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Presidential Campaign thread.

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  • Presidential Campaign thread.

    I haven't seen anyone make one yet, and I want to start asking questions. Hopefully this will get som other candidates to make threads as well...

    Ok. Reporter mode for this entire thread.

    WB , Ninot:

    You are both experienced in the workings of Government now, what do each of you believe is the role of the President, and how do you plan to accomplish that role?
    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
    You're wierd. - Krill

    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

  • #2
    Nice thread Unortho. I was wondering if someone would make it before myself.

    As to answer your question.

    I see two primary roles for the President of Apolyton.

    The first is obviously to play the turns. But in this role, it is very important that the President is able to follow orders from the ministers, and in the case that the ministers aren't offering orders quick enough, to find the best alternate methods of getting things done. So simply, it is the presidents job to make sure the turns get played no matter the situation.

    As a second role, I see the President as a man who people rely on the set the pace on the boards. This is perticularly true of general planning discussions, and ammendment debates. The President should always be checking up on things of importance, to make sure they got done quicker. Of course, anyone CAN do this, but as the President is an elected figure who is presumably respected by the majority, this majority can depend on him to have a sensible point of view in any debate, and depend on him to help any debate end quicker and better.

    If the turns can't get done, and if the boards go dead, the C3DG will be in trouble. Thus these two things should always be the Presidents priority.

    Of course, as I have proven, should I be elected, the turns WILL get done, and somehow orders will be made, no matter the competence of the minister in charge. Also, i will see to it the boards don't die down, and ammendments will be made most surely.
    Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


    • #3
      How many gameturns per turnchat/turnthread will you play. AN d how often/ what pace will you be the turnchat/turnthreads?

      Currently we appear to be playing 5 gameturns at 2 turnchats a week, usually Tuesday and Saturday.


      • #4
        "Every two years the American politics industry fills the airwaves with the most virulent, scurrilous, wall-to-wall character assassination of nearly every political practitioner in the country--and then declares itself puzzled that America has lost trust in its politicians."
        - Charles Krauthammer

        Let the debate commence!
        Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
        Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
        7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


        • #5
          Re: Presidential Campaign thread.

          Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
          I haven't seen anyone make one yet, and I want to start asking questions. Hopefully this will get som other candidates to make threads as well...

          Ok. Reporter mode for this entire thread.

          WB , Ninot:

          You are both experienced in the workings of Government now, what do each of you believe is the role of the President, and how do you plan to accomplish that role?
          During my two terms in office that I have served so far (under two different administrations), I have noticed that the President isn't really the most powerful position in Apolytonia. They are there to carry out orders of the ministers, and do not really have a part in making direct decisions regarding unit movement and management.

          However, I do believe the President has great influence as the leader of our nation. Ultimately, the choices of many decisions are still left up to the people. The President's office does seem to be fairly revered and respected, and I think the President can play a fairly large part in shaping public policy.

          It is the President's duty to carry out orders and think with a cool head. I can carry out these duties. Looking at my record, I have been extremely flexible with regards to changing my orders and always open to new ideas. Even unforeseen circumstances don't send me to panic. There have been a few instances in the jungle were I had a grand strategy to clear it within so many years, but then Togas would request that he needed something to trade, or needed me to build a colony for him. Although simple, I was more than accommodating in these situations.

          While I won't have any direct role making decisions, I believe I can offer advice based on my experience. I am usually readily available and always open.

          Originally posted by GhengisFarb
          How many gameturns per turnchat/turnthread will you play. AN d how often/ what pace will you be the turnchat/turnthreads?

          Currently we appear to be playing 5 game turns at 2 turn chats a week, usually Tuesday and Saturday.
          I plan to keep up the same place. The CoL requires that we play at least two turn chats a week. We could possibly do more if we like, but having first hand experience at creating orders, more than two times a week would be extremely hectic and rushed.

          At the current pace, we have time to create reports and analyze our situation between each turn chat before we proceed.

          5 turns seems to be the optimum amount of time for a turn chat, as it starts to get pretty difficult to predict actions in the game upwards of 10 turns. It is simply hard for certain cabinet positions to see that far into the future. If someone to the best of their ability makes a mistake that throws everything 1 or 2 turns off, over the course of 10+ turns, this could magnify into a rather complicated problem.

          I do believe the current pace is probably the most efficient.

          Looking at my calendar, I decided to create a list of dates for tentative turn chats / turn threads. Haven't decided which will be which yet, as my schedule can be fairly unpredictable.

