just senators, are allowed to vote in any poll.
(g) Proposed laws may not violate or change the Constitution. Proposed laws may change any existing laws, Judicial decisions regarding laws, or Executive orders.
3 Senators may also propose motions, resolutions, orders, and decisions of the Senate. These are proposed in the same way as laws and follow the same rules. These carry the same authority as a law.
4 The Senate has the power to declare war.
5 The Senate must approve all alliances
6 The Senate has the power to authorize drafts of citizens
7 The Senate has the power to change to a wartime economy
8 The Senate has the power to change the form of the government.
9 The Senate has the power to decide how Great Leaders are used
10 The Senate has the power to determine how money is spent. The Senate is not required to use this power. Should the Senate fail to act on any spending matter, or should a spending matter be vetoed, the President may decide.
11 The Senate may make its own laws regarding Senate procedure.
12 The Senate must keep records of all laws, motions, resolutions, and otherwise that are passed, amended, or removed. It may appoint a Clerk to do so.
13 All powers not specifically given to the other branches are hereby given to the Senate.
1 All citizens who are not currently a Minister, President, or Judge are Senators
2 Any Senator may propose a law.
(a) To propose a law, a senator must post a poll that is clear, unbiased, states the proposed law in its entirety, and gives three options: “yea”, “nay”, and “abstain”.
(b) The poll’s subject must begin with the text “SENATE BILL:”
(c) The first post of the poll must clarify the options if clarification is needed and state the expiration date.
(d) The poll must be open for at least 72 hours.
(e) To pass, the proposed law must receive more “yea” votes than “nay” votes. It must also meet the quorum.
(i) The quorum: The total number of votes cast in the poll for passage must be greater than or equal to 25% of the total number of votes cast in the most recent Presidential election.
(ii) Any “abstain” votes are considered solely for quorum purposes. “Abstain” votes may not be considered “yea” or “nay” votes.
(iii) The Senate has the power to modify the quorum requirements or to perform a census without amending the Constitution.
(f) All citizens, not just senators, are allowed to vote in any poll.
(g) Proposed laws may not violate or change the Constitution. Proposed laws may change any existing laws, Judicial decisions regarding laws, or Executive orders.
3 Senators may also propose motions, resolutions, orders, and decisions of the Senate. These are proposed in the same way as laws and follow the same rules. These carry the same authority as a law.
4 The Senate has the power to declare war.
5 The Senate must approve all alliances
6 The Senate has the power to authorize drafts of citizens
7 The Senate has the power to change to a wartime economy
8 The Senate has the power to change the form of the government.
9 The Senate has the power to decide how Great Leaders are used
10 The Senate has the power to determine how money is spent. The Senate is not required to use this power. Should the Senate fail to act on any spending matter, or should a spending matter be vetoed, the President may decide.
11 The Senate may make its own laws regarding Senate procedure.
12 The Senate must keep records of all laws, motions, resolutions, and otherwise that are passed, amended, or removed. It may appoint a Clerk to do so.
13 All powers not specifically given to the other branches are hereby given to the Senate.
Much of what the Senate is capible of does would only require a bill so we can discuss this seperatly from the constitutional debate.
Unortho pointed out that the laws and actions of the senate would have to keepen track of.
Thud's solution
Senate Chats
I think we should have some Senate Chats, in which people could discuss proposals and get stuff done quickly without the slow reaction and debate times of the board.
Particularly, Senate Chats should be used in a situation that is imminent (as Unortho describes) and does not have time to go through the debate process before the next Turn Chat.
Of course, a change to the constitution is not necessary to have these
Supreme Speaker
The Senate should have a Speaker; in order to organize senate chats, organize senate votes and debates, and appoint my proposed Special Adviors/Committees.
This post may require an amendment, but perhaps just a bill.
I think we should have some Senate Chats, in which people could discuss proposals and get stuff done quickly without the slow reaction and debate times of the board.
Particularly, Senate Chats should be used in a situation that is imminent (as Unortho describes) and does not have time to go through the debate process before the next Turn Chat.
Of course, a change to the constitution is not necessary to have these
Supreme Speaker
The Senate should have a Speaker; in order to organize senate chats, organize senate votes and debates, and appoint my proposed Special Adviors/Committees.
This post may require an amendment, but perhaps just a bill.
Thud, we may be from different parties but we think alike. I second Thud's idea. The Speaker should be elected by a majority of the Senate. I also feel there should be a majority and minority leaders granted some minimal powers.
The purpose of a legislative speaker and of majority/minority leaders in Real-Life legislatures (the model you're both drawing from) is to schedule legislation because a RL legislature can only discuss one thing at a time in full session.
That problem is irrelevant here because ANY Senator can post a poll that says "SENATE BILL" at any time and multiple bills can be debated on and passed simultaneously in different threads... as such, there is no need for a single person to schedule legislation - making the role of Speaker ceremonial at best (unless you want to give them unecessary powers they probably shouldn't have).
That problem is irrelevant here because ANY Senator can post a poll that says "SENATE BILL" at any time and multiple bills can be debated on and passed simultaneously in different threads... as such, there is no need for a single person to schedule legislation - making the role of Speaker ceremonial at best (unless you want to give them unecessary powers they probably shouldn't have).
I agree. I was thinking there should be a definition of a 'political faction" as in a set number of members required and once the definition was met that faction would be allowed to select a leader.
The BIG BIG problem with this suggestion is that it assumes that Apolytonians will be willing to group together into distinct factions/parties and that each group will delegate its decision-making voice to a single member of that group... this is far from certain.
Should there be semi-ceremonial positions created to promote discussions and parties? What kind of process for electing these positions?