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World Factbook Entry for Apolytonia (490 A.D.)

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  • World Factbook Entry for Apolytonia (490 A.D.)



    Apolytonia is the leading military power in the world, though behind much of the rest of the world in economic and social development. Apolytonia has fought wars with nearly every single one of its neighbors within the past several centuries and absorbed considerable territory and population from each conflict. Though the kingdom has now been at peace for the past decade or two, it is highly unlikely that it will remain so. Due to the continued conquests, the growing feudal empire has become more difficult to administer over time, though this has not stopped Apolytonia from further expanding its borders in its latest war, the annexation of the entirety of Greater Persia, leading to the exile of the Persian leadership to the Hamadan and Samaria city states. Though the Kingdom of Apolytonia is now by far the most hated civilization in the known world by its neighbors, it is so because it has been so successful thusfar in battle. There are those in Apolytonia who obviously aspire for the kingdom to become the hegemonic power in Abananaba, but it seems likely that the other great powers of Abananaba will contest them should they attempt to ascede to that position. For now, Apolytonia remains but one of several great powers in Abananda, though certainly the greatest among the great powers at least in sheer size.


    Southern Abananaba, with bulk of territory located in the Central Basin east of France, south of Greece, America, and Germany, southwest of England.

    Map references

    total: 519 tiles
    land: 453 tiles
    water: 103 tiles

    Land boundaries
    total: 98 tilesides
    border countries: Greece 30 tilesides, France 24 tilesides, America 12 tilesides, Germany 11 tilesides, Russia 2 tilesides, Rome 2 tilesides

    105 tilesides

    Tropical, hot and humid throughout much of the Great Basin; cooler and drier in the northern highlands; cooler and drier on Uber Isle.

    Vast central basin in low-lying plateau; mountains in north and west. Uber Isle is low lying island with minimal plateau in southern portion.

    Elevation extremes
    lowest point: The ocean
    highest point: SW of Here It Is

    Natural resources
    Dye, Gold, Spice, Incense, Horses, Grapes, Iron

    Land use
    arable land: 26%
    permanent crops: 1%
    permanent pastures: 23%
    forests and woodland: 43%
    other: 10%

    Irrigated Land
    36 tiles

    Natural hazards
    Flooding; Huricanes, Earthquakes

    Environment - current issues

    Environment - international agreements
    party to: none
    signed, but not ratified: none



    Population growth rate
    0.02% per year (over previous 10 years)

    noun: Apolytonian(s)
    adjective: Apolytonian

    Ethnic groups
    Apolytonian 45.7%, French-Apolytonian 21.4%, American-Apolytonian 12.9%, Persian 8.8%, Persian-Apolytonian 5.8%, French 4.3%, American 1.0%

    Great Banana (the worship of the faceZ of g0d and their more material manifestation, the Great Banana), other

    Apolytonian, Persian, French, English (American dialects), other

    7% of population, age 15 and over


    Country Name
    conventional long form: Kingdom of Apolytonia
    conventional short form: Apolytonia
    former: Apolyton, Apolytonian Empire

    Government type
    constitutional monarchy


    Administrative divisions
    Provinces: Mingapulco, Pina Colada, El Nino, Ile de Rose, Uber Island

    Dependent areas
    Persian Annexation

    The Code of Laws (CoL) has existed since the founding of Apolyton and has been continually revised over time. It is currently the adopted code of laws for the current monarchy, but predates the monarchy by several thousand years.

