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Election: City Planner (term 5)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by GhengisFarb
    One thing to consider is that ET has ignored and changed the build orders for Holeinthewall. It was discussed in several threads, in the turnchats, and in private messaging between GodKing and I and ET did his own plan in direct contradiction to all of the above.

    So, apparently he will not be as open to others needs or ideas as GodKing was not will input from Regional Administrators be used.

    Just for the record.
    I have posted some stuff in the PM thread about this and why I had done what I did. I'll be posting some further information later, byt RL calls and I must go.

    Come and see me at WePlayCiv
    Worship the Comic here!
    Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


    • #17
      Originally posted by Arnelos
      I think donegeal just argued in another thread that this was NOT E_T's fault, but rather the habit of using PMs to do discuss orders (PMs which were not passed on to acting ministers).
      This was all ET I specifically informed him about it and the reasons for the build decison had been discussed in a thread.

      ET felt his view was right and the populace of Apolytonia was wrong. I don't know anything about what Togas had said about ET refusing to follow his orders but this is looking like the pattern for the future.

      What I want to know is how do I take this to court? Because ET willingly and knowingly contradicted and undermined the orders of TWO elected officials and he is NOT an elected official.

      If he was the elected CP I wouldn't have a problem as it would be in his power to do that. But he WAS NOT the elected CP and he did the exact opposite of the will of the people of Apolytonia.
      Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; October 15, 2002, 21:10.


      • #18
        ET, I understand from another thread that you intend NOT to build ports or ships for exploration in an attempt to discover the lost civilizations o'er the ocean. How, sir, can this be? Would it not be of tremendous benefit to our people to allow precisely this, so that we may find these civilizations, instead of wasting our money buying the information from our enemies? Sir, I find this rather unacceptable. Would it not be most beneficial to find these civilizations, to trade them for their maps, and to trade maps and communications to the rest of the world? And what of technology? What if we find primitives there, and rich primitives, those who would pay the most for the least amount of technology? Would this not be worth the time of the dock workers? It seems to me that this is the best thing we should do, and you would not have us do it. Please correct me if I am mistaken.
        Empire growing,
        Pleasures flowing,
        Fortune smiles and so should you.


        • #19

          I was the Regional Administrator for Holeinthewall.

          It was my job as such to determine its production and tile use. I did. I did it on time and posted it in GKs order thread and pmd it to GK.

          GK then compiled the orders. The orders were given to ET. ET changed the orders because he didn't feel like the CP or the RA mattered.

          I pmd ET about the change and informed him I was the RA for Holeinthewall and I had put those orders in because after weeks of thread discussion it was agreed that it was the most effecient plan.

          ET once again stated that he didn't care and was going to do what HE thought was best.

          I just looked at the log from the turnchat and discovered that ET lied to Apoc about the situation and claimed it was merely a pm from me to GK when HE KNEW ALL ALONG THAT IT HAD BEEN A POSTED ORDER.

          Not only did he willing change orders from elected officials, but he lied to get his wishes done. This is NOT the kind of actions I want in an elected official.


          • #20
            Originally posted by GhengisFarb

            I just looked at the log from the turnchat and discovered that ET lied to Apoc about the situation and claimed it was merely a pm from me to GK when HE KNEW ALL ALONG THAT IT HAD BEEN A POSTED ORDER.

            Not only did he willing change orders from elected officials, but he lied to get his wishes done. This is NOT the kind of actions I want in an elected official.
            This is very serious to me. ET is virtually elected, and must explain this. Ghengis is a respectable and very important citizen, and a minister, and I firmly believe he's telling the truth. So, ET, what have you to say about this?
            RIAA sucks
            The Optimistas
            I'm a political cartoonist


            • #21
              Originally posted by Aro

              This is very serious to me. ET is virtually elected, and must explain this. Ghengis is a respectable and very important citizen, and a minister, and I firmly believe he's telling the truth. So, ET, what have you to say about this?
              For the record it does not appear to be as bad as I had originally thought. Apparently GodKing and Zeit never passed the orders to ET and ET had to make the orders from scratch and had no previous orders to go on.

              I did inform him that the harbor was an official order that had been posted and gone through the official processs and that if he disregarded it I would seek remedy in court.