          Sunday, Oct 20
          Friday, Oct 25
          Tuesday, Oct 29
          Saturday, November 2
          Thursday, November 7
          Sunday, November 10
          Thursday, November 14

          I will have to talk with the Vice President to see if he would like to hold a turn chat on a specific day as well, but I think this gives a general idea of when turn chats / threads should occur. The pace is roughly every 3 - 4 days or so. I think this gives us plenty of time to prepare between chats.
          First Civ3DG: 3rd and 4th Term Minister of Public Works. | Second Civ3DG: First Term Vice President | ISDG: Ambassador in the Foreign Affairs Ministry | Save Apolyton! Kill the Off-Topic Forum!

          (04/29/2004) [Trip] we will see who is best in the next round ; [Trip] that is why I left this team ; [Trip] I don't need the rest of you to win |
          The solution to 1984 is 1776! | Here's to hoping that GoW's military isn't being run by MasterZen: Hehe! | DaveRocks! or something. ;)


          • #6
            Ninot: You mention that you desire to create a number of amendments, and 'reconstitutionalize' the DG, can you go into details as to what types of amendments you see are needed, and why they should be brought about with the impending submission of a new Constitution from the Con Con?

            WB: One of the many challenges that a President, as Ninot could tell you, is to keep the game moving despite unforseen circumstances. Do you have a plan to maintain a pace should something unforseen happen? And under what circumstances do you feel a stopage is neccessary?

            Both: Do you have any detailed plans to improve the flow of information, and the relative ease of obtaining such? With the Book of ZpellZ now opened to the President, how do you plan to use this new responsibility?
            One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
            You're wierd. - Krill

            An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


            • #7
              Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
              Ninot: You mention that you desire to create a number of amendments, and 'reconstitutionalize' the DG, can you go into details as to what types of amendments you see are needed, and why they should be brought about with the impending submission of a new Constitution from the Con Con?

              WB: One of the many challenges that a President, as Ninot could tell you, is to keep the game moving despite unforseen circumstances. Do you have a plan to maintain a pace should something unforseen happen? And under what circumstances do you feel a stopage is neccessary?

              Both: Do you have any detailed plans to improve the flow of information, and the relative ease of obtaining such? With the Book of ZpellZ now opened to the President, how do you plan to use this new responsibility?
              Well the reason I posted the dates above is to give us a lock down on when I plan to play turns. I've found that if I mark something down on a calendar, I'm more likely to stick to it than if I say, "Well, next week sometime..."

              Most of the turns I personally plan to play will be turn threads. Those seem fairly flexible. If something comes up that day, it would be easy to put the turn thread off for 1 day or so. Though I know how anxious people can get waiting for information on a turn thread, but I do plan to keep everyone informed of when/what happens. Arnelos (provided he is elected VP) could also possibly handle turn chats / threads.

              Regarding stopping the game, I feel it would definitely be necessary in any unforeseen circumstance, such as a country declaring war on us, discovering another civilization, or any other event that would definitely require consultation with ministers and people. We are on the emperor difficulty level and I think we need to plot out our course in history very carefully. Stoppages should be used liberally if I am personally unsure as to how to proceed or orders from a minister specifically dictate a stoppage in a certain scenario.

              The Book of ZpellZ would make things inherently easier in the life of the President, as it would be much more convenient for me to top threads during my tenure, rather than waiting for someone to get a PM and eventually do it. This would give us more control over our own board, and I think it would eliminate the hassle of trying to top important threads.

              Also, regarding information policies and keeping the public informed, I believe the government should even sponsor "non-turn" chats. While not necessarily a turn chat, it will be a chance for the President to be available and any other members of our nation who wish to chat about current issues. These chats won't serve for any purpose other than to gather some of our ministers and citizens together and have a chat, whether it is about the latest Jungle Ball scores or current and pressing issues. I think this is a great way to foster communication between ministers and have everyone chat with one another at the same time. I will most likely hold these in the #civ3dem channel on IRC, but the Apolyton chat room is a possibility since we don't need to really worry about lag time. In some cases, I might not even be able to attend, but it would be nice if people showed up to chat so that we can have open lines of communication between our citizens. I guess this really isn't any different than having a regular old chat room, except that these chats are now government sponsored! Yeah! Tentative dates (times are also pending):
              Tuesday, Oct 22
              Sunday, Nov 3
              First Civ3DG: 3rd and 4th Term Minister of Public Works. | Second Civ3DG: First Term Vice President | ISDG: Ambassador in the Foreign Affairs Ministry | Save Apolyton! Kill the Off-Topic Forum!