    Legal system
    based on civil law system; judicial review of executive and legislative acts


    Executive branch
    chief of state: King Banana XII (since the death of King Banana XI); Heir Apparent Prince Banana XIII (son of the king)
    head of government: President OPD (since 260 A.D.)
    cabinet: Cabinet members each elected seperately by the electorate
    elections: Elections held every few centuries, though the period gets shorter with each passing election due to changes in the code. Elections are for individual cabinet posts and are single-round plurality ("first-past-the-post"). Last held 260 A.D.
    election results - President: OPD elected; percent of popular vote - OPD (Independent) 77%
    election results - Vice President: Apocalypse elected; percent of popular vote - Apocalypse (Independent) 87%
    election results - Foreign Affairs: Togas elected; percent of popular vote - Togas (Independent) 71%, Nimitz (DIA) 29%
    election results - Economy: Reddawg elected; percent of popular vote - Reddawg (Independent) 93%
    election results - Supreme Military Commander: Aggie elected; percent of popular vote - Aggie (Independent) 92%
    election results - City Planner: GodKing elected; percent of popular vote - GodKing (Independent) 82%, Duddha (Hawk Party) 18%
    election results - Science: Thud elected; percent of popular vote - Thud (DIA) 58%, Trickey (Independent) 42%
    election results - Public Works: WhiteBandit elected; percent of popular vote - WhiteBandit (Independent) 95%
    election results - Imperial Expansion: GengisFarb elected; percent of popular vote - GengisFarb (Independent) 59%, Jonny (DIA) 23%, E_T (Independent) 18%

    Legislative branch
    unicameral legislature consists of all citizens who wish to take part, which generally is limited to no more than around 50. The same group of 30-50 individuals consistently participate in both legislative discussion and most voting, existing as the political elite of Apolytonia. The rest of the citizenry very rarely involves itself in legislative affairs (though they have the ability to do so), generally only coming to vote for the election of cabinet posts or not participating at all.
    elections: none are held, as positions are self-appointing and any and all citizens may hold the role
    election results: N/A

    Judicial branch
    The Apolytonian Court (five justices elected for various terms; appointments made by members of the cabinet and ratified by a majority vote of the legislature)

    Political parties and leaders
    Democratic Industrialists of Apolyton (DIA) (Thud, party chairman); Hawk Party (jdd2007, party chairman); other minor parties

    Political pressure groups and leaders
    Apolytonian Republican Front or ARF (Arnelos); Apolytonian Racial Elitists or ARE (Duddha, party chairman); Mingapulcan People's Party or MPP, other minor groups

    International organization participation
    BigCommunity United Nations


    Economy - overview
    The economy of the Kingdom of Apolytonia has been steadily expanding over the past century, the GDP rising by just under 50% during that period. However, this has been matched with a rise in corruption, in part due the continuing expansion of Kingdom's borders, which now wastes nearly half of the country's GDP. This has the effect of partially nullifying any tangible impact of Apolytonia's steady economic development. In production, Apolytonia has made an incredible leap in the course of the past century, increasing its productive power by also just under 50%. Fortunately for the kingdom, the percentage of production lost to waste has remained steady at 36% over the past century, meaning the increases in production are much more tangible than those in finances. Apolytonia, due to its conquests, have also diversified its exports, now exporing spices and incense from territory it has taken from Persia.

    For everything to do with the economy's development in the past century, the economy remains thoroughly based upon agricultural production. There has been a significant expansion in the use of mining to add to the kingdom's productive capacity, but industry still accounts for a minor portion of the GDP compared to agriculture. Construction has become a growing industry as cities in the kingdom begin altering their productive focus from wartime to peacetime, a trend which may continue into the decades and perhaps even centuries ahead. While this has resulted in a recent slump in the industries related to warfare (primarily mineral processing and metal working), the kingdom's plans for the immediate future seem to provide assurance that these industries will remain strong.

    Apolytonia is rich in natural resources and has now just begun the process of developing its infrastructure to best extract and utilize these resources. It has definately progressed over the past century in this area, but it's level of development is still quite low. The jungle that covers much of Apolytonia has been cleared in very limited areas that are now being used for agricultural production, but it will likely take centuries before a significant proportion is cleared. Overall, Apolytonia remains a pre-industrial economy, though its recent efforts to develop its mining industry, among other developments, provide reason to believe that this may not always be the case.

