This is getting off the offical topic, but cotining the discussion.
Germany and Aztecs are the most agressive civs in this game. The Aztec heartland is away from us, so we aren't as concerned with them, but the German heart land is right on our border.
We must have Musket Men on the boarder cities with Germany to keep the peace with them.
If we agquire Gun Powder right now, we can probably trade it at a profit for Astronmey.
Surplus money should then spent for the following:
Rushing Court Houses in high corupt cities not so corrupt that it wouldn't do any good.
Rushing Market Places.
Upgrading Pike Men to Musket Men along the German boarder.
Upgrading Galleys to Caravels. (And later Galleons)
Rushing Libaries.
Will any civ give a decent price for Music Theory? If so, sell it so we can recover from the mistake of buying it instead of Education prior to the Persian peace deal.
Germany and Aztecs are the most agressive civs in this game. The Aztec heartland is away from us, so we aren't as concerned with them, but the German heart land is right on our border.
We must have Musket Men on the boarder cities with Germany to keep the peace with them.
If we agquire Gun Powder right now, we can probably trade it at a profit for Astronmey.
Surplus money should then spent for the following:
Rushing Court Houses in high corupt cities not so corrupt that it wouldn't do any good.
Rushing Market Places.
Upgrading Pike Men to Musket Men along the German boarder.
Upgrading Galleys to Caravels. (And later Galleons)
Rushing Libaries.
Will any civ give a decent price for Music Theory? If so, sell it so we can recover from the mistake of buying it instead of Education prior to the Persian peace deal.