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Do we want GA now

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  • #16
    I've just made a survey and we'll have an income of 150 to 160 gold. I can't give an exact figure because I'm unsure as to the way corruption works under Republic.
    Anyway, we should change to Republic as soon as possible, preferably *this turn*.

    Regarding the GA, France still has several warriors in the area of Rheims which can be beaten by our WCs. We can also use WCs against French swordsmen which have 2 defense.
    It takes 5 turns before your enemy agrees to talk to you and end the war. If we plan well we can position troops in strategic locations and take Rheims, Lyons and two other cities in 5 turns and then sue for peace.
    I partially agree with what Togas said. I think we need this GA to complete the new palace and the FP and to give our nation a boost so that we can catch up with the other civs on research. I also realize that there's always something to improve before the GA, and that waiting for the "perfect moment" is practically absurd, but our nation is EXCEPTIONALLY lacking on infrastructure and we need at least several more turns to build some courthouses and market places in strategic points.
    Therefore I believe that right now isn't the time for a GA, and a war against France to be fought after America is gone will serve as better grounds for our GA. We already have the troops and the WCs ready. All we have to do is to position them and then attack. Once the GA is started we should seek peace as soon as possible and then go through 20 turns of building and prosperity.
    "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
    And the truth isn't what you want to see,
    Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
    - Phantom of the Opera


    • #17
      I'm also for delaying the GA untill the next war (probably france in 17 turns), as we would need the Republic, and switching now can cause some unhappiness problems, as we don't have the money for rushing the neccesary improvements. I would have said yes for a GA if we could have sparked it in about 5 or more turns so we would have more gold for rushing, but we don't 'cause the Aztecs are all over America. I say we should wait untill we kick france's ass, then we can use the WCs on their lowly warriors.
      Save the rainforests!
      Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


      • #18
        I have just posted a poll on this issue please vote. This is an official poll and will be binding.
        The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


        • #19
          Have our GA ASAP! Our War Chariots are getting obsolete fast, and I don't think that capturing a wonder counts. In other words, our chances of getting it will diminish with time.
          Greatest moments in cat:


          • #20
            Originally posted by BigFurryMonster
            Have our GA ASAP! Our War Chariots are getting obsolete fast, and I don't think that capturing a wonder counts. In other words, our chances of getting it will diminish with time.
            Hogwash. Unless we go downhill in a BIG way, we will get a GA at some point. It is of course preferable if we get one as soon as we are ready, but we will get one whatever happens. WoWs, use of WCs... there will be plenty of opportunities for these. If we don't get one until uch later, that is a lot better than before it would do us much good. If we are still building our infrastructure when we finish the GA (which we would if we got it right now), we are screwed. Let's not be stupid like the AI and get our GA at a less than optimum time. We are doing more than fine right now - we don't NEED a GA. Of course it would be ludicrous not to get one, but it would be equally absurd to get one because everyone else already has, and there is some belief that we are in grave danger of falling behind enough that we will be killed soon. We aren't dying in 20 turns, and thus we can afford to wait until the best time.

            Alright, so maybe a GA now would help us get the FP, but we have tonnes of potentially great land and many cities. If we spend just 20 turns or less building them up and reorganising forces under a Republic, we will be very much more ready to capitalise on the GA. With our LPT rate we should be able to get Libraries and Marketplaces in most of the cities that they would profit within 20 turns, before a GA. Which would help us best - a GA that helps us build these things or a GA where we HAVEthem already, meaning a vast boost in Science and cash over what we would have otherwise?

            Have our GA ASAP! As soon as PRACTICAL.

            Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


            • #21
              Infer structure is a moving target.

              Right now, not having Market Places, Catherdrials, and Libaries in core cities is way behind.

              20 turns from now, the need to produce Universities and/or Banks will be sited as a reason to delay the Golden Age.
              1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
              Templar Science Minister
              AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


              • #22
                20 turns from now, the need to produce Universities and/or Banks will be sited as a reason to delay the Golden Age.
                Not neccesarily so, but right now we can benefit greatly from another 20 turns of inrastructure building and jungle clearing, so some time later is obviously better. Getting the GA from a future war with france seems like a good option, and there is no reason not to have it then.We have a poll about this, and in the time untill the next chance we should have another, which will probably get more support then this time, because we have very little infrastructure compared to our military, since this is going to change, it doesn't matter if we have some certain improvements, the fact that we are deeply into building them (not yet), while still enjoy some of them matters more. Let us have the GA as the peak of our economic growth we're starting now, not at the very beginning of it.
                Save the rainforests!
                Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


                • #23
                  All we need is a little infrastructure. Right now we have basically none in most cities. Maybe we should set a broad goal, eg Marketplaces in all cities of 4+ pop, Libraries in 50% of cities with 6+ arrows...? Then it would be easier to stick to a time from now instead of "just one more University" syndrome, which I admit COULD be a problem if we aren't diligent.

                  Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
                    All we need is a little infrastructure. Right now we have basically none in most cities. Maybe we should set a broad goal, eg Marketplaces in all cities of 4+ pop, Libraries in 50% of cities with 6+ arrows...? Then it would be easier to stick to a time from now instead of "just one more University" syndrome, which I admit COULD be a problem if we aren't diligent.
                    I agree. I have always said we need to have the first level of buildings (marketplaces and libraries) in all of our major cities before a GA. I wouldn't hold a GA back for cathedrals and banks but at least some multiplication of their effect should be in place.