              (04/29/2004) [Trip] we will see who is best in the next round ; [Trip] that is why I left this team ; [Trip] I don't need the rest of you to win |
              The solution to 1984 is 1776! | Here's to hoping that GoW's military isn't being run by MasterZen: Hehe! | DaveRocks! or something. ;)


              • #8
                Ninot, I'd be interested in hearing what you think warrants a stoppage.


                • #9
                  I like the non-turn chat idea... Ninot, would you be willing to consider doing those should you run and if you have the time? Would you be willing to 'sponsor' one or two even if you couldn't make it (and hopefully arrange for one or two other members of gov't to be there?)

                  -- adaMada
                  Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                  PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                  Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


                  • #10
                    Sorry for the delay in my answers.
                    How many gameturns per turnchat/turnthread will you play. AN d how often/ what pace will you be the turnchat/turnthreads?

                    Currently we appear to be playing 5 gameturns at 2 turnchats a week, usually Tuesday and Saturday.
                    In all likelyhood, the majority of my turnplaying will be done in turnthreads, most likely at a pace of one session for every 3 days, or about 2-3 sessions a week. These turnthread sessions would be 5 game turns roughly, depending on how much must be achieved within each of the sessions. If we should be in a major war, it might be less turns, if it is more simple with less overall orders, more turns can be done.

                    I might do turnchats, but only during weekends.

                    Ninot: You mention that you desire to create a number of amendments, and 'reconstitutionalize' the DG, can you go into details as to what types of amendments you see are needed, and why they should be brought about with the impending submission of a new Constitution from the Con Con?
                    I certainly hope that what the Con Con produces becomes acceptable to all, and that not so many ammendments are needed afterwards. But the Con Con submission must come very soon, i don't think we can wait much longer for it.
                    What I would like to see is some input on the Con Con before it goes up for a vote.

                    But as for ammendments, well of course it depends on what the Con Con can produce. But in perticular, I would like to see some solid reforms to produce governors beyond rp-purposes. Governors has always seemed to be a good idea to me, and I would truly like to see them in.

                    Both: Do you have any detailed plans to improve the flow of information, and the relative ease of obtaining such? With the Book of ZpellZ now opened to the President, how do you plan to use this new responsibility?
                    And, to answer to things at once, now that the President has Zpellz priveledges, i think we will need some ammendments to avoid abuse, and to streamline the forum. With easier zpellz access, we can shutdown some of the more spammier items occuping the first page, should they come up.
                    Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


                    • #11
                      Well, back in the day (im old, remember?).. a turnchat stoppage was warranted when key members started leaving quickly and suddenly, or when the chat room just was not working.

                      But in what I hope to be a turnthread month, stoppages will be much more controlled by actual game events. Stoppages I can forsee are sudden changes in our diplomatic status (from war to peace), a sudden deterent to screw up turnthread plans, or just general technical problems (techhelpguy:"What? The Computer is making popping noises and is making green noxious gasses?")

                      And, to answer adaMada... yes, i hope to avoid turnchats should I be elected.
                      However, should my VP want to do a turnchat, or a turnthread of his own, I will not be one to stop him. If there is a will for any way of making the process easier, I won't be one to oppose it.

                      I hope that answers everything for now, but if it hasn't, im sorry . I read most of these posts while at school (yeah, i check the forum every break i get at school ) And I'm trying to answer back as fast as i can.
                      Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


                      • #12
                        Ninot: adaMada was referring to WB's suggestion of holding chats even though no trns would be played, just as a discussion.

                        Both: You have both mentioned that yu wish to avoid turnchats if at all possible. Many would claim, and it would seem that the last terms greatest success confirms, that turnchats actually improve participation and membership on the boards (I think I saw 20 at the last chat, and our participation has definately grown under OPD) How do you respond to those claims, and do you have any plans that would increase Participation on the boards?

                        (yes, I am in full reporter mode, Ninot is used to it, WB better get used to it soon...I am only starting)
                        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                        You're wierd. - Krill

                        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                        • #13
                          Unorthodox... i wouldn't expect anything less from you

                          Ok, i didn't know what Ada was referring to. thanks for the heads-up

                          yes, i would 100% be in favor for discussion chats. i remember in the ancient days of the nation when you could go in the chat room almost any hour, and find someone to discuss the demo game with. with organization, we can get alot more done with the same kind of participation.