    250 Lytons

    GDP - real growth rate
    0.4% per year (over previous 10 years)

    GDP - per capita
    0.057 Apo (1000 Apo = 1 Lyton)

    GDP - composition by sector
    agriculture: 69%
    industry: 19%
    services: 12%

    GDP lost to corruption
    112 Lytons (45% of GDP)

    Labor force - by occupation
    Agriculture: 74%
    Industry: 16%
    Services: 10%

    stone quarying, construction, mining (gold, iron, others), mineral processing, logging, consumer goods (textiles, footwear, etc.), metal working

    Industrial production
    165 shields

    Industrial production growth rate
    0.31% per year (over previous 10 years)

    Industrial production wasted
    60 shields (36% of industrial production)

    Agriculture - products
    bananas, corn, wheat, other grains, fish, wine grapes, other fruit, poultry, pork, beef, dyes, wood products, spices, incense

    40 Lytons

    Exports - commodities
    Dye (to Rome, Greece, France, Germany, Babylon), Incense (to Rome, Germany), Spices (to Germany, England), Wine (to France)

    Exports - partners
    France, Rome, Germany, Babylon, Greece, England

    18 Lytons

    Imports - commodities
    Ivory (from Rome)

    Imports - partners

    Debt - external

    Economic aid - donor

    Economic aid - recipient



    195 tiles of roads (including urban areas)

    80 tilesides of waterways navigable from sea
    (defined as river tilesides downstream from any hills or mountains)

    Ports and Harbors
    Tassagrad, Apolyton, Termina, Banana HQ, Port Rouge, Jerusalem, Loveshack, Port of Malignance, Willsbury, Another Glorious City, BFM, Bacteria, Susa, Tarsus, Holeinwall, Thebes, Site E
    (italics indicate a harbor)


    Military branches
    Army, Navy

    Military manpower - availability
    males age 15-49: 1,090,000

    Military manpower - fit for military service
    males age 15-49: 545,000

    Military expenditures - dollar figure
    0 Lytons
    (Apolytonia remains a feudal monarchy, the military is not paid by the state but rather serves the king in times of war due to the vassal status of local lords - current estimates are that 68 units are being maintained in this manner)

    Military expenditures - percent of GDP

    Military - note
    It should be noted that using the size of the male population physcially fit for military service is a highly deceptive statistic for the middle age. Militaries of the time period are highly expensive professional forces for which quality of training and equipment can matter far more than simple numbers. An empire's most militarily important fungable resources, therefore, are GDP and industrial production rather than male population of military age. Arguably, this might not ever change. However, the possibility that conflict in the future might be more conducive to the use of "conscript armies" composed of large elements of the general population pressed into military service makes this statistic potentially important.


    Disputes - international

    Dispute with France over control of the Isle de Rose Province, annexed from France by Apolytonia in the Franco-Apolytonian War. Latest development is that the French city state of Chartres elected to secede from the French Republic and join the Kingdom of Apolytonia as a vassal state, citing both its need for protection and the draw of Apolytonian culture. The Kingdom of Apolytonia's signing of a treaty to indeed make Chartres a vassal of the kingdom has greatly angered the French Republic.

    There has been a long-standing dispute with America over Del Monte and Gaia and surrounding land, annexed from America by Apolytonia in the Apolytonian-American War. However, with what is left of America now being overrun by the powerful armies of the Aztec Republic, the Apolytonian-American dispute has become largely forgotten. The Kingdom of Apolytonia has, however, been making claims to additional parts of American territory and agitation by more hawkish elements of its established political elite have been pressing for war with the doomed American state. With the Aztecs already deep inside American territory with their own army, the situation is bound to destabilize further should the Apolytonians enter the war.

    Dispute with the remnant Persian city states of Hamadan and Samaria over the complete conquest and annexation of Greater Persia by the Kingdom of Apolytonia. The two city states are now ruled by the exiled Persian leadership, headed by Xerxes (the former Persian Emperor), who is now the leader of Hamadan city state. A peace treaty has been signed between Hamada, Samaria and the Kingdom of Apolytonia to last for the next two centuries, but it is unclear whether the treaty will last.

