This budget is now in effect up THROUGH the first turnchat where a Republican government is inacted. Effectively, all rates are hereby FROZEN until such a time. The following chart adequately shows these rates. All requests should be forward to MoE Reddawg.
In addition, there are three pre-approved expenditures for the upcoming turnchat, to the sum of 384 lytons to the City Planning office (these expenses ARE COVERED in the chart): 300 for library in Arbela, 40 for Temple in BMT, 44 for Courthouse in Chiquita. Thank you,
MoE Reddawg
In addition, there are three pre-approved expenditures for the upcoming turnchat, to the sum of 384 lytons to the City Planning office (these expenses ARE COVERED in the chart): 300 for library in Arbela, 40 for Temple in BMT, 44 for Courthouse in Chiquita. Thank you,
MoE Reddawg