              So he was aware that it was from official channels and not some random suggestion. In the logchat he described it as a personal deal between GodKing and I and never mentioned that I was the RA and it had been passed to GodKing and placed in the official orders thread. He made it look as those it was merely a personal wish of mine and lead Apoc to believe it had no official connotations. He then played on Donegal's mistrust of pms and told him it was entirely done by pm even after I had informed ET it was a "posted order" and it had been posted in the official orders thread for several weeks.

              It was not posted the last two sessions because the RAs were never informed who to send their orders to. I had continued sending them to GK and then Zeit when it was announced he would take GKs place for a turnchat.

              Still the entire work of a month of gametime and the expense of rushed builds to move Hole in the Wall to the coast so that it could rush a harbor and then build some galleys for readiness the instant we go Astronomy has been for nought.

              The harbor was to be rushed first because it accomplished the temple's job of making people happy by providing 5-6 luxuries, the worker's job of connecting the city to our resources, AND provided the ability to build veteran ships.

              Instead, Hole in the Wall rushed a temple and worker and has only achieved two of the three things the harbor would have done instantly all by itself.


              • #22
                Originally posted by GhengisFarb

                For the record it does not appear to be as bad as I had originally thought. Apparently GodKing and Zeit never passed the orders to ET and ET had to make the orders from scratch and had no previous orders to go on.

                Well, it's a relief to me. The idea of someone lying in an official turnchat scared me a lot.
                RIAA sucks
                The Optimistas
                I'm a political cartoonist


                • #23
                  This is still disturbing (though not as much as GF's avatar).

                  We have to make sure that the new constitution/senate outlines communication channels for regional admins.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Aro

                    Well, it's a relief to me. The idea of someone lying in an official turnchat scared me a lot.
                    It was still lying through omission. He did willingly mislead those in charge by insinuating it had no official connotation when he had been made aware that it had.

                    Originally posted by dejon
                    This is still disturbing (though not as much as GF's avatar).

                    We have to make sure that the new constitution/senate outlines communication channels for regional admins.
                    I do need to change that. It was originally supposed to be a spokesmodel displaying a sword made by Apolytonian Weapon Works but that was long before the $Mini-Game came along. Maybe I should crank out some new ones and let everyone vote on what should be my new avatar.


                    • #25
                      Go Ghengis!
                      Former Supreme Military Commander of the Democratic Apolyton States, Term 8
                      Former Chairman of Apolyton Labor Party


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Aro

                        This is very serious to me. ET is virtually elected, and must explain this. Ghengis is a respectable and very important citizen, and a minister, and I firmly believe he's telling the truth. So, ET, what have you to say about this?
                        I was in the process of answering this issue last night. I was cutting & pasteing (and editing out things that were of a personal/confidential nature) all of my corrospondences between myself, GK, GF and others. I kept on loosing it when I'd go to the preveiw screen (to make sure quotes where right) and back to the edit page, while doing other PM's at the same time. After being almost done the second time (at 3AM my time), I gave up and went to bed. I was planning to work on this issue this evening, but I had no DSL connection (Sprint wasn't talking to me ISP). I only just got back online now.

                        I will say one thing at this time, In a PM to me from GK, about some things I'll need to do with the CP job, was to watch some threads for issues that would consern the job. I do admit the I am guilty of that, as either time pressures, RL & interest in the subject of the thread (partly because of my other job in the FAM), they didn't seem that they would consern me.

                        Originally posted by GhengisFarb
                        For the record it does not appear to be as bad as I had originally thought. Apparently GodKing and Zeit never passed the orders to ET and ET had to make the orders from scratch and had no previous orders to go on.
                        I will still post the corrospondences and sequences of events surrounding this issue, if anyone is interested.

                        I plan on having A common thread for public posting between only myself, the RA's & other govm't officials (The Contractors Office). I also plan on having regular Information/general discussion (Construction Shack) threads for public discussion, that will be linked to in the Contractors Office Thread. This is so that, if something happens and someone has to take over for me, this kind of thing won't happen to them.

                        I apoligize to anyone who's feathers that I have ruffled, especially Ghengis as I will have to work closely with him as MoPW next term.
                        Come and see me at WePlayCiv
                        Worship the Comic here!
                        Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game