    Dispute with Germany over territory originally claimed by Apolytonia, then rivally claimed by Germany, and finally taken by Apolytonia in the vicinity of Oak Ridge.

    Dispute with Germany, an ostensibly neutral power, over its use of Apolytonian territory to smuggle iron to the Persians during the Persian-Apolytonian War over a century ago.
    Last edited by Arnelos; October 7, 2002, 17:39.
    Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
    Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
    7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game

  • #2
    NOTE: This is an updated version of the same entry I submitted for 380 A.D. I have revised the way I calculate some of the categories, so some comparisons aren't really possible without delving into the math.

    The biggest one is that I noticed I'd put income from trades into the number for GDP (oops!), so this time I made GDP only *domestic* sources of income and did all of the GDP-dependent calculations based upon that figure.

    I also heavily revised the way I did a lot of the work and build myself a spreadsheet to auto-calculate most of this for me (all I have to do now is just input data ).

    Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
    Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
    7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


    • #3
      The next project I have is that I'd like to use the data I collected here (along with another look at the save...) and attempt to answer the following question:

      [I]If one were to look at our entire empire, utilized tile by utilized tile, what would the difference be if we were in a republic *right now* (without any preperation for it) rather than a monarchy? How much more trade would we have? How much of that added trade would likely be lost to corruption? Would the additional trade offset the cost of our current military at 68 units? What would we have to do to maintain order?

      Ultimately, I want to get a snapshot of what the difference would be on a single turn... if we are not yet ready for republic, it will give us a very good picture of what needs to be done. If we already are ready, it lets us know that perhaps we should make final preparations and go ahead with the switch.

      It should be interesting to find out what doing the nity-gritty work of looking at the utilized tile and city planning level will show us about republic-vs-monarchy in our rather under-developed empire.

      Dunno when that will be ready by, but I'll probably start on sometime this evening (local time for me).

      Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
      Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
      7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


      • #4
        Now THIS is really nice.

        Where do you guys find the time for such excellent ideas?

        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


        • #5
          Great work - informative, interesting and fun


          • #6
            Re: World Factbook Entry for Apolytonia (490 A.D.)

            Originally posted by Arnelos
            Great Banana, other
            "wHaaaaat"???, said gOd....
            Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
            Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
   my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


            • #7
              Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt

              Where do you guys find the time for such excellent ideas?
              It probably requires more brain than time
              Statistical anomaly.
              The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


              • #8
                Re: Re: World Factbook Entry for Apolytonia (490 A.D.)

                Originally posted by MarkG

                "wHaaaaat"???, said gOd....
                Arnelos is new, and still trying to grasp the two FaceZ of gOd.
                One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                You're wierd. - Krill

                An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                • #9
                  I would think that the Great Banana religion considers as part of its precepts that the great banana is merely the physical manifestation of the two faceZ of g0d... it would then still be appropriate to refer to the religion, in its corporeal form, as the religion of "The Great Banana", though it is in reality the worship of the almighty g0d, who provides counsel to mortals through his two faceZ and at times appears to us in the form of the Great Banana. It is known, as another portion of this great religion, that the supposedly merciless "Ming" entity is something of a means of striking fear of g0d into the mortal subjects and ensuring the enforcement of the acts of g0d.

                  Since it would apparently please the faceZ of g0d, I will include a parenthetical note with the listing the Great Banana religion to explain that it is the worship of the g0dz.
                  Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                  Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                  7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                  • #10
                    The post has been altered with the parenthetical note as suggested my most previous post.

                    We are thankful for this rare and precious chance to be counseled by one of the faceZ of g0d himself.
                    Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                    Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                    7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                    • #11
                      Arnelos I'm impressed, your observations are clear and non-partisan, and believe it or not I actually enjoy reading your posts.
                      Former Supreme Military Commander of the Democratic Apolyton States, Term 8
                      Former Chairman of Apolyton Labor Party