                          As for turnchats vs. turnthreads... my answer to you is pretty simple.
                          In my opinion, yes, turnchats ARE better for participation, and they are more fun to do than a turnthread is (remember, i conducted one or two turnthreads myself, and quite a few chats. no matter the headaches turnchats brought, they WERE more fun to do than a thread can ever be).

                          But, with the exception of VP planned chats, and weekend chats... i just CANT do turnchats that often.

                          So, to make it very clear to you, other than those exceptions, if your voting for Ninot, your realising that you will be getting a hefty chunk of turnthreads, and no turnchats. I just can't help that very much. I won't claim that I can provide chats often, because I don't want to mislead you.

                          If your voting for Ninot, your voting for more threads Plain and simple. Sucks, I know, but untill December, I can't do any better than that.
                          Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
                            Ninot: adaMada was referring to WB's suggestion of holding chats even though no trns would be played, just as a discussion.

                            Both: You have both mentioned that yu wish to avoid turnchats if at all possible. Many would claim, and it would seem that the last terms greatest success confirms, that turnchats actually improve participation and membership on the boards (I think I saw 20 at the last chat, and our participation has definately grown under OPD) How do you respond to those claims, and do you have any plans that would increase Participation on the boards?

                            (yes, I am in full reporter mode, Ninot is used to it, WB better get used to it soon...I am only starting)
                            UnOrthO - I fully understand! It doesn't bother me.

                            While I don't deny that turn chats increase participation, my schedule is fairly inflexible at the moment. Turn Threads offer me the most flexible solution. Most likely, if I do a turn thread, it will be at a crazy time for those of us in North America. (Crazy in the respect that we never hold turn threads at that time). I have days off on Tuesday's and Thursdays, so I could theoretically hold turn chats those days at around 8PM GMT or even earlier in some cases.

                            I fully think that turn chats are beneficial to our nation. When I decide to run a turn thread, it is possible that I can post a message on the board to join #civ3dem or the Apolyton Chat and keep people informed as to what I am doing. It would be an Official Turn Thread \ Fly By The Seat Of Our Pants Turn Chat. This way, people could still participate, and I can inform people as to what is going on while playing in the background.

                            I myself have seen upwards of 10 to 15 people in a channel at times, and it has been very productive. Turn chats are amazingly beneficial, fostering communication between ministries. I think that between myself and the VP, we would be able to have a fair number of both. But that is also why I will be available for chat as I play, so people can come and go as they please.

                            One might say I should just schedule nothing but turn chats. I guess I could, but on some days, it is hard for me to commit to a specific time to do things, while on other days (like Tuesdays and Thursdays) I can easily hold chats.

                            Regarding playing turns, one thing that I will require that I think Mr. WIA perfected during his administration is to have all orders in my hand before playing a turn thread or turn chat. This makes things so much easier, especially in regards to a turn chat itself.

                            Increasing participation in the demo game is fairly hard. You can only cater to people who are interested in it to begin with. Making turn chats is an entirely different story as well, as everyone has conflicting schedules. Perhaps the best choice is to "hope for the best" but also announce chats and threads far enough in advance so that people can schedule time to participate if they wish. That is why I listed the dates I plan to play turns.

                            There will be confirmation with the VP as well and we can set up a chat whenever he wants. I just wanted to list a basic schedule so everyone is in the know. At the moment, we only know what is coming up on a weekly basis. (I don't even know when our next turn chat is by the way? I can't find it anywhere). This way, it leaves know questions. Something like this would be readily available in the government directory, so you can always see when a turn chat / thread is coming up.
                            First Civ3DG: 3rd and 4th Term Minister of Public Works. | Second Civ3DG: First Term Vice President | ISDG: Ambassador in the Foreign Affairs Ministry | Save Apolyton! Kill the Off-Topic Forum!

                            (04/29/2004) [Trip] we will see who is best in the next round ; [Trip] that is why I left this team ; [Trip] I don't need the rest of you to win |
                            The solution to 1984 is 1776! | Here's to hoping that GoW's military isn't being run by MasterZen: Hehe! | DaveRocks! or something. ;)


                            • #15

                              What do you expect out of your VP, and how do you plan to aid them in accomplishing those tasks?


                              During your campaign for your last run, you promised a website to be made that would incorperate pages and infomation of all the DemoGame. Plans with SnOOpy and others fell through in completing that website, but are there any possibilities of such a creation?


                              Barring the creation of a website, would you be willing to assist in the creation and maintanence of the Directory, up to and including charging Executives and Ministers with hanling relative sections?
                              One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                              You're wierd. - Krill

                              An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

